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Age of consent

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  • Age of consent

    Did a search but didn't find an answer.
    Is the age of consent (legal age) the same for ladyboys as it is Thai women (18) or, as they are male, is it different?
    Thank you.

  • #2
    I don't know the definitive answer on this, but I'm not aware of any country in the world that varies the age of consent based on gender. I would say its a safe bet to assume that its the same.
    I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by (dummy_plug @ Mar. 20 2006,00:35)
      I don't know the definitive answer on this, but I'm not aware of any country in the world that varies the age of consent based on gender. I would say its a safe bet to assume that its the same.
      Not so, I'm afraid.  Once found a list of countries of the world where the age was different between the sexes and in some male to male sex is listed as illegal.  On this same list females in Thailand was listed as 18, which I've since confirmed elsewhere, but males were listed as legal at any age.  That I don't believe.


      • #4
        Hello JackG,

        The age of consent in Thailand is actually 15 for both male and female.   However in my travels it would appear that no-one has told the people out in the country  

        If a financial gain or other benefit (gifts) are involved then the age at which you will avoid prosecution is 18.
        The Thai calender is very different to the western one the present year is 2549.  So you have to subtract 543 years to get their age from the ID card - which they must carry.
        So if the date of birth is after 2530  -  walk away!

        If the police find you as a falang (foreigner) with a Thai girl/Lb they will automatically assume you have paid them.  They do not apply the same standards of proof in most Asian countries as we do in the west.

        Prostitution is illegal in Thailand !   However it is so widespread that the police just don't bother.  The only time they take any interest is if a bar owner or short time hotel does not pay their bribe money.

        In short as long as the girl/Lb can show they are 18 it's OK.

        Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

        "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


        • #5
          Thank you for the information.  I knew for purposes of prostitution the age was 18, but I didn't know if this applied to Ladyboys.  There are some very cute, but very young looking ladyboys in Pattaya and I'm not interested in seeing the inside of a Thai jail.  
          Do ladyboy carry ID cards? Do they show if they are male or female?


          • #6
            Originally posted by (JackG @ Mar. 20 2006,01:10)
            Thank you for the information.  I knew for purposes of prostitution the age was 18, but I didn't know if this applied to Ladyboys.  There are some very cute, but very young looking ladyboys in Pattaya and I'm not interested in seeing the inside of a Thai jail.  
            Wonder if the Ladyboys carry ID cards?
            Hello JackG,

            A Thai citizen or resident or tourist is required by law to carry ID.

            You should (in theory) carry your passport. It is much better if you carry a photocopy of the photopage and leave the passport secure in your hotel room. The police will not normally have a problem with this.

            The girls/Lbs can get in trouble for not carrying a card. If the police are in a bad mood they will take them to the police station and hold them for the night or untill they pay a fine. I suspect few of the fines get back to the public funds!

            If they don't have an ID card - walk away!

            Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

            "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


            • #7
              RR gives excellent advice.

              But I would suspect that underage girls. boys, and ladyboys can borrow a friends ID, so having the right ID showing 2530 or earlier doesn't guranantee anything.

              Neither does working in a bar guarantee anything.

              If she doesn't look 18, walk away even if she has ID and works bar.

              One of the best bets is if you've seen her on ATS or another reputable website.


              • #8
       (and this may not be the last word either!)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by (Torurot @ Mar. 20 2006,03:42)
         (and this may not be the last word either!)
                  That is the same list referred to in an earlier post. If you look at Thailand it says, for male/male, "legal at all ages ?"
                  I would hope not.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by (JackG @ Mar. 20 2006,12:54)
                    Originally posted by (Torurot @ Mar. 20 2006,03:42)
           (and this may not be the last word either!)
                    That is the same list referred to in an earlier post.  If you look at Thailand it says, for male/male, "legal at all ages ?"
                    I would hope not.
                    Hello Gents,

                    The chart on the site is WRONG!

                    Even before the law was changed (about 10 years ago) the age of consent was 12 for females and 14 for males.
                    If you open this link  Thai Law  you will find a page which gives an English translation of the sections of the relevant law.
                    Note that the last update was July 2002 so the comments on the page are out of date - the law is Very Much in date !!

                    The age of consent for both sexes is 15.  The greatest penalties are reserved for acts against those under 13.
                    This does not make it legal to have sex with someone between 13 & 15.

                    If you keep going you will see that if ANY form of payment (money, gifts, favours, you name it) is involved then the law says it is Prostitution.  The legal age is then   18  - EIGHTEEN  -  sip-paet

                    As I said before - if the police in Thailand find a foreigner with a Thai girl/Lb/boy to them they are being paid to be there in some way.
                    I don't believe the phrase 'burden of proof' exists in the Thai language.  If it does the police don't know about it.  (Try driving in Thailand  )

                    If they are not 18  -   YOU   will be in trouble.

                    Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                    "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                    • #11
                      Having not spent much time in Soi 6 Pattaya I was a bit concerned with the GG's my mates took home for the night. The next morning I spoke to the girls and of the five that went back to the hotel for the night, three were under 18 and working in the bars there. Anywhere else in Thailand, it wouldn't be much of a problem, but in Pattaya you never know if you are going to be the one to be setup by LB/GG/cops


                      • #12
                        There are LOTS of under age girls working in Pattaya... even in bars. Best to check there ID's. If they don't have an ID then they are most likely under 18 and don't want you to know... best to just walk away.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by (JackG @ Mar. 20 2006,01:10)
                          Do ladyboy carry ID cards?  Do they show if they are male or female?
                          All of the ladyboys I've been with have carried their ID cards and every single one of them still had their boy pictures on them. I guess they just don't update them frequently enough. However, the gender will still say male as you cannot legally change your gender.
                          I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                          • #14
                            Every bar in Nana has underage girls and LBs, as does every bar in Phuket. Why? They are more attractive often, at 16-18.

