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  • #16
    Originally posted by
    Most will respond well to the right sort of attention - you don't have to be Leonardo Dicaprio or Brad Pit...
    That's re-assuring. What are you trying to say? That we're all ugly bastards?

    Well - I suppose there is probably a haphazard logic to that!


    • #17
      Originally posted by (Road Runner @ Jan. 01 2006,03:22)
      Most will respond well to the right sort of attention just put on some reasonable clothes and be nice 
      I agree that its better to dress up a little , first impressions wil count if your not in a Go GO bar and a nice fat wallet always helps to oil the occasion as well.

      The problem is that its so fucking hot most of the time that i cant bear to wear normal trousers any more. In Cascades you could where a pink Gorilla suit and not attract attention but for the chance meetings i think the dress code is important.

      You also have to have plenty of front to cold call on a LB in a shopping mall. I bet theres not many guys who can truthfully say that they have made an un planned off the cuff pitch to a girl that doesnt look like she come from  a Bar.

      If you have then let us know.


      • #18
        I picked up 2 girls off the cuff, 1 in MBK, 1 in Emporium. Both successful first try. However, I admit it is very nerve-wracking. It's like seeing a girl who's cute and you try to find an appropriate, private moment, to ask her some stupid question. It's like being 15 years old again.

        There's a few in the costmetics section who are very, very good looking, but I assume they get asked out 10 times per day, and old, fat farts like us, really are not DiCaprio or Pitt; making it even more nerve-wracking to ask her a stupid question and then out for a shag.


        • #19
          Originally posted by (Road Runner @ Jan. 01 2006,03:22)
          You normally only see them in the Emporium with their boyfriends - must look in on Bobby Brown's though - which floor is it on Looker?
          Not sure which floor is exactly, Bobby Brown is where all other make up counters are anyway. Easy to spot.
          Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


          • #20
            Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Jan. 01 2006,20:48)
            I picked up 2 girls off the cuff, 1 in MBK, 1 in Emporium. Both successful first try. However, I admit it is very nerve-wracking. It's like seeing a girl who's cute and you try to find an appropriate, private moment, to ask her some stupid question. It's like being 15 years old again.

            There's a few in the costmetics section who are very, very good looking, but I assume they get asked out 10 times per day, and old, fat farts like us, really are not DiCaprio or Pitt; making it even more nerve-wracking to ask her a stupid question and then out for a shag.
            I think has happened to all of us who are no 'spring chickens' and no longer armed with enough patience to engage in the flirting game, as we used to do some 15-20 years ago.
            Of course, if somebody resemble the swamp monster then is going to be hard but otherwise it's really just a psychologic play and you don't need to spread money around like manure.

            I tried something sometimes ago: I was getting VERY low scorings on dates, and having a negative approach that was obvioulsy viseable to the women I was dating and making them rejecting me all the times.
            Therefore I decided to browse several websites and looking for tips on how to catch the attention on a date. You won't believe it how it did work!
            However, I then found out that had to do and say things that were not reall belonging to my own self, so it was fun and gave me a few shags but finally found it unnatural and forceful for me to act as someone I'm not
            Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


            • #21
              Originally posted by (Looker @ Jan. 02 2006,12:58)
              Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Jan. 01 2006,20:48)
              I picked up 2 girls off the cuff, 1 in MBK, 1 in Emporium. Both successful first try. However, I admit it is very nerve-wracking. It's like seeing a girl who's cute and you try to find an appropriate, private moment, to ask her some stupid question. It's like being 15 years old again.

              There's a few in the costmetics section who are very, very good looking, but I assume they get asked out 10 times per day, and old, fat farts like us, really are not DiCaprio or Pitt; making it even more nerve-wracking to ask her a stupid question and then out for a shag.
              I think has happened to all of us who are no 'spring chickens' and no longer armed with enough patience to engage in the flirting game, as we used to do some 15-20 years ago.
              Of course, if somebody resemble the swamp monster then is going to be hard but otherwise it's really just a psychologic play and you don't need to spread money around like manure.

              I tried something sometimes ago: I was getting VERY low scorings on dates, and having a negative approach that was obvioulsy viseable to the women I was dating and making them rejecting me all the times.
              Therefore I decided to browse several websites and looking for tips on how to catch the attention on a date. You won't believe it how it did work!
              However, I then found out that had to do and say things that were not reall belonging to my own self, so it was fun and gave me a few shags but finally found it unnatural and forceful for me to act as someone I'm not
              Tell more, tell more!

