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What if your  mates are going to BKK as well...

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  • What if your  mates are going to BKK as well...

    I told some mates about my planned trip. I said I'd love to ride elephants and do a few kick boxing lessons! Silly excuse. Thing is some of them were planning to do just that. I know them from a martial arts club I used to train at and they've been there afew times thai boxing. They said they know all the best places for food, clubbing and to get pretty and cheap hookers, so we'll have a ball of a time etc

    Im am sure they must know the ladyboy bars and would be able to spot one if they saw me with one. I think it might not be a good idea to go there with them, would it? Only thing now, I will have to go alone and not with mates.

    Just wondered how do you hide your ladyboy hunting when there with mates, who are not going to be stupid enough not to know whats going on. Is it better to go alone

  • #2
    well honey all you need to do is ask for some contact details like phone number of such LB which some of the members here in the forum could share and give her a phonecall and Alas all you need to do is meet up with her in some place maybe you could give some of your friends some excuse like going grocery or something that would give you much free time to walk alone in LOS
    sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


    • #3
      Check out the forum topic titled " A Quandry" earlier this month. It answers this problem in some depth
      seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


      • #4
        Hello KL,

        Glad you could remember where it was

        All I could think of was - Oh No! Here we go again

        Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

        "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


        • #5
          Thanks KL for letting me know of that thread. I just read it. Will tell mates I may not be able to go again due to getting time off etc. They were planning on going in June.
          KL you said you will be going in the first week of May? Thats when I hope to be there, maybe we can hook up?


          • #6
            Stand up and just tell them. What are they going to do, go home & tell ya Mum? They can hardly hold the high ground by going back home saying they had to pay a hooker for sex... no?


            • #7
              I like to take my friends to Obsessions and pretend it's my first time in the bar, and see how long it takes before they realise that something is different  !

              Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


              • #8
                That QUANDRY thread is here!


                • #9
                  (koykaeng @ Apr. 04 2006,18:40) I like to take my friends to Obsessions and pretend it's my first time in the bar, and see how long it takes before they realise that something is different  !

                  Damn Koykaeng - you told me Obsession was a straight bar - just that the girls had all come from an area where they a nuclear reactor problem, hence some of their genitals were not as clearcut as in normal people - and I believed you !!!!

                  It was only on my 22nd visit did I realise something was wrong while chatting to a girl who told me she was off for surgery and I said, Oh I guess the government will be paying for that due to the accident and she whacked me a right hook in the face - luckily not managing to drop any of the those little tickets which the dek serve hands out - I also assumed they must be phone numbers passed from other guys in the bar - later did I learn that they are the chits for the cola's they were drinking - and thats another thing - I assumed because of the radioactivity, that explains how they down 4 drinks for every one I was getting through.

                  We sure do live and learn....



                  • #10
                    Hoddeson - pm me and i'll give you my mobile number. I arrive may 8th. will be in BKK for 3 days then heading down to Hua Hin for some R&R.
                    seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!

