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LBs in London

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  • #31
    Well Laila AKA Neesha is from Singapore. She has worked in Melbourne quite a bit. I started seeing her a bit outside of work and she seemed like a very lovely down to earth girl.

    That's before she went to the US and London and came back with the biggest attitude change.

    I would not recommend her myself anymore, although I am sure she might be better than some of the others available.

    I echo the above when I went to see her. I arrived late due to tube delays, which left only 30 minutes of the hour appontment because she said she had another client right after mine. She said I still had to pay the full hour rate, so I left


    • #32
      (breakermorant @ May 14 2006,09:15)
      (Mai-Kee @ Apr. 13 2006,15:12) Sure, but at least they are there! Of course they have an attitude and everything, but that's London, waiters have an attitude there, shopvendors, everybody. And on top it's double prized - but it's there! I can choose between a Latina and a few days later I take an Asian and on Sat I go to Stunners, get boozed and fuck whoever is running around in a skirt..... London is great, you have to budget it, but you get whatever you're looking for - anytime! You don't get this somewhere in Bristol, Duesseldorf or Lille.  So I definitely prefer having a broad choice to keep up my regular sexlife and of course pay the extra, than wanking for months and dreaming of my next flight to LOS, Brazil, or the PI.


      So you can pay these girls maybe 200 - 300 sterling ? Maybe more than once a month it seems !!  God you seem to be a very lucky guy to be able to afford these extortionate fees !!!  Do you honestly feel that these girls have the right to ask these fees even in london ?  Sure this is not LOS or Manila/KL BUT these 'ladies' ARE taking the piss and it is rich people like you that fuck the TS scene here for everybody.  Anyone who knows anyone here knows the going rate is at best 120 upwards.  All these new girls are getting greedy now and landed gentry like you with no care in the world with your care free attitute fuck things up !!

      With riches come responsibility MK - you must know that and hey I wish you well.  All I ask is that in between your liasons with these ladies in chelsea and lancaster gate etc.. that you might consider that you too are being ripped off ! And i am sure most of your easily gained cash is probably NOT going to that girl ?

      Jeez you really are lucky MK coz I guess that most guys I know into the TS scene really do wait till they get to LOS ! Yes believe it rich priviledged boy some people are forced to only have sex 2 times per year !!!!

      I expect you will dismiss this mail like most rich people do who think that envy is the problem of the common man.  

      What intrigues me is that if you are a successful man with intelligence to make so much money that you readily pay outrageous fees to scam artists whose only purpose is to rip people off?

      Everyone has the right to make 'decent' money but there are evil people out there who think that they can make a fortune in the UK out of the misery of the model and if we give them the stupid money they demand the only people that win are TRAFFICERS !

      Bollocks, can we do the right thing ?

      Guess not

      I agree its a rip off. Im sure the girls who all seem to use the similar addresses in Bayswater/Lancaster Gate/Paddington are controlled by traffickers or criminal elements. Maybe thåt could be why some are mechanical clock watchers who just lie back and do nothing. The money they are chaging is not going into their pockets, most go to the traffickers/agents/pimps who employ them, and inturn charge them high 'bar fines' room rents etc. Who knows they may not be making much more than girls in BKK, unless they go independent.

      Last week the Evening Standard did a front page of high class brothel in the area being raided by the police. The girls were all Oriental and they were part of a intricate mullti million pound trafficking ring. I often feel bad about it after paying, but make sure I work longer hours to earn back the money I wasted.

      So I am thinking of saving my dosh and go out to LOS instead. The girls are better looking going by the photos

      (Mai-Kee @ Apr. 13 2006,15:12) Sure, but at least they are there! Of course they have an attitude and everything, but that's London, waiters have an attitude there, shopvendors, everybody. And on top it's double prized - but it's there! I can choose between a Latina and a few days later I take an Asian and on Sat I go to Stunners, get boozed and fuck whoever is running around in a skirt..... London is great, you have to budget it, but you get whatever you're looking for - anytime! You don't get this somewhere in Bristol, Duesseldorf or Lille.  So I definitely prefer having a broad choice to keep up my regular sexlife and of course pay the extra, than wanking for months and dreaming of my next flight to LOS, Brazil, or the PI.


      So you can pay these girls maybe 200 - 300 sterling ? Maybe more than once a month it seems !!  God you seem to be a very lucky guy to be able to afford these extortionate fees !!!  Do you honestly feel that these girls have the right to ask these fees even in london ?  Sure this is not LOS or Manila/KL BUT these 'ladies' ARE taking the piss and it is rich people like you that fuck the TS scene here for everybody.  Anyone who knows anyone here knows the going rate is at best 120 upwards.  All these new girls are getting greedy now and landed gentry like you with no care in the world with your care free attitute fuck things up !!

      With riches come responsibility MK - you must know that and hey I wish you well.  All I ask is that in between your liasons with these ladies in chelsea and lancaster gate etc.. that you might consider that you too are being ripped off ! And i am sure most of your easily gained cash is probably NOT going to that girl ?

      Jeez you really are lucky MK coz I guess that most guys I know into the TS scene really do wait till they get to LOS ! Yes believe it rich priviledged boy some people are forced to only have sex 2 times per year !!!!

      I expect you will dismiss this mail like most rich people do who think that envy is the problem of the common man.  

      What intrigues me is that if you are a successful man with intelligence to make so much money that you readily pay outrageous fees to scam artists whose only purpose is to rip people off?

      Everyone has the right to make 'decent' money but there are evil people out there who think that they can make a fortune in the UK out of the misery of the model and if we give them the stupid money they demand the only people that win are TRAFFICERS !

      Bollocks, can we do the right thing ?

      Guess not



      • #33
        (breakermorant @ May 14 2006,04:15)
        (Mai-Kee @ Apr. 13 2006,15:12) Sure, but at least they are there! Of course they have an attitude and everything, but that's London, waiters have an attitude there, shopvendors, everybody. And on top it's double prized - but it's there! I can choose between a Latina and a few days later I take an Asian and on Sat I go to Stunners, get boozed and fuck whoever is running around in a skirt..... London is great, you have to budget it, but you get whatever you're looking for - anytime! You don't get this somewhere in Bristol, Duesseldorf or Lille.  So I definitely prefer having a broad choice to keep up my regular sexlife and of course pay the extra, than wanking for months and dreaming of my next flight to LOS, Brazil, or the PI.


        So you can pay these girls maybe 200 - 300 sterling ? Maybe more than once a month it seems !!  God you seem to be a very lucky guy to be able to afford these extortionate fees !!!  Do you honestly feel that these girls have the right to ask these fees even in london ?  Sure this is not LOS or Manila/KL BUT these 'ladies' ARE taking the piss and it is rich people like you that fuck the TS scene here for everybody.  Anyone who knows anyone here knows the going rate is at best 120 upwards.  All these new girls are getting greedy now and landed gentry like you with no care in the world with your care free attitute fuck things up !!

        With riches come responsibility MK - you must know that and hey I wish you well.  All I ask is that in between your liasons with these ladies in chelsea and lancaster gate etc.. that you might consider that you too are being ripped off ! And i am sure most of your easily gained cash is probably NOT going to that girl ?

        Jeez you really are lucky MK coz I guess that most guys I know into the TS scene really do wait till they get to LOS ! Yes believe it rich priviledged boy some people are forced to only have sex 2 times per year !!!!

        I expect you will dismiss this mail like most rich people do who think that envy is the problem of the common man.  

        What intrigues me is that if you are a successful man with intelligence to make so much money that you readily pay outrageous fees to scam artists whose only purpose is to rip people off?

        Everyone has the right to make 'decent' money but there are evil people out there who think that they can make a fortune in the UK out of the misery of the model and if we give them the stupid money they demand the only people that win are TRAFFICERS !

        Bollocks, can we do the right thing ?

        Guess not

        LOL.... easy man, everything's ok!    

        1. I'm far from being rich!
        2. All I'm saying is that it's beyond my imagination how somebody who is into tgirls is able to wait&wank 11 month to have only 4 weeks of fun in LOS.
        3. I never paid more than 150 for a very pleasant unrushed happening in London.
        4. What's the point here, when you have to pay in London at least 300 sterling/week for a craphole 40sqm basement in central London. This is the bloody most expensive city in Europe, the food is double priced than for instance in Amsterdam (and there it's not cheap), the girls have higher costs (they stay in Earls Court, Soho, Bayswater, Notting Hill...) so their prices are higher - seems logic....huh?!
        4. What do I get in Blighty for 150 sterling anyway - fucking nothing - so the cost/value balance is the same than in other European capitals. And of course you get more for your bucks in Leeds or Newcastle - but then you're in bloody Leeds and Newcastle?
        6. And when you're such a cheap fuck who wants everything for free, then you should have gone to Stunners on Sat night, instead of posting bullshit here!



        • #34
          .... and to hoddeson:
          I did a lot of the London girls and ALL of them were independent! No pimp, no organisation, nothing!!! Of course they need the money for themselves (and to send back to their families) - what do you think? How else could they pay the rents? They don't stay in the middle of Sussex and commute everyday 2 hours like most of the people. Living is super expensive in London and tgirls do have expensive tastes!

          To get a bit more insight here I can recommend:
          "Diary Of A Manhattan Callgirl" by Tracy Quan
          "Belle De Jour: Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl!"

          Both books are very much to the point - and you can compare 1:1 the living costs of NY with London.



          • #35
            (Mai-Kee @ May 14 2006,20:01) .... and to hoddeson:
            I did a lot of the London girls and ALL of them were independent! No pimp, no organisation, nothing!!! Of course they need the money for themselves (and to send back to their families) - what do you think? How else could they pay the rents? They don't stay in the middle of Sussex and commute everyday 2 hours like most of the people. Living is super expensive in London and tgirls do have expensive tastes!

