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Obsessions - have they lost the plot

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  • Obsessions - have they lost the plot

    I was sat in Obsession in Nana Plaza on Thursday evening with a really cute LB (look out for Ae, no 20 - very feminine and only worked in Obsession for 2 weeks), when she got all excited and I thought that my charms must be working a treat and its all down to me.

    However to my despair she tells me "its time for the show" - now I am not a great fan of seeing shows in LB bars - they tend to be some old queen, in her 50's and about 100kg overweight. Surprise surprise, in come 4 blokes, as in real blokes, not femme boys or anything remotely feminine and I thought to myself what the F**k is going on here. Has Obsession suddenly turned into a boy bar or something when I was in the toilet ? Nope afraid not, these guys then proceeded to dance their hearts out for what seemed like an hour but was probably no more than 10 minutes. Looking around, must have been 4 or 5 punters all as bemused as I was and equally confused in trying to figure this out. The LB's of course were loving it - without exception all of them had dropped their customers and were focused 100% on the boys dancing on stage - I have never seen so many drooling ladyboys in one place.

    Now is it just me or this is a dum stupid idea to put into a ladyboy bar - I go into Obsessions to see Ladyboys not guys in their gym shorts.

    Not sure how long this is going to be a feature of Obsession - I had not seen it before but it did have the effect of pretty much clearing the bar of any paying punters.


  • #2
    (mardhi @ Mar. 30 2006,18:42) Now is it just me or this is a dum stupid idea to put into a ladyboy bar - I go into Obsessions to see Ladyboys not guys in their gym shorts.
    Hello Mardhi,

    From your description - yes it does sound like they have lost the plot  

    My guess is that about 95% +  of us here have no interest in men!

    Hopefully this won't catch on  -  even better they'll give it up quickly.

    Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

    "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


    • #3
      (mardhi @ Mar. 31 2006,00:42) they tend to be some old queen, in her 50's and about 100kg overweight.    
      who this?

      you missed my thread.....;f=7;t=5018


      • #4
        Hello Bam,

        Most of the guys who play these roles are straight guys!

        You must have (against your will    ) seen as much Thai TV as I have.

        The Thais love slapstick  -  and so do I  -  but Benny Hill was 20 years ahead of what is shown on Thai TV today.      He died about 10 years ago  

        Slapstick I can watch  -  a bunch of guys dancing in gym shorts holds even less interest than watching paint dry.

        Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

        "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


        • #5
          Now thats what i call fucked up market research Just as well the other 3 bars don't resort to this. Dancing boys give me abreakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


          • #6
            (mardhi @ Mar. 31 2006,01:42) I was sat in Obsession in Nana Plaza on Thursday evening with a really cute LB (look out for Ae, no 20 - very feminine and only worked in Obsession for 2 weeks), when she got all excited and I thought that my charms must be working a treat and its all down to me.

            However to my despair she tells me "its time for the show"   -  now I am not a great fan of seeing shows in LB bars - they tend to be some old queen, in her 50's and about 100kg overweight.     Surprise surprise, in come 4 blokes, as in real blokes, not femme boys or anything remotely feminine and I thought to myself what the F**k is going on here.   Has Obsession suddenly turned into a boy bar or something when I was in the toilet ?    Nope afraid not, these guys then proceeded to dance their hearts out for what seemed like an hour but was probably no more than 10 minutes.  Looking around, must have been 4 or 5 punters all as bemused as I was and equally confused in trying to figure this out.   The LB's of course were loving it - without exception all of them had dropped their customers and were focused 100% on the boys dancing on stage - I have never seen so many drooling ladyboys in one place.

            Now is it just me or this is a dum stupid idea to put into a ladyboy bar - I go into Obsessions to see Ladyboys not guys in their gym shorts.    

            Not sure how long this is going to be a feature of Obsession - I had not seen it before but it did have the effect of pretty much clearing the bar of any paying punters.
            Post of the week!

            My thoughts exactly. What a fucking waste of time this idea is! Just another example of how fucking badly run these shit-pits are.


            • #7
              (stogie bear @ Mar. 31 2006,07:01)     Surprise surprise, in come 4 blokes, as in real blokes, not femme boys or anything remotely feminine and I thought to myself what the F**k is going on here.  
              dancing boyz??
              Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


              • #8
                (Bam @ Mar. 30 2006,14:24)
                (mardhi @ Mar. 31 2006,00:42) they tend to be some old queen, in her 50's and about 100kg overweight.    
                who this?  

                you missed my thread.....
                Whatever you do, do NOT make eye contact with one.
                (they're not normal)

                Attached Files
                ain't life grand


                • #9
                  To answer your Bam - no its not this one I am refering to although I have seen this specimen before when I went and looked at the reptile enclosure at London Zoo.

                  These were 4 guys pure & Simple - tight T-shirts, tight shorts - basically the sort of well build, athletic Thai guy, 99% of straight or ladyboy punters have no interest in seeing.

                  I'm glad its not just me - had Ae not been so cute, I'd have hot footed it up to Casanova for some medicinal therapy from one of the Amazons - which is probably where all the other punters were heading just in case their next port of call was going to be Cascade.



                  • #10
                    (Randyman @ Mar. 31 2006,09:27) Whatever you do, do NOT make eye contact with one.
                              (they're not normal)

                    Oh I made that fatal mistake..... by taking photos of 'it' the creeper came over and gave me a big kiss.... ah!! It was sickening.... at least Noon thought it was funny.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      One of the reasons I came up with this "The Ideal LB-Bar" thread. The Thais are simply unable to run such a business. A LB bar is a hookers place and not a cabaret. Having 4 male dancers in a LB bar is so Thai (I bet they just do it because THEY like it!) and so plain stupid that it's really time to set some standards there!



                      • #12
                        Sounds they have defintely lost if it something that will be a regular thing  

                        If it happens when I am in there I will get up and walk out and tell the mamasan why as the curtain falls behind me.  


                        • #13
                          Me too!


                          • #14
                            I cant believe this.  If enough people complain about it then maybe we can make a difference here.

                            Marketing is supposed to be about finding out what the customer wants first and then serve there needs. At least in KC3 the bar Girls used to dress up and mime and even that got kicked it into touch.

                            This crap could only happen in Thailand lets be honest!.
                            Who ever dreampt this up should broken at the wheel and then Guillotined for good luck.


                            • #15
                              hhmm so is it is a regular show or just a couple of nights? regardless this is not a bright idea. someone needs to brush up on their mba courses.
                              This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
                              Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
                              Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
                              And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!
                              FORT MINOR-REMEMBER THE NAME

