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W I D E S C R E E N ?

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  • W I D E S C R E E N ?

    Please take time to vote on this poll. Also I'd be interested in your comments.

    I'm thinking of starting to develop future related websites in Widescreen format only from about September this year.

    (This will give me time to save up and by a nice new widescreen laptop!)

    With more of us migrating to this newer format and with the old '4 X 3' boxes becoming more and more obscelete I'm hoping to stay ahead of the game.

    So what are your thoughts? Too soon? Too late? Why even bother?

    Thoughts appreciated!
    My computer is widescreen
    I'll convert soon
    I'll convert later
    No plans on changing
    What's widescreen?

  • #2
    for the non computer programming folks like me....

    when you make a website, do you make the pages in two different formats (wide screen and traditional)? wow. this is educational cuz i just thought that you make a generic page and each computer and graphics card would determine how they are displayed.

    from your posts it sounds like people are moving more to just one format?
    This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
    Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!


    • #3
      At the moment we do one version of the sites. Each computer displays it differently.

      When I saw "The Clubhouse" on a widescreen monitor (my bosses!) I was quite disturbed at how bad it looked and have been itching to go 'widescreen' ever since.


      • #4
        At last - a poll I am bothered about

        Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

        "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


        • #5
          hhmm i have a wide screen and the site looks great. not sure how that would change if you go to a wide screen format. (for the non computer folks like me....i may not even notice the difference. hehe)
          This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
          Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
          Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
          And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!


          • #6
            Originally posted by (stogie bear @ Mar. 06 2006,05:50)
            I'm thinking of starting to develop future related websites in Widescreen format only from about September this year.
            Does this mean more fat girls?

            The thicker the cushion, the ...


            • #7
              I voted will convert soon. I was waiting for an excuse to buy a new monitor anyway an now my actions will be justified.


              • #8
                Not planning on changing! Key word (planning)... Murphy is always lurking about!!!


                • #9
                  I am in the process of shopping for a new laptop but I haven't been looking at wide screens.

                  I suppose I could...little difference in price..but I'm computer stupid... need a little more info...he widdescreens I've seen come in 2 different sizes 15. something and 17 inches...would it make a difference which size one used??
                  "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by
                    I am in the process of shopping for a new laptop but I haven't been looking at wide screens.

                    I suppose I could...little difference in price..but I'm computer stupid... need a little more info...he widdescreens I've seen come in 2 different sizes 15. something and 17 inches...would it make a difference which size one used
                    There would be no real difference between a 15 an 17" other then the better resouloution options on a 17" with 19" being even better but im not sure if they make widescreen monitors that big yet.You know what they say.. the bigger the better


                    • #11
                      Correct - the physical size of the screen isn't too important. (Bigger is better of course!)

                      It's really the 'resolution' that makes a difference to what you see.

                      Most people's computers are using a screen size of 1024x768 pixels. Widescreens can view 1280x768. More lines of resolution acroos the screen.

                      (Actually it's a bit more complicated than that but basically new computers have wider screens so that movies and new TV programs can fit on them more comfortably.

                      Actually - true 'wide screen' on your home theatre is 1280x720 so you will still get a certain amount of 'letterboixing' on your computer monitor but it won't really be too noticable.

                      I think the look and feel of porno sites will suffer a little because we like to scroll up and down to see our girls on the web and most pictures we see are in the 'portrait' shape rather than the 'landscape' shape.

                      Maybe porno merchants will change the way they make content to accommodate the new format or find ways around the new format to show older material. Still a long way to go!


                      • #12

                        If you shoot letterbox format, it does look good BUT you can get the best gear in the word and if you don't know how to use it, it will defeat the purpose. Lighting, white balance and the proper compression and encoding is needed to get a great quality wide screen move.

                        For pics, the only advantage is for horizontal images. Those seem to fill out the screen real nice.

                        I don't think I would invest a ton of time into it, but rather make it a slow progression to the future of AsianTS.
                        * Third World Media
                        * Black Ops Media


                        • #13
                          If you migrate to wide-screen, how will that affect those of us who have not yet converted to that format? Will we be able to see the pictures? Will the quality of the images be better, worse, or the same for us (I say us--I hadn't thought about going to widescreen until I saw this posting).

                          I don't want to miss my ladyboys. My first to trip to ladyboy land is coming up in June-July!


                          • #14
                            I think this idea is acouple years premature. If your able to accommodate both widescreen and 4x3 at the exact same time, then its never to early to make advances in your product.
                            My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                            • #15
                              It's a good question...

                              The pictures will look the same , but you may have more space on the left and right of it!

                              The trick is to fill the screen so people can see everything without scrolling too much.

                              I think we could run two versions of The Clubhouse for a year or two without a lot of extra work.

