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Sending money to the los

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  • #16
    Originally posted by (jmaryt @ Jan. 19 2006,14:49)
    generallyi am in agreement with all opinions stated
    do not want play the fool,because there is a BETTER THAN EVEN CHANCE YOU WILL BE PLAYED!..after all!...think about this! are thousands of miles away,so really what the "fuck" good are you to them,except for them to "sucker"
    you for money! can tell them you are going there,and never show up! that being said,their perspective is why not try to "slam" you for dough!..nothin" to lose,and might get
    a "fool" who will send them some "bonus" money!.again! yourself a favor keep your money in your wallet,unless of course you enjoy being made an "ass" of!..send 'em money
    and then send some more while you are at it!...take all you send! problem!,and then laugh at ya,and then will show
    no respect after that..after all who "respects a goddamn fool"
    the real bottom line is this! MUST be a fool to them if you are sending money,and not even getting laid!...something to think about!..if you have the time and dough GO THERE!
    remember!..always remember,.."money number "1"  DON'T
    better yet!...if you want to be kind subscribe to
    and SEND stogie over there and he can do your "fucking" for you!..THAT'S HOW STUPID IT IS TO SEND MONEY TO THEM!
    Why are you so against guys sending their hard earned. Sounds like you have been bitten before I would say?

    I agree don't be disillusioned and think because you send her X baht per month she will remain faithful and you are the only one for her. However if you can afford it and it makes you feel good then why the fuck not? Life is short do what feels good. Whilst I would not do it myself I have absolutely no problem with anyone doing this as long as they understand exactly what it means to the recipient and more importantly to themselves.  


    • #17
      Originally posted by (katoeylover @ Jan. 17 2006,01:46)
      What I would like to know is, am i being stupid, or just patronising, or that i am doing it to ease my own conscience
      I know that you sent the money as a thank you but it may not have achieved much in respect of buying part of her which is what i think you are after.

      Like Ozzie has said , if you can afford it then it dont really matter but a sad reality is that she as she walks out of the Western Union Shop she may have already forgotten who sent it in the first place.


      • #18
        ...and with that... where is the nearest Western Union shop folks? I've been looking everywhere!


        • #19
          Actually in BKK they are based in Post Offices and banks  but in any event i know that the money doesnt hang around long.
           Went in a London branch last week and the owner said to me " i suppose you will be a regular all the others..."

          His wife then started asking me personal questions with a big queue behind me listening in to the conversation...


          • #20
            " i suppose you will be a regular all the others..."

            His wife then started asking me personal questions with a big queue behind me listening in to the conversation...

            Thats cos' the western women want to know why you are not wasting it on them, & why the chixs in other countrys are "worth" more than them. They just don't get it.

            You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


            • #21
              ozzie! are right!...been there,done that!left me with abad feeling about the whole mess!...even worse!
              was my fault!...when ya get set up,emotions don't mean a whole "fuck" of a lot!...thank the gods there is plenty of "sam
              adams" sloshing around beantown! another poster said,it's a show,a game,a charade,and all designed to liberate you from your dough which is fine IF you are over there enjoying their company,but never forget as stogie pointed out
              after all,they are just "boys in dresses"and they THINK the same as us!...IF you get involved with them emotionally,you damn well better know exactly WHAT you are doing,or suffer the consequences!..been there!....done that!..if this message
              helps ANYBODY to re think their actions,then it's a positive
              thing! me!...DON'T PLAY THE FOOL!...DO NOT SEND MONEY!.....
              john taylor


              • #22
                if youre full of cash up to you. otherwise save your cash for the next flight, or use them on a local skank, beer, a new dvd-recorder, faster broadband etc


                • #23
                  Originally posted by (olekunde @ Jan. 19 2006,23:08)
                  otherwise save your cash for the next flight, or use them on a local skank, beer, a new dvd-recorder, faster broadband etc
                  ...or to pay the instaltments of that Bentley
                  Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                  • #24
                    Looker -
                    if only.....
                    seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                    • #25
                      So I have a few new adds to this thread.

                      First. "Thanks". There is none. I have given 20K Baht to Phupae of Obsession to run in the Miss Tiffany's contest and she never once said Thank-you. And she is truly a wonderful girl. I also gave my GF May breasts, 68K Baht. No thanks received. When I asked May about it she said there is no need to say thanks, because it is obvious. So, this might be technically true, but it's quite dis-heartening for a farang. So any of you sending money, don't expect huge Thank-Yous, I love You, I am yours forever. The Thais share money A LOT, and it is almost expected, and this is hard for us go grasp and accept. Most LBs give their money to their room-mates, parents, sisters, without blinking an eye or expecting anything in return.

                      Second. What about you? I think you gave money because it makes YOU feel good. You feel good because you've been the good rich samaritan sending money to the poor. And that's ok! If you feel good about it, go for it, recognizing it's making you feel good and not necessarily her. I think we all do something in our lives just because it makes us feel good. Just look in the mirror and ask the truth.

                      Third. Expect the worst. Meaning, maybe she is getting money from several farangs, and yours is the least amount, and when you show up, she may go with money giver No.1. Mint of Phuket Soi Katoey told me she has 5 guys sending her on average over 80,000 / month. Do you think she has any loyalty to any one of them?

                      Fourth. If you want a girl, really, there is only one way to keep her. Live with her. Don't ever dream that sending a little money "keeps" a girl.


                      • #26
                        Great stuff !! I guess it all depends on each of our circumstances - as there cannot any general rule on this topic! I have met (what I think!) are rip off merchants, nice but basically cold LBs, semi or part-time girlfriend type LBs and really loving type ones. If you think you have found one you really like .............. then what the hell ............. send some money!! Of course, this assumes the loss of the money will not badly affect things at home base. If you have the dosh, and want to make yourself or them happy ....... then why not part with some cash. I am sure the amounts do not add up to much in 'western' terms.

                        As we all know - such sums would probably not cover a good piss up at home, but mean a lot more in LOS. Well done to the guy .................... if he's happy, and I am sure the lady will be happy ............ then that's great. As long as you don't expect too much in return ........ its fine. At the minimum, it should certainly confirm her availability for the 'return visit' ........ if nothing else. One of the best things in life (except for losing your house in a break up of course!!) is to give to other people.

                        I know of several people in the UK who give a percentage of their salaries to their churches every week. Not that I am a staunch aethiest, but what is all that about ........... investing for their after life (no offence to anyone out there)?!?

                        I have done similar in the past with two LBs - although they were carefully chosen (I hastily add!!), and I still maintain contact, and always have a fantastic time with them on the next visit. As for Girlfriend or long term commitment ................. that's another story!!! :0


                        • #27
                          there are always exceptions from the rule. i fucked a gg from living dolls showcase. it was here first day on the job after being off for awhile. she had stayed home in isaan for a few months when a farang had sent her money. when he stopped she "had" to back. she was a dull fuck btw, but a stunner. condom broke and maybe she carry my baby now. hopefully it will not be a girl, that i will be bf in 18 yrs lol


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Jan. 21 2006,09:45)
                            "Thanks". There is none.
                            This is so true and i can back that up. The thank you note never arrives ......

                            As for bar girls its their job  and so becomes their nature to extract as much money from you as possible. The sex industry in Thailand can be a bit decieving as its not so hard edged as it is in London or Las Vegas. You dont get touchy feely girly bars there ,,Its sex at a distance for the most part.
                                      In Thailand its hands on.

                            One can more easily fall prey to the charms of the girl who is practically sitting in your lap. Its truly paradise i suppose in that respect but one can easily get lured into a false sense of carefull.......


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Jan. 21 2006,04:45)
                              So I have a few new adds to this thread.

                              First. "Thanks". There is none. I have given 20K Baht to Phupae of Obsession to run in the Miss Tiffany's contest and she never once said Thank-you. And she is truly a wonderful girl. I also gave my GF May breasts, 68K Baht. No thanks received. When I asked May about it she said there is no need to say thanks, because it is obvious. So, this might be technically true, but it's quite dis-heartening for a farang. So any of you sending money, don't expect huge Thank-Yous, I love You, I am yours forever. The Thais share money A LOT, and it is almost expected, and this is hard for us go grasp and accept. Most LBs give their money to their room-mates, parents, sisters, without blinking an eye or expecting anything in return.

                              Second. What about you? I think you gave money because it makes YOU feel good. You feel good because you've been the good rich samaritan sending money to the poor. And that's ok! If you feel good about it, go for it, recognizing it's making you feel good and not necessarily her. I think we all do something in our lives just because it makes us feel good. Just look in the mirror and ask the truth.

                              Third. Expect the worst. Meaning, maybe she is getting money from several farangs, and yours is the least amount, and when you show up, she may go with money giver No.1. Mint of Phuket Soi Katoey told me she has 5 guys sending her on average over 80,000 / month. Do you think she has any loyalty to any one of them?

                              Fourth. If you want a girl, really, there is only one way to keep her. Live with her. Don't ever dream that sending a little money "keeps" a girl.
                              Great and intelligent post, Ziggy!
                              Fully agree what you wrote.



                              • #30
                                One last point.

                                If you think she will intelligently take the money and use it for something useful like eating, or paying the rent, er, think again. I've seen girls at the end of the month, make a wad of cash (from me), go for a piss-up, or buy a god-awful looking gold bracelet, and then be in serious trouble 2 days later to eat or pay the rent and beg off their friends to do so. Money management is not a LB skill!