            To get a bit more insight here I can recommend:
            "Diary Of A Manhattan Callgirl" by Tracy Quan
            "Belle De Jour: Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl!"

            Both books are very much to the point - and you can compare 1:1 the living costs of NY with London.

            Mai-Kee if you go back through the thread I think you will see it was breakermorant and not hoddeson99 who said those things. Somehow it seems hoddeson99 accidently quoted it.



            • #36
              (johnpaul50 @ Apr. 15 2006,23:06) I can't wait either. Try Vixen in London. here is her website:
              I Wanted her but she doesnt do black guys..... Her loss.... :coffee:
              Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


              • #37
                getting a bit off topic here but let's just there are people in London who are on good money. I do prefer to go to thailand of corse but in London you work like a dog go out on a friday night, sink piss (beer for our friends across the atlantic) like no ones business and get a bit horny, you go get laid. At that stage I really couldn't care what they charge, i'd pay it. You wake up in the morning spending £500 and can't remember half the night. I've had nights out where I didn't see a ladyboy and spent £500. Fuck it it's only money and when you die you can't take it with you.

                I think London is the same as anywhere, you pay the going rate. Having said that. If you are on a budget go home have a wank and put your money in your thai trip fund. But be warned, once you go, you'll spend the rest of your life planning your next trip to LOS.
                Beer Baron


                • #38
                  you'll spend the rest of your life planning your next trip to LOS.
                  I try to abstain from the local talent but as you say sometimes things become too hard. I prefer to save my money for LOS.

                  I start planning the next trip as my flight leaves Don Muang


                  • #39
                    But be warned, once you go, you'll spend the rest of your life planning your next trip to LOS.
                    A truer word has never been spoken Your life far from revolves around coming to thailand but theres always that voice in the back of your head saying "When am i going Back" Its a drug i tell you... a drug...
                    Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                    • #40
                      (ozzie @ May 15 2006,02:40)
                      you'll spend the rest of your life planning your next trip to LOS.
                      I try to abstain from the local talent but as you say sometimes things become too hard. I prefer to save my money for LOS.

                      I start planning the next trip as my flight leaves Don Muang  
                      I tend to start planning as i sleep on the plane back... working out how long will it take to save for the ticket and how long to save the spending £££ lol

                      I kina get by over here... purely cos i go to parties, meets, hotels, stunners and ive been seeing a few escorts for a few years so i get off without having to spend any money... I reckon if i earnt more £££ i wouldnt think about parting with my hard earn cash for something that is 2nd best... but at the same time in my head i just cannot justify giving anyone £300 for a service.... Its happened to me b4, ive met a ts/gg on the net organised a meet.. free i mite add... i get there do the do and get my rocks off.. i come out of the hotel and i am pisssed offf lol... ive had a great time but i realise im now in the middle of no where and its 1am in the morning, i have a long ride or drive home now.... Can u imagine my attitude if i payed £150-£300 and i wasnt satisfied?? lol
                      Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                      • #41
                        (geezer @ May 14 2006,15:28) getting a bit off topic here but let's just there are people in London who are on good money. I do prefer to go to thailand of corse but in London you work like a dog go out on a friday night, sink piss (beer for our friends across the atlantic) like no ones business and get a bit horny, you go get laid. At that stage I really couldn't care what they charge, i'd pay it. You wake up in the morning spending £500 and can't remember half the night. I've had nights out where I didn't see a ladyboy and spent £500. Fuck it it's only money and when you die you can't take it with you.

                        I think London is the same as anywhere, you pay the going rate. Having said that. If you are on a budget go home have a wank and put your money in your thai trip fund. But be warned, once you go, you'll spend the rest of your life planning your next trip to LOS.
                        That's exactly my point! If it's a weekend night, I'm pissed, out with the guys and I'm horny then I'm horny and I don't give a shit if that costs bloody 100 or 200 bucks - I just wanna get laid! So if I'm in Blighty and it's a Sat night, I dont wanna do the Stunners girls but one of the "stunning" girls at the Wayout, I take them and pay - period! And of course zillion times I woke up the next day with a head of the size of a football stadium, couldn't even remeber whom I shagged the night before - but that's fine with me. When I party I party. So what the heck?! It might be just one life and the last shirt has no bloody pockets!
                        People drive fancy cars, spend fortune on golf club fees or do the banks a favour by having huge savings - well, I do tgirls whenever my little mini-me down there tells me to do so!



                        • #42
                          When r we going to stunners to shag the not so stunning ones lol
                          Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                          • #43
                            Hahahaha..... we'll do man!!! Stunners still is in the end just fantastic!!!


                            • #44
                              (Bit Beefy @ May 14 2006,17:01)  When r we going to stunners to shag the not so stunning ones lol
                              We do get some stunners some times...
                              Plus they are free...
                              So many Ladyboys so little time..


                              • #45
                                Billy you already woke up?? ... LOL
                                So, how was it yesterday?


