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Newbie here, Just like to introduce myself

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  • Newbie here, Just like to introduce myself

    Hello all, I'm new to this site and just recently discover this new fetish and just want to say hi to all the members here. Not sure where this post fits so I just put it here, I hope its the right place.

    First of all, I just got to say this is a wonderful site and the members here in the forum seems genuinely friendly toward everyone and is not trying to make a buck for themselves, so props to everyone And the site just have awsome contents, looking foward to your future updates.

    Also thanks to dummy_plug and billy for sharing their trip for those of us who hasn't got the guts to live out this fantasy yet

    Still got a lot to learn, and I hope someday maybe I will have the balls (no pun intended ) to make the trip and maybe meet some of the members here.

    Ok here comes the newbie questions.

    Lived in the US most of my life so for convience's sake I'll refer myself as american although I was born in Asia. Being in America, I never had any attraction to "transexuals", "transvestitics" (not sure on this spelling), or "transgender". My fascination started when I accidently (and yes it was an accident, its true, I Swear! ) downloaded a video of a ladyboy playing with herself. I figured out it wasn't just curiousity when I started watching the clip as much as my regular GG collections!

    So my question is, "is there a difference between "transexuals" (as understood in the US) and "ladyboys"? If there is any americans here, are you attracted to "transexuals" as well, or just ladyboys?

    My 2nd question is "Are all ladyboy into guys? Do they like GG's at all? Do ladyboy like ladyboys?"

    My Final question is a more personal one. Just wondering when and how the other members here discover this fetish. Something gradual that took place over a period of time or something you just discovered and like immediatiely. Just thanks ahead of time for anyone that responds.

    And if there is any ladies reading this, let me just say you all are just beautiful and thank you for having the courage to live the life they dream for themselves and not how society and others wants them to be. A lesson we all should learn from.

    Once again, I hope to get to know everyone here better and maybe have the pleasure of meeting some of you, or better yet some of the ladies

  • #2

    Welcome to the site. For the best in Ladyboys, you found the right site. Nothing comes close.

    There is a difference between US She-Males and Ladyboys. US She-Males are much more masculine, and tend to have less female traits. Many of the Ladyboys are smooth, small, petite, and have better bodies (at least in my eyes). Also, the time you spend with them is much more of a GFE. In the US it's $200 and see ya. Such a rip off.

    The net was not established when I had my first LB experience. I happened to be in BKK and went to a bar, and the best looker was a Ladyboy. From then on I was hooked.

    You will find all the Ladyboys into guys. Some will play with girls (other LB's), but they look at that as being a lesbian, as they think of them as ladies, and so do I. Or at least as the 3rd sex.

    Good luck, and again, welcome to the board.



    • #3
      welcome and good comment Loutus man. Your site was one of the first i stumbled onto many many moons ago.


      • #4
        I'll only answer a couple of your points, and I don't mean to be degrading, but it's important to understand some sensitivities.

        This isn't a fetish for most of us, if we take fetish to mean an unusual obsession. It's quite normal. My girlfriend May is normal. I am normal. By me having her as a girlfriend, doesn't mean she is my fetish, much like I would not tell you your previous girlfriend was your fetish.

        By calling it a fetish, and your comment that the ladies have courage for living the way they want also implies they are some strange object. They are just ladies. That's all. It is normal for them.

        Think of LBs and their admirers us, as normal, and that's closer to the mark.


        • #5
          (chanish @ May 14 2006,07:30) Also thanks to dummy_plug
          You had me at 'Hello'.
          I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


          • #6
            (dummy_plug @ May 14 2006,10:45)
            (chanish @ May 14 2006,07:30) Also thanks to dummy_plug
            You had me at 'Hello'.      
            u r so easy DP.


            • #7
              (vangough05 @ May 14 2006,12:33)
              (dummy_plug @ May 14 2006,10:45)
              (chanish @ May 14 2006,07:30) Also thanks to dummy_plug
              You had me at 'Hello'.      
              u r so easy DP.  
              If I had a dollar for every time I heard that...
              I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


              • #8
                I understand your point ziggy, and i didn't mean any offense by anything I said. If you read what i said at the bottom of the post, i have all the respect for LBs, i can't even imagine the courage and the guts it take to do what they do. To live one's life how they want to and totally against the grain of society. I for one certainly would not have the courage.

                So my apologies if you were offended.


                • #9
                  hmm ok, just re-read your post and just want to rephrase something.

                  When i say Lb live the life they want, I don't mean to express they are strange in any sort of way. What I wanted to express is that they took the courage to do somthing extrodinary and against the grain of society, and to do something like this takes a lot of courage.

                  Ok now i'm starting to feel like i'm digging myself my own grave. Once again I just want to say i didn't mean anything offense by what I wrote. But if you still feel that way, please feel free to correct me at anytime, ziggy. As you have a much better understanding than I do, I certainly don't want to be insensetive to these girls.


