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  • Thailand

    If Thailand was no longer the Hot Spot for LB's would you still come?
    Of Course i would i love this Country.
    I Mite pop back from time to time.
    Why else would i come here, hell no.
    Where's Thailand? South America, Phillipines here i come.
    Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!

  • #2
    brazil in america
    thailand in asia
    holland in europe
    i dont know whats the sex capital in africa or most tg scene in africa
    sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


    • #3
      Thank God, I'm not that lame and shallow. Thailand is truly an amazing country and I was coming there long before I discoverd the world of LB'S. If the only reason you are coming to Thailand is for the LB'S do yourself a favor, get a life and open and your mind.


      • #4
        If there were a law that the age of consent in the LOS was 30, and the PI, Bali, Brazil were still 18 then I'd expand my horizons and start seeing the rest of the world.

        when traveling alone, the ease of hooking up is important.


        • #5
          For me Thailand is strictly for business and, thanks God, been doing well in these last couple of years. Hopefully won't happen another melt-down like in '97!!!
          I can do without the LBs, Nana and all the rest..but since they are there, it makes a trip more pleasurable than Saudi Arabia
          Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


          • #6
            I have been visiting the LOS for at least 27 years, & I am not about stop visiting just because there are no GG's / LB's, but of course i get around quite a bit & i often have opportunities elsewhere.

            I do not bother to "date" in western countrys because its just not a pleasant experience & you know you are going to get scammed. So why bother!! I just bide my time till i am in the countrys of choice & enjoy the P4P. So it does have an importance in my choice destinations. But the LOS has many other factors, that some of the other destinations just don't have.

            "dating" / P4P. Same deal really, except you know whats happening up front, you are paying all the incidental costs, food, transit, drinks, entry fee's, hotels etc. Except the attitude & company is alot better & normally the evenings conclusion is much nicer too.


            You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


            • #7
              i think you should have rephrased the question: would you still travel to los if the where no p4p-scene:
              my answer would have been 'no'. since i have already been there alot. i like several other things about thailand, but fucking is the main reason i sit 12hrs on a plane.


              • #8
                (snejana_demientrovska @ Apr. 13 2006,05:21) i dont know whats the sex capital in africa or most tg scene in africa
                where do the whiteman go??kenya, south africa and namibia maybe. the nigerians export alot girls to hook in europe. in oslo only, there are 4-500 nigerians working as street-hookers.

