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The weather

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  • The weather

    I know its the rainy season, with showers virtually every day. I suppose in the night time if visiting bars it wont be much bother. however, I have to do some sightseeing and explore the country like a tourist, bring back momemtos, etc to prove to others (some prat grassed me up!!) that Im not a 'sex tourist'. But if its pouring down with rain, surely the sightseeing and beaches will be out of the question? I dont fancy trudging around in mud etc. What is there that goes on for 'tourists' despite the rain?

    Btw if in the night times when you pick up LBs and its pouring down, it would be best to take them to your place by taxi or just use the ST rooms in the bars?

    You all can guess a newbie getting more nervous about his first ever trip, by the 'flippant' like questions!

  • #2
    Or you could just tell your friend you are a sex tourist.

    Life is so much simpler when you don't have to cover your tracks.


    • #3
      First off, check out 'general purpose' sites on visiting thailand

      Short answer is, yes you can go, it doesn't rain 24/7. But it is the low season (in fact thats why it is the low season), high season is sunnier (and more crowded and more expensive).

      As for girls. No change they're still there, in fact there will be more of them !

      If you want a good beach, go to Samui, the weather patterns are different and it does not get the rain until October.

      Go Ayuthaya, snaps some pics, tell everyone you went for the history.
      "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon

