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"Savage Love" on Thai Ladyboys

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  • "Savage Love" on Thai Ladyboys

    Was in NYC earlier this week and saw this in Dan Savage's weekly "Village Voice" column"

    Q. I have no intention of ever coming out, but I'm absolutely wild for true Asian ladyboys. (Go to to see what I'm talking about.) Are there any bars within 100 miles of Cleveland where I could meet such delicious creatures? I don't believe you've ever written about them. I don't want to fly to Thailand, since I could never explain that to family and friends. €”Ladyboy Lover

    A. I haven't written about Asian ladyboys, LL, because no one has ever asked me about Asian ladyboys. Until you€”and aren't you special? And closeted? And cowardly? If I had to guess, LL, I'd say there isn't a single "delicious" Asian ladyboy within 200 miles of Cleveland, Ohio, much less a bar full of them. For that sort of action you will have to go to Thailand€”and you don't need to come out of the closet to do that. Tell your family you caught The King and I on cable and that you've taken a sudden interest in Thai culture. Then fly to Thailand, you big pussy, where ladyboys are thick on the ground. Hire only ladyboys of legal age, tip extravagantly, and use condoms.
    The complete article may be found at Savage Love - May 10, 2006

  • #2
    I liked that question asked just before the Ladyboy one...

    Q. I 'm a 22-year-old woman with a 21-year-old live-in boyfriend of 11 months. My boyfriend loves eating my ass. He goes for my ass when I wake up, after I get out of the shower, when I get home from work. At first it felt good as hell, but now it's too freaky. We haven't had vaginal sex or cunnilingus for a month! I made up every excuse possible for him not to do it, but he became violent and went into a rage, accusing me of infidelity. I love him, but the whole ass thing has completely freaked me out. Should I stay or should I go? €”Grossed Out in Baltimore

    A. Smart women everywhere regard baseless accusations of infidelity€” particularly ones that come packaged in violence and rage€”as proof that it's time to DTMFA, GOIB. Butt first: There's nothing wrong with a man who wants to eat a woman's ass€”or toss her salad, as the straight kids say. And no, ladies, there's nothing gay about a boy sticking his tongue up a girl's butt. Like most every sex act, save solo or cyber, eating ass carries health risks€”all the usual STIs along with intestinal parasites (it does, however, present a relatively low risk for HIV transmission). Tossers can minimize their risks by eating only freshly showered butt and by reserving rimming, as the gay kids call it, for regular partners you know to be in good sexual health.

    Back to your boyfriend: His thing for your ass isn't the problem. His sexual selfishness is problematic (it feels good to have your salad tossed, but not to the exclusion of all other activities), but that issue is eclipsed by his willingness to resort to violence in order to manipulate you sexually. That should freak you out more than the ass-eating thing. If he's flying into violent rages to get you to submit to his sexual demands, then he's an abuser and you need to dump the motherfucker already.



    • #3
      That's about the only useful advice I've seen Dan Savage give. Sometimes, I don't know where this guy comes up with the shit he spouts.
      I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!