              Anyway, I think someone above had a good idea - drop off your business card (or a card made up for the purpose of picking up girls ). You can say that you're visiting the town and would love to have someone nice show you around. Etc.

              As for saying unnatural things, well, it depends on if you're going for a long term relationship. If you're not, then who cares?
              Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

              Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


              • #22
                So, this "look like swamp monster" thing...just how much "money like manure" would one person need to spread to overcome that?

                I mean, not me, of course, just asking for a friend.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by (post-op lover @ Jan. 02 2006,17:57)
                  Anyway, I think someone above had a good idea - drop off your business card (or a card made up for the purpose of picking up girls ).  You can say that you're visiting the town and would love to have someone nice show you around.  Etc.

                  As for saying unnatural things, well, it depends on if you're going for a long term relationship.  If you're not, then who cares?
         away business cards to GGs and LBs works sometimes. Just be a bit careful if you happen to be CITIBANK C.E.O.

                  You said something right in a way. If you know is going to be a short term thingy, then you may not mind doing a bit of theatrical play just for the sake of a shag.
                  Most important is that sometimes we do not clearly identify whether could be a short, medium or long term and giving out wrong messages which are messing the prospects with the potential "prey".
                  I realized that things were not working at all with my dates, as I said, so decided to type 'dating tips' in google and a long list of sites came up. I browsed and browsed and tried to pick hints and tips here and there and found out in with horror that I was basically doing the opposite of what I was supposed to do..Duh! No wonder my fishing trips were mostly ended up with empty nets!!!
                  Strange but this happened to me in the last 6-7 years of my life. Although not a playboy of international fame, I used to score quite well with girls, then a concomitance of happenings in my life must have totally turned upside down my womanizing abilities. In a small way, I also blame it to the net.
                  Picking up contacts in internet is much easier than going in the 'traditional' way and likely adding to the loss of hunter insticts I had.
                  Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Jan. 02 2006,22:10)
                    So, this "look like swamp monster" thing...just how much "money like manure" would one person need to spread to overcome that?

                    I mean, not me, of course, just asking for a friend.
                    You may tell your friend that the swamp monster only exists in movies

                    As for the manure-like money spreading, I would say that it's not really necessary. Unless of course, you just want to be loved for your $$$$$

                    You go to Emporium and see verrrry pretty PRADA cladded babes glued to the usual farangs. I have personally known some couples of the likes and never saw them really happy

                    Money helps in life, and being poor and beutiful looks good in the 50's italian neo-realism movies only. However, having someone genuine and attached to y/self for what you are will make you happier than knowing that she is with for your $$$$$ only.
                    Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by (Looker @ Jan. 02 2006,14:58)
                      Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Jan. 01 2006,20:48)
                      I picked up 2 girls off the cuff, 1 in MBK, 1 in Emporium. Both successful first try. However, I admit it is very nerve-wracking. It's like seeing a girl who's cute and you try to find an appropriate, private moment, to ask her some stupid question. It's like being 15 years old again.

                      There's a few in the costmetics section who are very, very good looking, but I assume they get asked out 10 times per day, and old, fat farts like us, really are not DiCaprio or Pitt; making it even more nerve-wracking to ask her a stupid question and then out for a shag.
                      I think has happened to all of us who are no 'spring chickens' and no longer armed with enough patience to engage in the flirting game, as we used to do some 15-20 years ago.
                      Of course, if somebody resemble the swamp monster then is going to be hard but otherwise it's really just a psychologic play and you don't need to spread money around like manure.

                      I tried something sometimes ago: I was getting VERY low scorings on dates, and having a negative approach that was obvioulsy viseable to the women I was dating and making them rejecting me all the times.
                      Therefore I decided to browse several websites and looking for tips on how to catch the attention on a date. You won't believe it how it did work!
                      However, I then found out that had to do and say things that were not reall belonging to my own self, so it was fun and gave me a few shags but finally found it unnatural and forceful for me to act as someone I'm not  
                      I think that's one reason I love LOS and PI, where I'M a target for young hotties.