                  • #10

                    welcome to the forum, I think we generally refer to LB's as being the Asian version of transexuals & TS as the European- American / Latin American version of transexuals.

                    I have to agree with Ziggy, its not a fetish, there IS a 3rd gender whether the gawping unenlightened masses are prepared to accept it or not. They are normal people living a reasonbly normal life, & some of us preferr them to the other 2 genders, altho' I still thoroughly enjoy GG's too.

                    Enjoy the forum, lots of us do.

                    You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                    • #11
                      Welcome, Charish...

                      All the answers you need are here. Enjoy browsing the forum!



                      • #12
                        Just to let you know that what is said about American Tgirls is mostly true. They want your money and many are masculine.

                        However, Celeste in Vegas is a very attractive and feminine shemale.
                        Catherine, in San Diego (although she might have a new name now) is very feminine and if you see her in porn, she will have you believing that her anus is a vagina the way she fingers it.
                        Venus, in New York is very feminine and has been stated by a member here that she is the closest thing to a Thai girl in the States.

                        All, by the way, are of Asian descent.

                        Saigon Lee, Madison (aka Anna Alexander), Raquel Reyes, and Onjulic are all passable and on eros.

                        Seren Love is most feminine (and knows it herself) and makes it hard on you (if you know what I mean) to see her. She even appeared on Playboy TV's Sexcratarya.

                        In London, England there are plenty of Ladyboys too! One featured here (do not know her name off hand) lives there and oh Venus (a real pretty and attractive woman.

                        So you can find it here, just have to look.
                        Love life to its fullest.


                        • #13
                          Sometimes I think it is like a fetish, if you class a fetish as something which is not necessarily weird, just an object of excessive attention or reverence. To somebody who isnt into LBs then they would call it a fetsih in a negative way for sure.
                          When she walks, she’s like a samba
                          That swings so cool and sways so gentle


                          • #14
                            Hey Chanish,

                            Welcome aboard.

                            Some answers:
                            Speaking approximately, LBs = Shemales = transsexuals = new-half = TS = Mr. Lady (older Japanese term, I'm told), etc. TV (transvestite) is different = CD / Crossdresser, etc.

                            There are differences in behavior, marketing of porn, etc., in the different countries. Naturally, the fact that we're here means that we prefer (or at least really like) Asian LBs. Anyway, don't get too worked up about differences on the TS/LB angle, because it's not really worthwhile to find some minute distinction.

                            As for first interest - I think I became interested in them even before I was a teenager, or right around 13. Imagine that. The first one that really got my attention was Tula Cossey, who posed nude in Playboy. Ahhh, Tula. Right along with Elle MacPherson, Paulina Porizkova, and Rachel Stewart (all 3 were Sports Illustrated swimsuit models), she was one of my early favorites.

                            As Ziggy says, many of us don't think of it as a fetish. I used to think of gays, for instance, as an "alternative lifestyle," but then I got to know some gay guys, and realized that it's biological. Similarly, being transsexual is natural, and a function of biology, rather than choice. (Sure, there are some others, like TV/CDs who are probably not behaving because of basic biological motivation, though who knows or cares.) Why are we attracted to LBs? Who knows. Unlike most of these other guys, I'm not into LBs who still have their dicks. I prefer post-ops and GGs, only. At that stage, there's no reason for me to see a distinction, and even the law and culture of most countries seems to have accepted their equivalence (i.e. between GGs and post-ops).

                            Anyway, welcome aboard, and be sure to check out the Academia forum, for more insights.
                            Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                            Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                            • #15
                              (chanish @ May 14 2006,00:31) hmm ok, just re-read your post and just want to rephrase something.

                              When i say Lb live the life they want, I don't mean to express they are strange in any sort of way. What I wanted to express is that they took the courage to do somthing extrodinary and against the grain of society, and to do something like this takes a lot of courage.

                              Ok now i'm starting to feel like i'm digging myself my own grave. Once again I just want to say i didn't mean anything offense by what I wrote. But if you still feel that way, please feel free to correct me at anytime, ziggy. As you have a much better understanding than I do, I certainly don't want to be insensetive to these girls.

                              Welcome to the forum. I, too was born in Asia-Hong Kong, to be exact. I've known that I am not "normal"(wired differently, queer, weird, fetish(?),...) since before I was 10 years old.

                              As you can see, there are many labels. What's more important is that you accept yourself, whatever label you or others use-as long as you do no harm. Took me a while to accept myself, and there are and will always be other challenges.

                              Don't worry about "digging your own grave". If you don't make mistakes, then you are not learning. Most members give good advices. If they don't care, they wouldn't respond.

                              Ok,enough of me blabbering, just enjoy learning about your (?). Again, welcome to the the play pen.


