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Condom broke, please help

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  • #16
    and during that the condom broke
    Don't worry about it mate thats how I go here


    • #17
      Condoms breaking is just part of the risk we all take every day. Lets face its  gonner happen to everybody at some point and one may not even know its happened.

      Theres actually no comforting answer to the question unless your Iggy Pop, who once said while playing a radio DJ in a SCi- Fi film..........

      " And today the good news is....there aint no fucking good news"


      • #18
        Aids and hiv are different but same aids is the anti bodies and hiv is the virus you can have the antibodies with out having the virus but it does not work the other way around . 2 examples magic johnson had aids not hiv and greg louganis. What you do not here is that a small % do not get full blown hiv but aids only.
        haha ... where did you copy this from? mad magazine ?! lol ..

        aids havent anything to do with anti-bodies. aids is a condition. the body produces anti-bodies.

        I know this due to training i have had to do in relation to my security jobs in past and present plus it was also part of coaching course i did.
        i am speechless lol ...


        • #19
          (david123au @ May 24 2006,15:59) Aids and hiv are different but same  aids is the anti bodies and hiv  is the virus you can have the antibodies with out having the virus but it does not work the other way around . 2 examples magic johnson had aids not hiv and greg louganis. What you do not here is that a small % do not get full blown hiv but aids only.

          I know this due to training i have had to do in relation to my security jobs in past and present plus it was also part of coaching course i did.

          1st done soon after you suspect may need to have a check.

          2 done 3 months as you may not have virus but antibodies build up around this time if just aids.

          6 months as all antibodies and virus will show at this point.

          After 3 months 95% people eho have no anti bodies will test negative at 6 months and go on to screw lbs for years to come.

          Blimey - what a load of rubbish.

          HIV is the virus that causes AIDS - a person is considered to have AIDS once their CD4 count drops below 200. The HIV virus in very simple simple terms, destroys your good CD4 cells, until there are so few of them, that an opportunistic infection cannot be fought off. For example, Pneumonia. Therefore cause of death is shown as "Pneumonia - complicated as a result of AIDS infection." AIDS per say does not kill you directly, but it allows another infection to kill you as HIV has depleted your ability to fight of an infection.

          You can easily have AIDS diagnosis and then switch back to being considered HIV as if taking medicines, your CD4 count goes above 200. As an FYI, normal CD4 count is in the range of 900-1600 in an average person.



          • #20
            Hey man, look on the bright side, at least it was a LB and not a GG whose going to phone you in 3 months time and tell you she's pregnant and you are the father and she cannot work and she needs 50K Baht a month to live and another 50Kbaht a month to support your child when its born.

            I'm sure everything will be fine.

            Just remember not to go bareback with anyone until you know for certain your not +ive
            Too old to die young!


            • #21
              And if it does happen immediately wash your Cock with hot soap & water, and dry well. Not sure about a dash of Listerene (mouthwash) as well.


              • #22
                (Torurot @ May 25 2006,21:41) And if it does happen immediately wash your Cock with hot soap & water, and dry well. Not sure about a dash of Listerene (mouthwash) as well.
                I have read that using Listerine on the old fella is not a wise thing to do. Best left for your mouth I think.


                • #23
                  (Torurot @ May 25 2006,18:41) And if it does happen immediately wash your Cock with hot soap & water, and dry well. Not sure about a dash of Listerene (mouthwash) as well.
                  except for keeping good hygiene, i dont see the relevance cleaning the cock afterwards to avoid hiv-transmission.
                  from what i have read, the virus is to weak to survive outside the body, so the only way to get infected is a 'direct blood-to-blood' transmission.

                  but i agree its a good idea to clean the cock after having unprotected anal intercourse. its very easy to catch nsu and that can be real pain in the butt if youre on holiday.


                  • #24
                    (olekunde @ May 25 2006,14:46) ....but i agree its a good idea to clean the cock after having unprotected anal intercourse. its very easy to catch nsu and that can be real pain in the butt if youre on holiday.
                    not to mention getting the sweetcorn off the end of your knob!
                    Too old to die young!


