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  • Tallness

    Anecdotal evidence suggests that Thai ladyboys are taller than Thai men. However, there are no statistical studies to back this up.

    My question to you guys living in the LOS is whether based on your personal observation, considering some of the alternative explanations below, do you believe this to be true?

    Some alternative explanations:
    1) posture
    2) high heels
    3) hairdos
    4) population is getting taller every year and you see old men but don't see old ladyboys
    5) the subset of ladyboys who work bars and cabarets may be different from the general population of ladyboys
    6) an optical illusion of sorts in that our brain compares ladyboys to women not men

    If ladyboys really are taller could it be a side effect of the hormones they eat or is it trully a third sex distincton?

  • #2
    When I was in area where Thai youth typically hang out, like Khao San or Ratchada, I actually saw quite a few Thai boys that were pushing 5'10"+, so it would seem that the general population is getting taller on average probably due to a better diet. With a few exceptions, I would say that my experience is that LBs are about the same height as their male counterparts. Any differences would probably be due to high heels and maybe posture.
    I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


    • #3
      Ladyboys aside, the diet and general heath of many far eastern countries has led to the population getting taller , there is no doubt about that. As far as Thailand is concerned its probably about to happen.

      If you took all the girls from Obsession and Cascades and put them up against the same amount of random men from BKK, both lots barefoot, my first geuss is that the LBs would be taller on average. But it could be that the high heels and hair provide the uplift.

      Maybe the place of birth has some bearing on this?
      I prefer petite, medium girls and many seem to come from Chiang Mai but i certainly woulnt make any Scientific claims as most of the tall ones probably do as well.

      Having said that, there are a few ladyboys who wear flat shoes and are still tall even by western standards. I think of Poom and many girls like her.... ...

      You would think that the petite types would outnumber the tall crowd but it aint so . Also you would think that the more petite types would by more inclined to become ladyboys in the first place .


      • #4
        It's possible that this misconception about ladyboys being taller than Thai men has arisen because taller ladyboys are simply more noticable. I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of 'normal sized' ladyboys flying under the radar.

        Another pet theory I have is that it takes a certain amount of courage and self confidence to ever consider life as a ladyboy and it is these girls that are probably larger or as large as men generally. Most shy shrinking violets probably spend their life in the closet!

        Could be a bunch of crap - if so flame me!


        • #5
          This is a topic I'm really interested in. There is zero doubt Thai LBs are taller than Thai men. Just sit at Big Dog one night and observe. There is no scientific study. I've only found one anecdotal note in The Third Sex by Richard Totman who quoted Thai doctors as saying 70% of Thai LBs are taller than Thai men. This agrees with my observation. As a minor sample space of 1, when I went to May's hometown, she towered, in a big way, over her brothers and father. But I think we'd see that in many familes.

          Height, theoretically, could be increase by growth hormone, which they do not take. Estrogen does not increase height else every girl in the world would be taller than us!

          Why this is so interesting is that if it really is statistically true, then it implies there is a biological difference between LBs, men, and women, i.e., the "Transsexual Gene". I am actually planning to fund a student in medicine to study physiological differences in LBs and men.

          I don't think the 'courage' part is true because most LBs commit to being a girl prior to puberty when things like strength, money, etc, are nowhere near on their minds.


          • #6
            Originally posted by
            There is zero doubt Thai LBs are taller than Thai men. Just sit at Big Dog one night and observe...
            I don't think many Thai ladyboys have ever been to Nana Plaza. Just the miniscule percentage involved with prostitution and maybe a few others on occasion.

            I took Kui loads of times and she attracted no attention at all. Certainly nobody pointed out that she was of average hieght for a ladyboy!

            Originally posted by
            70% of Thai LBs are taller than Thai men...
            Unreliable evidence even if it's guessed at by a doctor. 70% of ladyboy patients a doctor sees? 70% of ladyboys the doctor sees at the mall?

            Like I said before - The ladyboys that are taller than average are noticable BECAUSE they are taller than the people around them and there are just as many that go unnoticed because they are the same hieght or shorter than people around them.

            Originally posted by
            most LBs commit to being a girl prior to puberty...
            Erm, if you say so! But I'd double check your sources on that one! Certainly in the more and more enlightened world of Thailand the number (or percentage) is probably on the rise. I'll concede that much.

            I'm interested in the suggestion that there is a biological difference between transsexuals (m to f) and men. If there is it's probably some wiring in the brain.

            Good topic for discussion. I really don't know who is right or wrong on these issues but it's an interesting array of views so far.


            • #7
              Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Mar. 05 2006,20:13)
              when I went to May's hometown, she towered, in a big way, over her brothers and father. But I think we'd see that in many familes.
              It might be interesting if you asked all the ladyboys you encounter if they are taller than their brothers?

              If they say that they are not taller than their brothers it could debunk the myth and it can be posted on Snopes.

