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  • #16
    (Tomcat @ Apr. 07 2006,15:06)
    (sangabriel @ Apr. 07 2006,06:58) silicone from leaking breast implants does not kill
    yes it can kill.

    It stated that people are killed every year by dodgy surgeons doing jobs on the cheap.
    There was a Thai Dr. Frankenstein, who was not even a real doctor...  who was filling condoms with silicone he had bought in a hardware store and was implanting these "home made" breast implants into unsuspecting ladyboys.
    I was really worried when Noon told me she was going in for silicone injections to give her hips... I told her not too do it however she still went ahead and did it...


    • #17;f=1;t=3111

      well according to this post by mandy ts

      a very good ladyboy friend of mine woho worked pattaya on soi 8 callled oy passed away just before the new year billy on here knows her too.
      from what i can make out from her mum who owns the bar she works from it was either her liver or kidneys packed in.
      she was rushed to hospital and died 4 days later.
      i want to make it back for her 100 day party but sadly i cannot get back untill may.

      she will be sadly missed by me and all my friends.
      well a very common complications for a lot of ladyboys ..... due to much hormone intake and a lot of combination from diet pills to beauty pills just to become beautiful and even drink a lot of alcohol it is a cocktail of death which affect the liver or kidney a lot of ladyboys suffer from this kinda incident especially when they turn into thier 30's and above although it happen also to a young ladyboys who is so overdose with hormones well some of the people have weak immune system while others has strong ones  just like people who have high tolerance on pain and other have low tolerance on pain. well im not making sense here but people get sick easily cause of they have weak immune system and to those who are strong ones they can get out of such sickness that is why some people say
      "why doesnt he get sick? he have more unhealthy lifestyle that i do"  

      and for OY wherever you are i didnt bring a blame on you for my explanation well it my conclusion for the general people
      as for the respect
      well may that girl O or OY will rest in peace and well i give such symphaty to all her friends and to the people who love her she is still young and she already make a lot of people happy
      sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


      • #18
        (Socrates999 @ Apr. 06 2006,16:08) Last week also saw the passing of Gai, from HIV, following a short hospital stay. She worked in a Pattaya Soi 6 beauty salon. She has not gone with any customers for about one year, I think, and before that it was mostly Thai guys she was doing in the Karaokes of Pattaya. I know her loss upset some of the soi 6 staff.
        Was this the Gai who was in January 2005 picture set??


        • #19
          (420time @ Apr. 07 2006,18:43) Was this the Gai who was in January 2005 picture set??
          Hello 420time,

          No - it's a different Gai to the one in that set. I don't think she ever featured on the site.

          Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

          "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


          • #20
            (Bam @ Apr. 07 2006,16:07) There was a Thai Dr. Frankenstein, who was not even a real doctor...  who was filling condoms with silicone he had bought in a hardware store and was implanting these "home made" breast implants into unsuspecting ladyboys.
            I was really worried when Noon told me she was going in for silicone injections to give her hips... I told her not too do it however she still went ahead and did it...
            They probably use clean needles to inject this bullshit too.


            She might have died of an infection or pulmonary embolism from injecting industrial silicone.

            If you hear hoofbeats, its probably not a zebra though.

            I am going to stick my neck out and speculate that maybe she got an "infection" after a hot beef injection.

            Being prostitutes who bareback anal with MSM, these girls are at risk for diseases common to prostitutes who bareback anal with MSM.

            I don't think the forum will suffer if the possibility of HIV is discussed, and if anyone reading who remembers fucking Oy or Gai considers an HIV test.


            • #21
              (sangabriel @ Apr. 08 2006,06:53)
              (Bam @ Apr. 07 2006,16:07) There was a Thai Dr. Frankenstein, who was not even a real doctor...  who was filling condoms with silicone he had bought in a hardware store and was implanting these "home made" breast implants into unsuspecting ladyboys.
              I was really worried when Noon told me she was going in for silicone injections to give her hips... I told her not too do it however she still went ahead and did it...
              They probably use clean needles to inject this bullshit too.


              She might have died of an infection or pulmonary embolism from injecting silicone.

              If you hear hoofbeats, its probably not a zebra though.

              I am going to stick my neck out and speculate that maybe she got an "infection" after a hot beef injection.

              Being prostitutes who bareback anal with MSM, these girls are at risk for diseases common to prostitutes who bareback anal with MSM.

