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  • #16
    If you're just looking for plain ol' sex, you could try if you are in the US (although it may be international now). I haven't been on for awhile, but hookups are pretty much what the site was designed for. My junk e-mail address keeps getting weekly updates with subject lines "KINKY 18F in SANDIEGO WANTS TO TAKE YOU IN HER ASS NOW!!!". Never actually tried to use the site, so can't vouch if its for real or not.
    I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


    • #17
      Originally posted by (daveduke007 @ Mar. 10 2006,07:24)
      and I still meet up with them when in LOS.
      Ive still got about a dozen phone numbers that have yet to be pursued.

      It probably got blocked by the new filters in place and so i doubt if we will ever see the likes of it again.

      BKK Chat RIP

      you will be missed.


      • #18


        • #19
          Originally posted by (Tomcat @ Mar. 09 2006,19:22)
          The Old Bankok Chat has been blitzed as far as i can make out. Its now just a shitty forum unless some else has other knowledge. I registerd yesterday on the new set up and wont be going back soon.

          A great shame as the old BKK chat was another source of nice Ladyboys .......even if it was similar to fishing for a rare species of Speckled Triassic Carp.

          If anyone can locate the old chat id be oblidged if you reveal all. im sure it must of just changed its name.
          Hi Tomcat,

          When you are on that forum bit, look in the top right of the screen for 'Live Chat'. The link takes you into the chat room.

          Still got some ladyboys in there, but not as good as when you didnt have to register. Still a lot of wankers in there as well.


          • #20
            I met one LB on Bkk chat and we are still good mates. She has even posted on here. Non Bar girl and has a good job.

            Met 2 GGs from there as well. Am going to meet another GG fom Yahoo chat if I can ever get my arse back there.

            Met one working LB who has been on this site from facepic. I just added her to my yahoo meesenger.

            The problem with net dating is you have to put in a bit of work whcih most guys cant be bothered. I get that way now especially since I dont know when I will be there. So its pointless really. But I really want to meet this GG I have been talking too.

            As someone said before if you want to meet non working girls either GG or LB best best to seek out the those 25 and up (younger guys in their 20s should worry to much about this). They are more mature and in Thailand that is considered old for some reason so they are more willing to meet. But no harm in trying to meet younger ones.

            Also dont expect to get into bed right away unless it been really disucused during your net dating. I was lucky with one GG and the first LB. The working LB was a "business arrangement" so that does not count. The other GG wont have sex with me unless I agree to marry her. We wont be having sex. Just a nice toungue kiss in the Landmark Hotel carpark when I saw her to her car.

            Also anyone who is lucky take davedukes advice and dont mention names or details in here. It some how gets back to them.

            I gave out just a bit too much info about my LB namely the industry she works in and it was enough for one member here to put 2 and 2 together and realise it was her. I got a stinging email soon after and an unpleasant tone when I called to explain. It was all good in the end and thats when she started posting on here.

            Its also pointless IMHO to persue a relationship if you do not live there and i dont intend to live in LOS. So it would pay to be upfront with what you want. This may backfire but also may not. Most Thai girls are cool and even if they say no they may still meet you. And remeber sometimes no may mean maybe. Otherwise if no sex comes out of it it is also good fun to interact with a non working girl. You may gain a friend. Just make sure you send her home before Nana closes.

            Good Luck


            • #21
              At least 5 friends have married someone they met via the internet, 4 of them through dating sites. All of the marriages are as serious as any relationships that developed offline.
              Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

              Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


              • #22
                Speaking of marriage, and to elucidate on this whole issue of internet dating, here is a long post from someone who has been around the block in some regards. So I am a guy who loves sex as much as the next guy, everyday, but also want love and a relationship too.

                I have been around a lot of forums over the years, but because of marriage and fear of discovery, I have usually stayed in the background. That has changed dramatically lately, and so here I am.

                I met a ladyboy from the Philippines through an internet dating site. She is NOT a working girl and is most incredibly beautiful. She has been in and won many beauty pageants. We talked online for several months, graduated to webcam chatting via her going to an internet cafe, and love blossomed through our words and cam views.

                I ended up going to see her 2 times in the Philippines, my first (and only so far) ladyboy experience. It was incredible, and more intense than I ever dreamed of. A fantasy come true. I bought her a diamond ring the first visit, and set about to bring her to the US. And then hard reality set in...

                If all you have is love for someone, as wonderful as that is, you are in for some sad facts. How will you bring them home to have a life together? We worked so hard at it, tried every trick we could, sought advice from several different immigration attorneys. It could not be done. Especially because of the situation in the Philippines (1/3 of the population would leave if they could).

                Other problems developed too, which I will not enumerate. I am still crazy in love with this person, but it cannot work on several levels, which is so very sad. So, now I get to the basis for the question for this post...

                Do any of you know: is marriage legal in Thailand between a ladyboy and a man? This was the major stumbling block for this lady I love, and that problem has been alluded to by dommy6's post. I'm not sure that this will overcome the problem of bringing one back to the States, but it would at least make things more tolerable in Thailand.

                I have several friends/coworkers here that gush about Thailand and Thai women, and I think this may be my next place of travel...


                • #23
                  Have you ever been to Thailand? Obviously you didn't or couldn't live in the Philipines so what makes you think you could in Thailand?
                  AFAIK you cannot marry a LB in Thailand.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by (Torurot @ Mar. 12 2006,10:43)
                    Have you ever been to Thailand? Obviously you didn't or couldn't live in the Philipines so what makes you think you could in Thailand?
                    AFAIK you cannot marry a LB in Thailand.
                    This question has been asked a few times in the past. It is not legal for a lb to marry a man in Thailand. Thailand does not legally recognize same sex marriages. They do not allow lbs to change their legal sex status, even after SRS. That being said there are "temple ceremonies" that a couple can undergo the Buddhist marriage ceremony.

                    Other options for luvslb69 - move to a country that recognizes same sex marriages - Canada is one, UK, just recently changed its laws, France, and a few others. This is a major move, but if it is true love, then exploration of these possibilities can be done.

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                    • #25
                      stogie bear
                      better to be a bad speller than try and explain dislexia to them .cheers


                      • #26
                        adultfriendsfinder is a good site to establish contact .....but never ahve the opportunity to met


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by (donnnnny @ Mar. 13 2006,15:21)
                          stogie bear
                          better to be a bad speller than try and explain dislexia to them .cheers
                          Dyslexia is fine Donny just lay off the caps lock mate.

                          Looks like you are a long time visitor to LOS who has a lot to offer. Glad to see you on board