              But if the ladyboys turn out to be taller, I don't think this would be conclusive proof since your sample would probably be the more noticable and taller ladyboys.

              Has Sam Winter ever asked about height in his interviews?


              • #8
                I don't intend to distract from the topic of this thread (to which I can't contribute), however, for the ignorant among us (meaning those of us who have yet to sample the joys of these lovely creatures first hand) the words tall and average are meaningless.

                As well as stating that the average Thai ladyboy is taller than the average Thai male, since I have no idea how tall the average Thai male is.

                On another thread I asked what was meant by the terms small, medium and tall to describe their stature. The responses were not very helpful although that is not the fault of the responders, rather in the way I asked the question.

                Stogie states the Kui is "...of average height for a ladyboy!"

                So simply my question is, what is the "average height" for a ladyboy? For example, would that be 5 feet 5 inches or 5 feet nine inches?

                I understand that most don't understand why I would care, but for some reason it is important to me. And not that I'm short - I'm 5' 9" (probably average for a western male).

                So if someone could help the Old Kahuna, he promises he won't ask any more absurd questiions until the next question he asks,
                "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                • #9
                  I really don't know Kahuna. And heels can add many inches/centimeters. I remember encountering a cutie who I had slept with on a prior trip. She seemed much taller than I had remembered her. She also had a new rack.

                  This thread would probably get more hits if it was about dick size.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by (kahuna @ Mar. 06 2006,00:57)
                    So simply my question is, what is the "average height" for a ladyboy?
                    Hello Kahuna,

                    From what I have seen - and this is only personal observation!

                    Most Thai women seem to average between 5' 0" and 5' 7"  I did recently see a girl - Not a ladyboy - on the BTS who I would guess was about 6' 1"
                    She was self-concious of her height and I was so surprised/intrigued it was hard not to stare.

                    The men as in most societies are about 2-3" taller.

                    The ladyboys seem mostly to fit in the size range of the men ie. about 5' 2" to 5' 10". I have not seen any really tall ladyboys myself. The tallest being about 5' 11"
                    The cabaret dancers are normally the tallest you will meet as they are usually picked for their height.

                    The taller girls as you would expect tend to buy shoes with flat heels so that they do not draw attention to themselves.
                    Herself has the problem that like most 'girls' she has quite big feet so finding any shoes in BKK is a problem. When she gets to the UK she goes into every shoe shop she sees    

                    As for equipment size - I can't comment about Thai men    but the ladyboys I've ....... er  -  examined seemed to fit into the range of from about 3" up to about 8".

                    Don't tell JaiDee I told you - but they often cheat a little with some of the camera angles/lenses to help make the girls clitties look as large as possible in the pictures.
                    No they Don't doctor the pictures - despite the comments we make about Stogie and his picture editing.

                    Mind you it's a good thing we don't have to look at pictures of Stogie - No amount of work with Photoshop Pro would make me want to pay to look at him on a website!    


                    Sorry Stogie
                    Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                    "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                    • #11
                      Thank you Road Runner and Pigdogg for the info...this is what I was looking for...So it appears that if I am somewhat selective with my choices I don't have to either buy lilfts for my shoes or have some sort of surgical procedure....

                      And Stogie, no one would find any pleasure viewing my image on any site either......

                      Again guys, many thanks for the guidance.....
                      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                      • #12
                        I suppose I do take some getting used to!
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by (stogie bear @ Mar. 06 2006,05:17)
                          I suppose I do take some getting used to!  
                          that picture made me spill my drink. :P  

                          well i am not that far from yah stogie right down to the stubble on my face. hehe.
                          This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
                          Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
                          Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
                          And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!
                          FORT MINOR-REMEMBER THE NAME


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Mar. 05 2006,19:13)
                            This is a topic I'm really interested in. There is zero doubt Thai LBs are taller than Thai men....Height, theoretically, could be increase by growth hormone, which they do not take. Estrogen does not increase height else every girl in the world would be taller than us!
                            Food for thought ... Eunichs can grow to enormous size; but other times they are short. A lot depends on then they were 'cut'. Apparently cutting at the prepubescent 10-12 years of age tends to be associated with tallness. So dropping testosterone in boys from normal to zero tends to kick off a growth spurt. Now it may be the ratio of estrogen to testosterone that is important ... both can induce more or less growth hormone.

                            So here's my guess. Anecdotal evidence of tall ladyboys is accurate, and this occurs mainly in ladyboys who started estrogen shots around 10-12 (a popular time, since it stops the development of male characteristics). These shots kick start more HGH, IGF production, and that induces growth.

                            I can look into this more, but considering my last post on hormones was seen as cryptic, maybe I'll just leave it at this.


                            • #15
                              Stogie...I don't care what they hansum man...
                              and please don't take as a come on......
                              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon

