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  • transition

    Not sure if this is a common "problem". I have made up my mind that I want to get married this year - I know, some of you here want to advice against that very idea - but hey, I want to have kids so let's just not sidetrack to that topic.
    The real question I have is, after couple of years of LB only - how do you go back to GG ... while you know in your heart that you are still much much much more interested in LB than GG. I know everytime I stared at girld in malls I was really just enjoying the view. To get me really sexual, a dick almost has to be present ... this of course was not the case before I crossed that line. How do I go back to that without giving up my new found passtime?

  • #2
    Who would want to bring a kid into today's world (and getting worse by the moment)?


    • #3
      So getting married means guiving up on good sex? hmmm... re-think your marriage plans. wanting kids is not a sound basis for a happy marriage.


      • #4


        • #5
          (stogie bear @ Mar. 26 2006,11:22) So getting married means guiving up on good sex? hmmm... re-think your marriage plans. wanting kids is not a sound basis for a happy marriage.
          That's not entirely true...there are plenty of children in the world that need parents and there is an ever increasing number of same sex parents (at least in the usa) so if you're a little inventive with your plans and your partner, you may be able to have your dick (oops, i mean cake) and eat it too....

          whatever you decide young man, good luck to you.


          p.s.   i was married and i have a daughter...(her mom has been gone almost 9 years now)...since the minute she was born, which minute is still vivid in my mind, she has been and continues to be the most precious gift i have ever received...

          and the signature quote that is on the bottom of my page is dedicated to her.......
          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


          • #6
            (goingtosugarland @ Mar. 26 2006,09:36) The real question I have is, after couple of years of LB only - how do you go back to GG ...
            while you know in your heart that you are still much more interested in LB than GG.
            Why not tell your g.g. that you love lbs?
            i told my g.g. and life has gotten even better.
            if you are not sure how your g.g. will react, talk to her, see how far she is willing to go when it cums to s&m, bondage, role playing etc..etc.. and after you've gotten her all wet and horny, take her to an adult video store and browse around until you come upon some transsexual videos. see how she reacts. you may be quite suprised. if you don't
            sexually know your g.g. maybe you need more time with her before you marry her.
            My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


            • #7
              (kahuna @ Mar. 26 2006,11:45) That's not entirely true...there are plenty of children in the world that need parents and there is an ever increasing number of same sex parents (at least in the usa) so if you're a little inventive with your plans and your partner, you may be able to have your dick (oops, i mean cake) and eat it too....
              I couldn't agree more , why enter into a marriage with someone you really dont want to be with ....only to know that in the future it will fail as you are not being true to yourself and potential wife.

              why not persue a relationship with a lb and adopt , if children are important. the lb's i have been in contact with definatly want children !!!


              • #8
                I am trying to be serious... how about wanking off with penthouse, playboy, xxx dvds? it may help to re-condition your mind, but it may not.

                i think stogie has a point: beware of why you want to marry.

                i got married(to a woman- gg) at a moment of wanting to fit in to the "norm" of society. luckily, i jump out of the fire as soon as i jumped in. it was one of the most truoblesome period of my life. i've been told that it's better- and less painful to learn from others mistake than you own; but the lesson you learn with your own is everlasting. anyway, that's my 2 cents worth.

                may you find the happiness you desire, whatever your decision.



                • #9
                  (player832 @ Mar. 26 2006,12:10) the lb's i have been in contact with definatly want children !!!
                  I believe that your right....i was reading a piece last month i found on line written by a sociologist doing research in los on ladyboys...he described a conversation he had with a ladyboy in phuket that he new well...she apparently look sad to him so he asked her why and she replied that every night when she slept she had a dream that she was pregnant and every morning she woke knowing that she would never be pregnant.

                  i have a feeling that there are hundreds if not thousands of young ladies out there with the same feelings...if i was a young man that loved ladyboys and wanted a family, i would go in search of one of these ladies....
                  "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                  • #10
                    (goingtosugarland @ mar. 26 2006,03:36) guys,
                    not sure if this is a common "problem". i have made up my mind that i want to get married this year ......
                    setting a deadline for getting married when haven't even met someone yet is a fucking stupid idea ......wake-up an smell the coffee.       if you want to have kids, foster or adopt them or even just sponsor one - pattaya orphanage is full of kids wanting parents.
                    Too old to die young!


                    • #11
                      Mirimark gives wise advice.

                      Why not have your cake and eat it too?


                      • #12
                        You answered your own question. If you have doubts now, don't you think they'll ruin you eventually?

                        I was married, realized I loved LBs more, got divorced, and that was very painful emotionally and financially to me, my ex-wife, and my daughter, and continues to be a little. I would never put that pain on myself, a potential wife, a future daughter especially knowing it was starting with doubt.

                        If you want kids, marry a LB, adopt a kid. That's what I'm planning in a few years, if I feel confident in my LB relationship after a few years. If not, no way will I ruin a kid's life because of my desire for a kid.


                        • #13
                          Dunnow 'bout the rules in Goingtosugarland's Country, but in many Countries in order to adopt kids you must have a "regular" family, i.e. Man+Woman; plus, they ask you a heap of further conditions (income, amount of free time etc.)...which makes adoption an extremely difficult procedure, if not virtually impossible for most couples. Just go figure when the couple is man+LB.....
                          It really depends on where you live.

                          However, I don't think it's a realistic solution.

                          If you feel you really love LBs, don't marry a GG, it doesn't make sense, your relationship's gonna be spoilt soon or later, and eventually your kids will be the ones who will suffer more.

                          Everyone has a different place in life.

                          You can enjoy your life in fullness with your LBs and use your extra time for some volunteers projects, maybe helping horphans or whatever.

                          I'm not preaching, it's just the way I see it....

                          Or else, if you're more focused on GGs, but you still enjoy some freeride with LBs now and then, well..... that's up to you....there are plenty of people having "normal" and happy families, and still taking some free time for themselves for.... a quickies or something....


                          • #14
                            Great idea to have a family or spend time (how ever long or limited) with the people you want to be with and love. But never enter into a situation where some one can take from you what isnt theres once you decide its marriage....good luck though enjoy life and be free

