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Posting Here

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  • Posting Here

    Well, I'm a frequent poster. I especially try to post something totally different to keep this place interesting. I just think that while we all like pics of cocks, some us too like some different discussions too.

    I usually only post on things I know pretty darn well. I read 3 books on berdache before I posted. I read about 50 articles and 2 books on Buddhism before I posted about pandaka. If I'm not sure, you'll see me concede or give in pretty easily on topics I'm less sure of (like hormones).

    However, on my last few posts, the backlash is so caustic, even with a very thick skin, I'm thinking it's not worth receiving the abuse.

    So my suggestion for the benefit of all here is if someone posts, they already went to the trouble of trying to entertain you. At least respect that effort. If you don't agree, by all means, go ahead and say it. I think most of like to get challenged on what we post.

    But if you want to abuse the poster? Er, like why? What thrill is gained from that and do you think that encourages anyone to post or perhaps even encourages people to leave?

  • #2
    well said ziggy. I can empathise somewhat, even though forums are essentially anonymous, I have to admit that i still sometimes worry about what others think of my posts. I know I shouldn't, and nobody really cares, but I can't help feeling that way.

    Anyway, I applaud intelligent posts, I laugh at witty posts, I gawk at Billy's posts, I learn from veteran LB lovers' posts, and fortunately do not from the picture posts. So, carry on.
    forward motion is like the sway of the ocean....


    • #3
      Posts of some fat bastards cock in the arse or mouth of some LB is not my idea of good tase and intelligent postings. However, I realize that there are enough lurkers in here now that get their rocks off on this crap so I just skip over the obvious posters of this shite. That is why I really enjoy reading some of your posts, they are intelligently thought out, they are respectful of the LB's and they provide all of us with useful information. I wish there was more of this but I am afraid the direction for this forum is heading more for the porno thrill. Like I said, that's just my own personal view.


      • #4
        Hello Ziggy,

        With any open discussion you are always going to get contrary views.  I don't always agree with everything you post - and I'm quite prepared to say so.
        However I do respect the fact that you obviously try to do your homework  

        The biggest problem in this sort of open arena is that you are also faced with those that don't know....and don't want to know  

        In my opinion you add more to this forum than the 4000 or so out there who lurk around in the shadows and never post.

        In short  -  don't let the bastards get you down  

        There I've said my piece and if I've worded it right maybe someone out there will come up with the balls to try and flame me  

        Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

        "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


        • #5
          (PogueMahone @ Mar. 30 2006,23:47) Posts of some fat bastards cock in the arse or mouth of some LB is not my idea of good tase and intelligent postings.  However, I realize that there are enough lurkers in here now that get their rocks off on this crap so I  just skip over the obvious posters of this shite.  

          What I find interesting, is that I have made comments on your posts and I've even supported you when others are on the attack, but I've never seen a response from you...and that's OK...but if you want to encourge others you might want to give that some thought.....


          You're guilty of the exact abuse Ziggy is advocating against...Why should anyone on this Forum (all us Lurkers) be maligned for what kind of "crap" we like? Just because you don't like it dosen't make it wrong....


          You got it right....

          My opinion: we would all do well to heed the words of the Bard, "Nothing is either good or bad, thinking only makes it so."
          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


          • #6
            OK - I for one do NOT want to lose Ziggy as a poster. Mind you - I sometimes find some of his ideas not in accordance with my own! But I DO think he is contributing a valuable and salient angle to the forum and that it SHOULD be debated and argued about.

            "Slap me on the back and tell me I'm great" forums are never busy and are fucking dull, so here's what I propose...

            How about a new forum called "Ziggy's Academia Posts - ZAP!" in which Ziggy is the sole moderator of his investigations and opinions...

            There we can discuss the finer more studious aspects of the ladyboy (or transgendered) world. If it is moderated correctly by the man himself we'll actually get some responses from the transgendered community also!

            So - ZiggyStardust... are you up for it?


            • #7
              (stogie bear @ Mar. 30 2006,13:16) OK - I for one do NOT want to lose Ziggy as a poster. Mind you - I sometimes find some of his ideas not in accordance with my own! But I DO think he is contributing a valuable and salient angle to the forum and that it SHOULD be debated and argued about.

              "Slap me on the back and tell me I'm great" forums are never busy and are fucking dull, so here's what I propose...

              How about a new forum called "Ziggy's Academia Posts - ZAP!" in which Ziggy is the sole moderator of his investigations and opinions...

              There we can discuss the finer more studious aspects of the ladyboy (or transgendered) world. If it is moderated correctly by the man himself we'll actually get some responses from the transgendered community also!

              So - ZiggyStardust... are you up for it?
              Go for it!! Ziggy!!



              • #8
                (stogie bear @ Mar. 30 2006,20:16) OK - I for one do NOT want to lose Ziggy as a poster.

                But I DO think he is contributing a valuable and salient angle to the forum and that it SHOULD be debated and argued about.

                How about a new forum called "Ziggy's Academia Posts - ZAP!" in which Ziggy is the sole moderator of his investigations and opinions...
                Hello Stogie/Ziggy,

                I understand Stogie's idea and in some way's I think it's a good idea.

                BUT!  -  I personally I think it would be a better idea for Ziggy to continue in this part of the forum.

                Why?   -   because the 'wider audience' will see it  - and hopefully will read Ziggy's posts and start asking themselves  -  and who knows?  -  maybe others the sort of questions we should all be asking.

