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  • songkran

    To all veteran's of the Songkrans past:

    What to expect in 2006??  Songkran will start on 13 April 2006 and go until 15 April.  Can anyone who has experienced this before give me a headup on what to expect?

    For example, do the bars, gogo's, Nana LB spots close or are they open?  Should I prepare to get wet no matter where I go?  Do our LB friends work during this time?

    Thanks for any advice.  I am heading up to BKK from Pattaya tomorrow.


    the most wonderful time to be in thialand
    the worst time to be in thialand
    its ok as i am hiding in my room with a lb

  • #2
    Expect Chaos, and yes you will get matter dress accordingly and keep your money and mobile phone in a plastic bag or similar.

    During the Day Khao San Road is the main spot for water fights And there will be many LB.
    Nana plaza also can be fun, upto 6pm. No water after 6pm.

    At night Nana will be 'normal' but people outside will still have guns.
    RCA and Ratchada clubs will be fun of people partying

    The girls in gogos do work during this period, but I'd guess they appreciate being barfined for the night, although some will go home.
    "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


    • #3
      (Snick @ Apr. 10 2006,21:12) . No water after 6pm.
      Thank fuck for that . Not my idea of fun. Why Westerners ever want to get involved beats me.

      i hate Songkran, sorry folks      bah humbug!!


      • #4
        Sorry Tomcat - I dislike holidays festivals such as Songkran.  However, being here in part on business, I have no choice. Maybe it will be time to enjoy a bottle of wine in the lobby lounge of the JW Marriott.



        • #5
          Unfortunately its westerners that have escalated this into the largest water fight in the world.

          Years ago it was alot more peaceful sane affair, the thais used to wander around putting white flower & water on your face as they passed by. Now its bordering on the use of riot water cannons with not much reference to the actual festival.

          I have semi enjoyed it on a couple
          of occassions, but now organize my tour of duty a couple of weeks after the event as i just find it annouying. I don't have a problem with the Thais chucking water about, its there festival to celerbrate. Its all the moronic tourist horde & back packers   that join in, half of them have no idea what its all about & just become a nuisanse.

          Not forgetting of course there are about 400-500 fatalities each year, directly related to the water fights, if Thai figures are to be believed !!

          You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


          • #6
            (rob69in @ Apr. 11 2006,17:51) . Its all the moronic tourist horde & back packers   that join in, half of them have no idea what its all about & just become a nuisanse.
            I agree with that 100%.

            Brainless  morons im afraid.  One day im going to lose my cool and whack one of these idiots badly. Believe me i do try to avoid it as well..... like walking by another route etc etc..

            Like Karl, i have to be in Bankok at this time and have no choice. Ill just stick myself inside some Go Go bar and
            try to forget about it. Last year i did notice a slight drop off in the number of girls around.... maybe some go home to the family.

            Fun for some.... a nightmare for others.....


            • #7
              (Tomcat @ Apr. 11 2006,22:22)
              (Snick @ Apr. 10 2006,21:12) . No water after 6pm.
              Thank fuck for that . Not my idea of fun. Why Westerners ever want to get involved beats me.

              i hate Songkran, sorry folks      bah humbug!!
              Song Kran is the only reason i go in April     I however am not one of the ass holes of whom you speak lol. Thats when all the LBs are half naked drenched and chasing you around. alot of them go back up to chiang mai... Now thats where to be if u like water.....
              Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


              • #8
                I'm 100% with Tomcat! A time for imbeciles to come out to play!

                Me? I have already stocked up with everything I need to avoid this government sanctioned attempt to cull motorcycle drivers. It's a time to eat, drink, sleep, watch telly and work on my computer INDOORS!

                Enjoy Songkran folks... I always do and I never get wet!


                • #9
                  (stogie bear @ Apr. 12 2006,04:10) I'm 100% with Tomcat! A time for imbeciles to come out to play!

                  Me? I have already stocked up with everything I need to avoid this government sanctioned attempt to cull motorcycle drivers. It's a time to eat, drink, sleep, watch telly and work on my computer INDOORS!

                  Enjoy Songkran folks... I always do and I never get wet!  
                  Enjoy Sir, Enjoy.....
                  Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                  • #10
                    if bangkok is anything like pattaya stay at home its


                    I know a lot of bar owners that leave thialand during songkran
                    there is no respect for people or there belongings during the endlessmadness
                    hope for your sake bangkok is better
                    remember its not wise to have a phone ,camera or vid with you as this will not stop someone launching a bucket of water over you and your belongings
                    stay of the moterbikes as well as these are a good target
                    best idea get 1 or 2 girls and stay in bed
                    in love with nat


                    • #11
                      The worse thing thats happened to me during song kran is some muppet putting powder all over my visor so i couldnt see where i was riding.....
                      Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                      • #12
                        (trouble999 @ Apr. 12 2006,03:58) best idea get 1 or 2 girls and stay in bed
                        Yes, did that a couple of years ago, holed up in the Penthouse hotel Jacuzzi room with 2 LB's. I should have confiscated there mobiles as a couple of there mates came over for sanctuary in the late evening & stayed the night.

                        I definitely couldn't cope with 4 !!

                        You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                        • #13
                          I watched a bunch of clowns tip a whole giant waste bin full of water from the top of the MTR  train station in Silom Road on to some poor sap driving a 50cc motor bike.

                          The poor cunt had no chance as he had no warning and was lucky to escape with his life. Im sure they actually wanted to kill some fucker  and were hiding away in the overhang so the bikers were taken by surprise.

                          will sanity prevail this year----- no chance----


                          • #14
                            If you are out driving a motorcycle around at this time of year then frankly you deserve what you get! It's a shame that these infants are killing people with their childishness but let's face it - we know it's gonna happen - we know the cops don't want to get involved and we know that being indoors makes sense!

                            Day - dry as a bone!


                            • #15
                              I seem to remember seeing a newspaper article  -  I think about 2 years ago  -  saying the total road casualties for the two weeks over Songkran were about 4500.
                              It continued saying that this was an inprovement on the previous year.  

                              The UK has about that number of casualties in 1 year !

                              Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                              "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."