              I don't think the forum will suffer if the possibility of HIV is discussed, and if anyone reading who remembers fucking Oy or Gai considers an HIV test.
              well its not the case of clean needles or what

              but as the way it is nurses and doctors have to be very carefull on injecting thier patient with medicine or anesthitics well its obvious that our body has lots of nerves connecting into it and there are some sensitive tissues on our body which doctors have to be carefull injecting something in our body so that those tissues or nerves wont get hit by the needles cause it can end up in paralysis or death cause of carelessness as for this girls case well since she is doing it with a quack doctor then she end up such consequences (sorry if i say that)

              i have a friend from the university who had injected hormones in wrong part of her body since she had her nursing student sister did it and hit it on the wrong part of her body and hit the pulmunary area which suddenly a few minutes she collapse and got rush in the hospital. luckily she was alive and but she stayed in the hospital for how many weeks cause she had a complication already in her lungs well now as i see her she does look normal and still beautiful but not like before but she can never get exhausted or sweat to much cause he would loose a lot of breath

              well as for the case of OY
              as ive said before since its a comlication from liver or kidney then its something that has done by to much artificial hormone intake
              sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


              • #22
                Sangabriel, as you mentioned PCP Pneumnia, this is a very common fatal desease in LOS, caused very often by Yaba. A very good friend of mine, an Indonesian LB in Amsterdam, died just recently after taking this bloody drug for too long! Chrystal Meth is currently the most dangerous drug on this planet, easier and cheaper to produce than H and unfortunately most of it distributed via LOS.
                Very sad.....



                • #23
                  (Mai-Kee @ Apr. 09 2006,18:13) Sangabriel, as you mentioned PCP Pneumnia, this is a very common fatal desease in LOS, caused very often by Yaba. A very good friend of mine, an Indonesian LB in Amsterdam, died just recently after taking this bloody drug for too long! Chrystal Meth is currently the most dangerous drug on this planet, easier and cheaper to produce than H and unfortunately most of it distributed via LOS.
                  Very sad.....


                  I am not an expert on yaba and the associated illnesses so this was an educational posting by you. However, my suspicion is that Sangabriel was trying to be coy regarding the PCP pneumonia (an AIDS defining illness) and trying to imply or question whether Oy had HIV/AIDS. Now if I am reading too much into his statement then I apologize. I suspect that my interpretation is correct given the general tone of his recent posts.
                  This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
                  Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
                  Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
                  And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!


                  • #24
                    (Mai-Kee @ Apr. 09 2006,18:13) Sangabriel, as you mentioned PCP Pneumnia, this is a very common fatal desease in LOS, caused very often by Yaba. A very good friend of mine, an Indonesian LB in Amsterdam, died just recently after taking this bloody drug for too long! Chrystal Meth is currently the most dangerous drug on this planet, easier and cheaper to produce than H and unfortunately most of it distributed via LOS.
                    Very sad.....

                    PCP stands for "Pneumocystis pneumonia" and is caused by Pneumocystis jiroveci, a parasite that causes disease in immunosuppressed people, who typically have CD4 T-cell counts less than 200/mm³ at the time of diagnosis.

                    Crystal meth is indeed dangerous, and whacked out users can stay up for hours (even days) and engage in high-risk sexual behavior. But there is no evidence that methamphetamines, including yaba, cause PCP pneumonia.

                    I apologize for my recent skeptical tone but misinformation about preventable disease (i.e. yaba causes PCP pneumonia) is troubling. Flame away.

                    Click here for a Canadian news report (CBC) on crystal meth


                    • #25
                      ohh crystal meth is common in the philippines we call it "shabu" its only sold for 100peso per gram and you are high and trippin some ladyboys use it to loose some wieght or slender
                      sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


                      • #26
                        Actually I'm not a doc and I also don't know the causality here, but strangewise Yaba does cause major lung problems. I thought it's PCP, but fact is that the girl in Amsterdam died of problems with her lung caused by Yaba and I know of 2 other cases in LOS who had the same symptoms and died the same way. One even had half of her lung removed but died a few months later anyway....
                        I'd be really interested how that is connected, so if any medic is here to enlighten us, pls do so!



                        • #27
                          (Mai-Kee @ Apr. 09 2006,22:36) Actually I'm not a doc and I also don't know the causality here, but strangewise Yaba does cause major lung problems. I thought it's PCP, but fact is that the girl in Amsterdam died of problems with her lung caused by Yaba and I know of 2 other cases in LOS who had the same symptoms and died the same way. One even had half of her lung removed but died a few months later anyway....
                          I have heard of yaba trashing lungs. Some of these homemade methamphetamines are mixed with buddha-knows what and smoked. A real tragedy.


