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Mint, largetst ever?  no way

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  • Mint, largetst ever?  no way

    I notice in Mint's description that it says "largest ever" that is not true. Mint is a great girl but she is so petite that it makes her cock look bigger and thicker in the pictures than it really is.

    The biggest ever is Pattaya's Nancy. Nancy is tall, maybe a little over 177cm or 5'10". Nancy is easily twice as thick as Mint, and just as long, but Nancy has the permament curve when she gets hard from "tucking it back" for the last few years.

    I have been with both, Mint I could take, Nancy not a chance

  • #2
    This is not new news. I've said this same thing on the forum several times. Mint may be as long as Nancy, but Nancy is soooo much thicker, it is like comparing a baseball bat to a golf putter. I'm not crazy about Mint's personality either, but that has nothing to do with the facts. I've been with both and there is no comparison, until someone can produce a new LB who can beat her, Nancy is the biggest in Thailand.
    I was easily able to take Mint several times, but only once with Nancy when we spent about 4 days together last year.
    Also, Nancy is a very nice, sweet person and excellent company outside the bed as well. I would not say the same about Mint, although I'm sure others may well have had better experiences with her.


    • #3
      OK, now stop it guys ! Can we make a line up and put the two dicks in the same pic space to make a fair confrontation?
      Mint in fact looks to me more like a body attached to a dick! Not sure about Nancy..
      How tall/big really Mint is?
      Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


      • #4
        Originally posted by (Lefty @ Feb. 15 2006,12:32)
        it is like comparing a baseball bat to a golf putter.
        Nice one Lefty
        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


        • #5
          Originally posted by (Masahiko @ Feb. 15 2006,12:11)
          but Nancy has the permament curve when she gets hard from "tucking it back" for the last few years.
          If she didn't tuck her old man in , she would be walking around like this
          Attached Files
          Your got yer Mother in a whirl
          Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


          • #6
            Although I didn't think Nancy was that cute at first, she really grew on me. I hate to admit it, but one of the big things that did it was a photoshoot from another site. They ha da super hot set of Nancy.

            All the pics of her though seem to show her with a chubby, not a raging hard-on.

            Does anyone have a picture of her cock straight out hard? I'd love to see it rock hard.


            • #7
              Originally posted by (grunyen @ Feb. 15 2006,23:36)
              Does anyone have a picture of her cock straight out hard? I'd love to see it rock hard.
              Nancy's cock is so literally heavy that even when fully hard it will not stick out parallel to the floor or slighty pointed up like most average hard ons. Too much gravitational pull for Miss Louisville Slugger.  


              • #8
                Just what the hell is enough? Looking for the largest is no doubt the overwhelming choice for most of the forum members (my conclusion). If Mint has shortcomings, I stand in dread of how my mighty member will be taken
                I was not shortchanged either, but her and Nancy would bury the most of us I would admire them, a pat on the heads and walk away. Just too big for me!



                • #9

                  is there a picture of nancy's tool i know i would be interested in seeing it
                  joe p


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by (joepergo2003 @ Feb. 16 2006,10:35)

                    is there a picture of nancy's tool i know i would be interested in seeing it
                    joe p
                    There is an entire gallery of her that was posted on the site the 1st of January, and a 2nd set coming up in about a month, that one shot by yours truly.
                    You can just go to January 2006 of the members section and get an eyeful of Nancy at any time.  


                    • #11
                      Or you could just come down to LOS - but then again, you don't want your eye getting poked out now do ya?
                      I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                      • #12
                        i have to ask about mint ive seen her on a few sights and am in orr of this ladyboy she looks fab looks can decive i guess , and after reading some reports here im not so sure about the attetude of the girl??is she alrerady on the road to superstardom and ruin (LOL) you know how alot of these girls get?? is she that way already??
                        i also hear she is now in bangkok and not in phuket?? can anyone conferm this for me
                        cheeers don


                        • #13
                          Mint is in bangkok now....freelances and works on f4f although she is doing very little of both lately ... as rumour has it she now has a she may be more difficult to get in touch with now.


                          • #14
                            thanks jadabil


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by (Masahiko @ Feb. 15 2006,20:11)
                              the permament curve when she gets hard from "tucking it back" for the last few years.
                              the most extreme example of the curve is Ot.
                              Attached Files