                Remember the worlds population is 6,000,000,000  we (transsexuals and the guys that like them) only make up about 1% of the total that's 6 million!

                Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                • #9
                  well one thing i love you post ziggy and well you did a good work

                  although i dont agree some of your post but its a matter of opinion which we want to respect
                  well it challenges my mind as a street smart girl and give some opinions about it. and it gives me a lot of information to know things better

                  well we got to make this forum more informative rather than making this into a barbaric open forum....
                  its for the benifits of some ladyboy hunters and lovers to know the do's and dont's of hunting specially for the one who are first timers and to those who wanted to expereince

                  well personal expereince are ok and also help this forum a lot to those who want to know when they travel and hunt

                  but one thing that i really dont agree is fucking up such good discussions in the forum by posting comments that are nonesense and doesnt even connect to such good topics.

                  also its good to post some picss but please jesus lord can you imagine perverts posting some pics of thier dick being suck and being inside such delicate ladyboy body. which sometimes scrutinize a lot of ladyboys society including the respectable one

                  well ziggy i prefer for you to be here and keep up the good work

                  i really love you and your post

                  you give so much contribution to this forum specially to more intellegent members

                  sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


                  • #10
                    I have always found Ziggy's posts to be informative as well. I enjoy learning more about the TG world and glean knowledge from different sources. Keep it up Zig - don't let the bastards get you down!!
                    seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                    • #11
                      I agree with Ziggy.  I posted one topic which i was flamed for and was only reporting what happened. Just because i don't live in Thailand doesn't mean I DON'T know whats going on. I employ 12 Thais in my export meat business based in Bangkok and i need to know whats happening in the business world and especially when it comes to who to pay and who not to pay ( if u know what i mean ).After getting flamed I admit the person did apoligise after but hey get a life.
                      It is a open forum but when people flame, who really gives a toss. There proably having a bad day.D .If they have nothing else to concern them selfs with then  let them waste their time.
                      Its the big noters who are usually full of shit and to be quite honest if u let them get on top of u it will never end. Move on , get over it and keep on keeping on. There are ooddels of forums out there, some good, most crap. This is a pretty good all round site.

                      There is more to life then seeing pics of guys with there cocks shoved in holes ( maybe not much more ) but hey freedom of speech. Lighten up gang and have a good time.
                      Good luck Ziggy. and keep on doing what u do best.


                      • #12
                        I don't know why errant posts are not reported so they can be deleted by moderators... Oh well.


                        • #13
                          OK - If Ziggy doesn't want his own forum - how about volunteering to moderate in the forums where he does post.

                          I too find irrelevent and off track posts annoying. That's why we have "The Fish Box!"


                          • #14
                            (stogie bear @ Mar. 31 2006,02:16) OK - I for one do NOT want to lose Ziggy as a poster. Mind you - I sometimes find some of his ideas not in accordance with my own! But I DO think he is contributing a valuable and salient angle to the forum and that it SHOULD be debated and argued about.

                            "Slap me on the back and tell me I'm great" forums are never busy and are fucking dull, so here's what I propose...

                            How about a new forum called "Ziggy's Academia Posts - ZAP!" in which Ziggy is the sole moderator of his investigations and opinions...

                            There we can discuss the finer more studious aspects of the ladyboy (or transgendered) world. If it is moderated correctly by the man himself we'll actually get some responses from the transgendered community also!

                            So - ZiggyStardust... are you up for it?  
                            How about University of Ziggy ?!

                            Ziggy can be the "Headmaster" .

                            Advanced degrees in shemale biology !

                            Why waste time at the Sally Struthers University for a degree in TV/VCR repair ? Study something HARD.

                            Don't beat off to porn, make it a PhD thesis ! No thesis binding will be needed, by the time you finish, the pages will already be stuck together !

                            Choose from these exciting lecture topics:
                            Bacterial flora of the neo-vagina !
                            Berdache - Homonym of Beard Ache !
                            Ladyboys of the ancient Texas plains - Roughriders!
                            Effect of Bush's anti-gay marriage stance on Thai bar-girls !
                            Disruption of anal sphincter tone and Bernoulli's principal applied to Ladyboy man-farts (prerequisite: Hydraulics of clear ladyboy cumshots) !

                            All research will be intensive and performed in Thailand.

                            Please don't take this the wrong way Ziggy. Yes you are full of scat sometimes, but it's all good !

                            A quantitative analysis of seminal fructose in Ladyboy scat... God I love academia !


                            • #15
                              Stoogie, why would we bother to report errant posts, most of them are from u any way :  
                              Lighten up everybody and we all should remember forums only thrive on its members being comfortable with voicing there opinons however right or wrong they may be. Not every one agrees on everything and once again who gives a toss.
                              Imho when any one disagrees with what some moderators say on this site, sometimes they seem to get flamed, well thats life and i dont really give a crap. I am sure my arse will get flamed but hey bring it on boys     Im old enough and ugly enough to handle a bit of criticisim Fuck i married 2 of the fucking best whingers and scammers in the World I must admit they werent bad fucks and second stringers for when i wasn't in Thailand enjoying LBs.
                              I love this site and at the moment some of u are letting your manly pride take hold. Relax and forget about crap   Take a holiday, have a beer and remember why we are members of this site
                              If any one wishes to ring me direct to give me a gob full please ring this number 5477 692773 or simply dial kissmyarse. Be happy men and enjoy this great site

