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  • Glossary

    To a lot of us newbies who are now totally pumped up with the thoughts of making first trips soon, a list of commonly used terms will be very useful. Cut to the chase - so how you walk into a bar and ask the cutie out. Step by step please.
    terms I figured out so far by reading through postings:
    ST - short time (how short?)
    LT - long time(how long?)
    barfine - so the mamason let them leave?
    more words needed?
    And one more off topic question? how do you call them and each other? Wouldn't the cell phone bill be more than the barfines?

  • #2
    Originally posted by (goingtosugarland @ Feb. 12 2006,18:07)
    so how you walk into a bar and ask the cutie out.
    Just call the girl over and buy her a drink. You dont have to ask her as she will ask you soon enough about after bar activities and any planned itinerary such as short time or long time.

    Short time can be any thing from 10 minutes to a few hours depending on how you or she feels and whether you go to your Hotel or some nearby short-time shithole.

    Long time usually means that there is some semblance of you and her sleeping together even if it may be only for two or three hours after sex and other frivolities. I suppose its the turning off all the lights and saying goodnight that gives the feeling inside that you have had a more forfilling all round experience .

    Also some guys prefer there sex in the lighter hours when the effect of imbibing 10 beers no longer prevents a good erection.

    So long time is probably five hours or more in your room.


    • #3
      The girls don't use the word barfine, instead they say "pay bar". Gay guys don't use the word barfine either; they call it an "off fee". If Seinfeld visited the LOS (Land of Smiles, Thais don't use this term either) he could build a good routine around these words.

      Just keep reading the Forum and you'll get the hang of it bro.
      Maybe you can hit the ground running like DP.


      • #4
        Originally posted by
        Maybe you can hit the ground running like DP
        Not the first two days when he was almost forced to mary that GG.
        Ok, let me repeat the silly question about cell phone ... how do you call Thai on a cell phone (or each other, figured a lot of us are from different countries)


        • #5
          Keep your fly open, eyes wide open, 36 condoms in right pocket, lube in left, money in socks, don't pick the first girl , have a beer and then wham. Welcome to LADYBOY WOLRD, u Can check in but u will never want to check out


          • #6
            Originally posted by (goingtosugarland @ Feb. 13 2006,03:13)
            how do you call Thai on a cell phone (or each other, figured a lot of us are from different countries)
            I intend to buy a pay as you go mobile in Bankok as it must be a lot easier with a Thai number........there not that expensive and if you travel a lot it makes sense..

            It may be more costly to use your current phone even if  you can get international roaming.

            Also present is the problem of Ladyboys ringing your normal mobile phone when your back home ......maybe your mother will answer it or your girlfriend......



            • #7
              Originally posted by
              Also present is the problem of Ladyboys ringing your normal mobile phone when your back home ......maybe your mother will answer it or your girlfriend......
              Haha yea something similar happened to me when i returned from the LOS as i had given a few lb's my number as it started ringing the first few night back an my new g/f at the time answered but thankfully couldn't really understand her an hung up on her thinking she was some crazy overseas telemarketer. Was a close call but would have been in the shit if one of the better english speakers had called.So yea get a phone over there pay as u go.


              • #8
                Another good tip I found was to buy the Mamasan a drink, have a chat and tell her what you are looking for. Thew are a wealth of information and most can speak good english.
                seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                • #9
                  Also get together with some of the ex-pats from this board who live in Bangkok, most will be happy to show you around for the price of a couple of beers!!
                  seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                  • #10
                    so  to round up the glossary

                    you will have lots of laughs(LOL) in the Land of Smiles(LOS) and make sure that you at least get a real Girl friend Experience(GFE) and dont haggle with the barfine(BF)

                    I think we should allow one new shorthand word per year into the ATS Glossary by way of a vote.. my nomination is STS
                    ( Short Time shitHole)


                    • #11
                      Just pop your cock out as you walk into Nana Plaza and yell out "Who wants to suck my big thing!!! ?" you will have no problem getting a girl. I do this all the time


                      • #12
                        Bam, you would need to get rid of the bug on it Be glad its not a spider, they could be clingers! That stunt in Nana Plaza you would be the one to run the LB's all off


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by (Bam @ Feb. 13 2006,21:22)
                          Just pop your cock out as you walk into Nana Plaza and yell out "Who wants to suck my big thing!!! ?" you will have no problem getting a girl. I do this all the time  
                          I can just imagine Bam doing this at this very moment. *sigh*
                          I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                          • #14
                            g'day going to sugerland
                            first dont get sucked in by all the thai bar bull shit. second go toMBK via overhead rail  from nana go to national stadium  changing at silom . buy a thai sim card there and get the guy or girl to convert it on your phone to english.i had a problem with this as i cant read thai very well.
                            go to the bars  pick a girl you like ask a few questions ie what your perferences  are in sex. then if you think you like her  bar fine her and offer her 1000-1500 for a short time. in thialand there is no time clock ticking. you get a better deal. but allways tell the  ladyboy what you want before leaving the bar  and be clear what you want
                            if you tell em its your first time in thailand  they will love you. as they will consider you to be a  silly bastard hahahahahahok so glossery
                            bye a sim card pay as go  convert to english lingo
                            go to nana casanova cascade etc  the  lbs will swarm you
                            sit  down have a drink spot the one you like(there will be plenty) call her over dont worry about upsetting the ones swarming on you. they get upset a 100 times a night lmao.
                            then chat to girl and ytell her what you you  you  want
                            if you like her  
                            pay bar600 batt
                            pay her 1000-1500 for a st
                            dont go any higher
                            its a buyers marklet in nana i have never payed more than 1000 in nana
                            and good luck '
                            oh yes collect as many phone numbers as you can and call the girls up in the afternoon for as t as there no bar fine