                          • #28
                            (sangabriel @ Apr. 09 2006,22:22) [
                            PCP stands for "Pneumocystis pneumonia" and is caused by Pneumocystis jiroveci, a parasite that causes disease in immunosuppressed people, who typically have CD4 T-cell counts less than 200/mm³ at the time of diagnosis.[/quote]
                            Fairly correct statements. Keep in mind the following though:

                            The CD4 count under 200 being a risk factor for PCP came from AIDS patients. Hence, they get prophalaxis with Bactrim (unless they have an allergy) in the USA. It is not true that a CD4<200 is necessary in order to get opportunitic infections like PCP. Folks on chronic immunosuppression (either iatrogenic or disease related) can get opportunitic infections with higher white counts.

                            Also, PCP (new name being Pneumocystis jiroveci) is actually a fungus according to genetic studies. I have not heard of it called a parasite in recent years. Although, there has been talk about it evolving from obligate parasites in the very distant past. Why one needs to know this crap in the generall community is beyond me. I know it for job related reasons.


                            Edman JC, Kovacs JA, Masur H, Santi DV, Elwood HJ, Sogin ML. Ribosomal RNA sequence shows Pneumocystis carinii to be a member of the fungi. Nature 1988;334:519-22.
                            Stringer SL, Stringer JR, Blaser MA, Walzer PD, Cushion MT. Pneumocystis carinii: sequence from ribosomal RNA implies a close relationship with fungi. Exp Parasitol 1989;68:450-61.
                            This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
                            Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
                            Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
                            And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!
                            FORT MINOR-REMEMBER THE NAME


                            • #29
                              (Mai-Kee @ Apr. 09 2006,22:36) Actually I'm not a doc and I also don't know the causality here, but strangewise Yaba does cause major lung problems. I thought it's PCP, but fact is that the girl in Amsterdam died of problems with her lung caused by Yaba and I know of 2 other cases in LOS who had the same symptoms and died the same way. One even had half of her lung removed but died a few months later anyway....
                              I'd be really interested how that is connected, so if any medic is here to enlighten us, pls do so!

                              In my field, I have seen similar findings with a phenomenon called talc lung which can lead to lung damage.  This is secondary to the materials placed in the illicit drugs in the manufacturing process.


                              Disease induced by illicit drugs. Illicit drugs can also cause diffuse infiltrative lung disease. Talc-induced granulomatosis and pulmonary fibrosis can result from injection of crushed and dissolved amphetamine or narcotic pills that have talc as the filler. The disease can progress years after the last exposure, because the talc persists in the lungs and continues to elicit an inflammatory response. Open lung or transbronchial lung biopsy reveals a granulomatous inflammation with abundant talc particles, which can be visualized with polarizing microscopy. Failure to evaluate granulomas with a polarizing microscope may lead to an erroneous diagnosis of sarcoidosis. The diagnosis can also be made by detecting talc in the retina. Heroin use can lead to acute pulmonary edema but does not in itself cause a chronic diffuse infiltrative lung disease. Cocaine has been associated with acute pulmonary edema and has been reported to cause diffuse alveolar hemorrhage and a syndrome of pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia. Cocaine-related pulmonary reactions do not lead to chronic lung lesions.
                              This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
                              Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
                              Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
                              And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!
                              FORT MINOR-REMEMBER THE NAME


                              • #30
                                (relpax @ Apr. 10 2006,00:48) Fairly correct statements.  Keep in mind the following though:

                                The CD4 count under 200 being a risk factor for PCP came from AIDS patients.  Hence, they get prophalaxis with Bactrim (unless they  have an allergy) in the USA.  It is not true that a CD4<200 is necessary in order to get opportunitic infections like PCP.  Folks on chronic immunosuppression (either iatrogenic or disease related) can get opportunitic infections with higher white counts.  

                                Also, PCP (new name being Pneumocystis jiroveci) is actually a fungus according to genetic studies.  I have not heard of it called a parasite in recent years.  
                                Dr. Housestaff,

                                I never said a "CD4<200 is necessary in order to get opportunitic infections like PCP". I used the word "typically." Again, common things are common and the most common reason for a LB prostitute, or really anyone these days, to be immunosuppressed is not because they have had an organ transplant and are on immunosuppressive medications.

                                Furthermore, Pneumocystis jiroveci can be considered a parasite. I think that you are confusing "parasite" with "protozoan". Go here to the CDC website if you don't believe me.