                      • #26
                        I have never been successful with western women, not even when I was reasonbly young & well turned out, but I think an early introduction to Asia & South America changed my attitude towards them forever, & there attitude has got progressively worse over the last 10-15years.
                          They revel in making it as hard as possible for you to make any kind of meaningful contact with them & to even take them out, then when you finally get to the point where they begrudgingly go out with you, its freeloading time!! Then comes the sex, where you you are made to feel like they are doing you a massive favour.
                           Any "elderly", anyone over 30, male strolling around with gorgeous late teen / early 20's looking GG ( LB ) is immediately labeled a pervert or paedofile
                           This simpley does not happen in the LOS / Philippines or South America, ( except from western women there on holiday or working !! ) & altho' the sex trade is probably considerably more active & widespread in these countries, there is a very thin line between the manner western women conduct themselves & a working GG / LB / TS in these countries mentioned, except they are much nicer at these destinations.
                        If you manage to get to the stage where you are taking out a weatern women, you are usually paying for everything, drinks, food, taxis/transport, night club entry, etc, etc. Are you not then renting there company?? This is a very imotive point with a western women, my arguement is, well if that is not the case, you pay for everything. There gone in seconds, you sussed the scam, & there off to the next sucker who will pay.

                          At least at the prefered locations LOS / Philippines, South America, there is no pretence, this then takes away the, " am i wasting my time " & the whole deal is more relaxed & pleasant for all concerned. I am afraid western women need to start altering there attitudes & taking a few sex lessons off LB's & South American TS & GG's.

                          Just my thoughts on the matter.  

                        You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                        • #27
                          I can say with a lot of surety, that the good attitude of Asian women has nothing to do with being a working girl. Non-working girls are even more lovely and sweet. Western women have lost it, in a really big way, and thus the success of so many mail-order brides, and why you see all the LOS bars filled with 40 year old men, avoiding western women.


                          • #28
                            I must correct myself for suggesting that its only the sex trade workers that are nice, with so much time spent in Asia & South America I have to say they are generally just so much nicer than western women.

                            You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                            • #29
                              I notice the subject coming up about picking up women.

                              I have a couple of leads that everyone should check out.

                              No. 1 is a guy named David d'Angelo. He sells CD's and books and stuff, but the best thing is his weekly email newsletter. It is free to sign up for. Sure, you will get pitches to buy stuff, but you can ignore it. Read the newsletters long enough and you will get the ATTITUDE that is the core of his teachings. The newsletters have stories from guys that are applying what he teaches and reporting back on what works.

                              The No. 2 thing is a book by a guy named Neil Strauss. The book is called "The Game".
                              I found out about him through David D'Angelo. Neil Strauss is sort of an investigative journalist. He has written stories from submerging himself with the backstage life of rock and roll bands, once he became a comedian to write about it.

                              In "The Game" he finds out about this guy named Mystery, who teaches guys how to work with women. He starts hanging around this guy and eventually learns about David D and some other guys. He submerges himself in this lifestyle and writes a whole book about it.

                              The book is awesome. It even looks cool. It has a soft leather bound outside with onion-skin pages and gold foil on the outside edge (i.e. it looks like a Bible).

                              To sum up the main point that both guys make, the truth is women don't care about how guys look. They want an alpha male, a guy who's a little dangerous, successfull, unpredictable, confident, and entertaining.

                              This is hard to explain, but most of the tihngs we try to give them- turns them off. You don't chase fish with the bait.

                              By NOT CARING what women think about how you act, you will eventually flip a switch to behaving and being perceived in a new way. They will be intrigued by you and they will chase you.

                              I know it sounds crazy and simple, but it actually makes a ton of sense. And there is more to it as you read along.

                              The amazing thing is, with many of you guys, the disdain you've picked up for the UK women would probably make you a babe magnet if you cared, and if you could break out of old habits. If you didn't revert to a nervous 15 year old in your local pub, keeping that attitude of "I can get any woman" and "Yeah, what makes you so great?" will have those white wales dropping in your lap.

                              When your actions and attitude say "*I'm* the one on auction here, what makes you so great? Why should *I* pick *you*?" then you've become a luxury product, like a Rolls Royce or Rolex watch. The actual value is irrelevant tot he intrinsic value of the product. It's the PERCEIVED value that is high.

                              If you act like you're *The Shit*, then it really doesn't matter if you drive a Yugo, live in a 1 room studio, and make $500 a month. You've come to believe that you have exceptional value just in your character, and you will project that. She will buy it! When, in your head, you can get past the Yugo and the one room flat, the girls won't think about that either.

                              They'll just see you, this crazy, confidant, devil-may-care, funny guy who makes them laugh and is never predictable.

                              I know everyone on this site who has been swarmed by LB has a big confidence boost. I also know all you bastards have a wicked sense of humor. You may be surprised to find that your projected attitude towards the western women has changed, and for the better.


                              • #30
                                i met david d and neil.good advice and it works.