                    • #25
                      so many things to worry aside from HIV or AIDS virus.......althought they are a silent killer but mostly people sufffer from AIDS or HIV live a normal life from more than 10 years people die from such virus dies from complications of other deseases due to the weak immune system that AIDS virus has done ( not sure about it)

                      well one thing people would be more concern is the othe types of STD like hepatitis A to Z.......ghonoreah, clamydia. syphelis or herpes and many others...since they are deadly if not cured......agony and pain is felt once you had this kind of deseas and yes highly can even get hepa... just sharing some glasses or kissing.....even a simple contact you can get hepatitis...some STD is mostly transferes through unprotected sex.....

                      i remember one guy who has anal sex with her TG happens that a few days the guy feel some unusual pain in his penis and itching or burning sensation...he told his GF about it and the girl deny and told the guy he is clean....well they went to the doctor and had a check up....well the ladyboy was negative on any types of germs and viruses and the guy is positive on STD i forgot the name of the STD was but then the doctor explained that since the guy give anal sex with the his GF and it happens that everything was what they do is give the guy some prescription and take the medicine to heal such damage.....

                      as the doctors explained even how clean the girl is or negative to any types of STD or germs you can get a simple STD by trigger..for example giving anal sex with no condom to a ladyboy or anyone or even vaginal sex and it happens that your dick has some slight cut or small bleed due to exessive masturbation or rough sex....and suddenly it hits the shit inside the anus or some menstraul discharge which are dirty.....well it would infect your penis and suffer some pain on it
                      sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


                      • #26
                        (jellybean @ May 26 2006,02:23)
                        (olekunde @ May 25 2006,14:46) ....but i agree its a good idea to clean the cock after having unprotected anal intercourse. its very easy to catch nsu and that can be real pain in the butt if youre on holiday.
                        not to mention getting the sweetcorn off the end of your knob!
                        Too fucking funny jellybean


                        • #27
                          Can not believe I am going to post this, nor can I believe I even recall this, but here goes...

                          About 2 years ago I guess, hell who knows, I am such a whore, anyway...

                          I met up with a city ts in the states that I caught on an internet ad, although when we met she did seem more of a streetwalker...

                          Letting my little head think for me I went for it, not listening to my other head that said bail on it and get better later or wait another night...

                          Well we get down to business and she slaps a condom on me so I could hit her up from the backend...push, pump...hmmmm

                          This feels awful um good, let me pull it out a wee bit...someofbitch, the frickin rubber broke  
                          no worries said the girl, grab another slipped it on , with in minutes ...another one broke, Of course I was asking are you clean etc, freaking out...girl calms me down, I figured at this point might as well finish what I started.

                          Wrapped it yet again and another broke, at that point I had three broke, and was wondering WTF....., my bigger head took over, I started to really worry about AIDs and other std's , got tested for everything over the next week and 6 months later.

                          Luckly it all worked out but yes it happens, and yes we should worry, but its the risk we take for our hobby.

                          Lets all just have a drink and relax now  
                          You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                          • #28
                            (Torurot @ May 25 2006,18:41) And if it does happen immediately wash your Cock with hot soap & water, and dry well. Not sure about a dash of Listerene (mouthwash) as well.
                            I spit out some mouthwash while I was in the shower and it got on my cock.... oh my god did it start to burn!

                            Don't even think of putting that stuff on your cock.


                            • #29
                              (jellybean @ May 26 2006,02:23) not to mention getting the sweetcorn off the end of your knob!
                              Funny you should say that... I know a guy that was barebacking his wife up the ass and got some poop stuck up his dick but what he didn't know was there was a seed in her poop that cut him up there and it got very badly infected.

                              Now don't laugh this is a totally true story!


                              • #30

                                Sorry, can't help it. No pun intended, but that's some funny shit.
                                I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!

