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Valentine's day card

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  • Valentine's day card

    I just check my mail and found a Valentine's Day card from my girl in Bangkok  

    I didnt actually get her anything for Valentines Day but i have a few gifts for her when i see her in 5 days time , mostly just Australian   decorative items for her condo .

    Anyone else get an International or local Valentines from their main ladyboy squeeze ??

  • #2
    I got a few e-mails that said 'Happy Valentines Day Dear! Send me money". Does that count?
    I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


    • #3
      I would think that doesnt quite compare to a card that you can actually touch and you know has cost 79 Baht for them to send .
      Also a mention of sending money doesnt seem all the romantic to me .


      • #4
        Nah, got zip, zilch and bugger all. But hey only 364 days untill next Valentine's Day


        • #5
          My local real life GF pissed in the wheaties.

          I'm broke and I traditionally hate V-day anyway. She knows this but she likes romantic signs. Since I don't have any money to spend, I was going to do something I read, that what most women say they want is a sincere handwritten love note.

          She got all pissy ahead of time (this was 2 days ago). She was talking about going out to eat somewhere expensive. I was saying we should save our money, we've got a lot of things to pay for right now, and also I feel bad for her having to pay for it. She got all (more) crabby and said shit like "I mean I know we don't love each other or anything but I thought we could pretend".

          Whatabich. Pissed me off to no end. She does this kind of passive agressive shit so she can't be disappointed when or if she doesn't get anything- because she's already fucked it up for certain. Makes me so mad.

          I'm tired of rewarding her for negatve behavior. I'm always the one who has to smooth everything out and talk it out. Its damn impossible for her to open up and talk about anything when ti comes to any slight problem to be resolved. She just clams up and gets tense and on the verge of tears.

          The aggravating thing is she wanted to see some kind of display of affection on this one day. But she's been "cold" and distant for like 3 weeks. She wrote me a note trying to apologize, but I wasn't having any of it. I wrote her a note back saying "Romance doesn't come one day a year like christmas. You've been cold and remote for three weeks and you want me to do something special on this one day. And I actually was going to, until you shit in the nest like this. What do you expect me to do now?"

          I tried to be nice and talk to her today and see if we could chill out and talk it over. She clammed up again and couldn't talk about anything. I asked her "I hope you don't expect anything tomorrow". And she says "I didn't expect anything at all". Then I was super pissed, and I said "Well you were fucking going to get something but you fucked it up so you can blame yourself for that one".

          That was 3 hours ago and we haven't spoken since, and I haven't gone to bed yet. But now I'm tired so its time to pack it in.

          Sorry to kidnap this thread with my ranting and bitching.


          • #6
            as that wise philospher said.....

            women. can't live with em. can't live without em.
            This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
            Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
            Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
            And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!


            • #7
              no the saying is, "Can't live with em, can't shoot em."


              • #8
                Originally posted by (grunyen @ Feb. 14 2006,07:44)
                .... Whatabich. Pissed me off to no end. .....
                Ditch the Bitch

                BTW I got 4 Valentines SMS's from Kai......okay so two of them were from yesterday 'cause she got the day wrong but still its the thought that counts
                Too old to die young!


                • #9
                  I got a  Valentines fuck from my girlfriend ....
                  7 inch are not bad and must not talk or write....

                  Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                  • #10
                    6 sms's 3 from LB's brought home to me what I am missing so ditched a GG and made me feel better.... 23 days till i fly to BKK YAHOOOOOO


                    • #11
                      in the immortal words of "Norm"

                      "Women ... can't live with 'em ... pass the beer nuts"

                      'nuff said ............


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by (jellybean @ Feb. 14 2006,19:15)
                        BTW I got 4 Valentines SMS's from Kai......okay so two of them were from yesterday 'cause she got the day wrong but still its the thought that counts      
                        Same Same JB ( not mean off Kai but my teerak)

                        Makes yer feel good don't it JB, coz our girls do really mean it    

                        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                        • #13
                          I got an e-Valentines card from China Air.

                          Sent my teerak a great Valentines e-card but she may not have been able to open it. Not sure how clued in she is to V-Day. Wished her a Happy Valentines Day on the fone but don't think she understood, her English not too good but 100 times better than my Thai.

                          A sweetie from Bali sent me an Valentines email.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by (daveduke007 @ Feb. 15 2006,06:40)
                            Originally posted by (jellybean @ Feb. 14 2006,19:15)
                            BTW I got 4 Valentines SMS's from Kai......okay so two of them were from yesterday 'cause she got the day wrong but still its the thought that counts      
                            Same Same JB ( not mean off Kai but my teerak)

                            Makes yer feel good don't it JB, coz our girls do really mean it    

                            I'm sure Eye really means what she says too - the part where she says "send me money!"
                            I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by (dummy_plug @ Feb. 15 2006,07:19)
                              Originally posted by (daveduke007 @ Feb. 15 2006,06:40)
                              Originally posted by (jellybean @ Feb. 14 2006,19:15)
                              BTW I got 4 Valentines SMS's from Kai......okay so two of them were from yesterday 'cause she got the day wrong but still its the thought that counts      
                              Same Same JB ( not mean off Kai but my teerak)

                              Makes yer feel good don't it JB, coz our girls do really mean it    

                              I'm sure Eye really means what she says too - the part where she says "send me money!"  
                              Im sure Kai REALLY means it with JB and good luck to him, also my teerak is NOT a bar or working girl, so I think Eye and the rest of the Nana girls really dont count as an example in my case

                              P.S Your trip report is awesome mate
                              Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                              Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl

