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Toronto Ladyboy robs Customer.

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  • Toronto Ladyboy robs Customer.

    I just found this on another forum. It's about a Ladyboy in Toronto, Canada that pulled a fast one over on this poor guy. Just passing the info along for you guys in Toronto.

    I Was Just Robbed By A Service Provider!!!!

    Hi All,..My name is Mike and I was just robbed by a service provider!!Yes I am serious!....I am still in shock!! but feel I need to warn other people about her/him...First I would like to say that I am a limited poster here at T.E.R.B I have been enjoying terb for over three years and visit s/p's 1or2 a month,so I like to feel like I am experienced as a client! First I am very respectful to everyone because I know and respect the biz. Second I am glad terb is around and feel it is a great web site for people how enjoy alternative lifestyles,and hope we can weed out the thiefs,scammers and cheats!I remember growing up in the late seventies and early eighties and jarvis was famous for fag bashing! Me I never did any of that and felt for the people that were fighting to be treated as an equal!! And would scream for respect!! Well times have changed and come a long way since then.I think people of all sexual appetites have grown and been givin a chance and the respect to be themselves in the mainstream.Which I am very glad as I enjoy my sexuality and like to enjoy different aspects of it.So I feel it is necassary to point out people that are not only disrespecting themselves but the whole community!My story is that yesterday I was working in the gta(near downtown)And picked up the currant issue of now and eye...: my have the ads grown!!!so I was flipping thru and came across the t/s and shemales page and saw some attractive ladies there...See I am not gay or really bi I am very straight acting and looking and really perfer woman and adore them I think they are beautiful....some But every now and then I have a thing for getting together with shemales couple times a year maybe...You know it is my choice and enjoy the excitement and I am also very very respectful(it is a two way street you know!)so as I was flipping thru I wanted to hook up with one for the next day so I thought I would call "JENNIFER"!!!!!!!the one on page 77 of eye on the top left side.(Don't ever go to this thief!!!!! yes thief!!!!) I called her and she sounded pleasent so I told her that I would like to meet up on thursday and I wanted to know what the price was.She tells me 100 for the hour and 60 for the half,so I said sounds good I will call you thursday....thurssday comes and I call her at 7:30 and said listen I am at work right know and but am getting off at 10:00 and I would like to join you. So I asked her if I was able to use the shower as I am at work and live far away and can't go have a shower and come back and asked if she would mind If I had a shower there. You think that she would have been happy that I care anough to be clean for our session!!....dadaddaaaaa so she says sure not a problem!!So I arrange a time for 10 and I call her at ten at younge and issabella and she gives me her address which is by the way....telephone number 416 850-3015 address is 33 isabella(just off yonge st) buzzer code 124 and apartment number remember this address people and don't ever give her one red cent of your money and maybe she will relize how to treat people. So I buzz her and tell her that I am downstairs she tells me apartment I go up and knock she opens the door and looks quite busty but didn't look like she put much effort into getting ready....she doesn't look half as good as the picture.....but I was really horny about being with her as I was thinking about for two we go into the bedroom and she says 150.00 I said well I called yesterday and you said 100 for the hour and 60 for the half so she was a little aggitated but I said well I would like to stay for the hour ...she grabs my money and says fine 100 for the hour...So I said I am the one that called about the shower is there a towel in the bathroom while pointing to it...she says no I will get you I go to the bathroom and she comes in with the towel and I have my shower.....I come out of the bath and she want me to cook you dinner? I said what? she repeats it and I laugh and say huh huh huh ya really eh wouldn't that be sweet...she turns around and says GET OUT!! what I say..she says,I said get your clothes and get the fuck out!! I looked at her dumb founded I said are you serious??? yes get your shit and get the fuck out!!(screaming)!!!
    so I started getting dressed she headed off to get my money(I was hopeing) while still in shock she comes back and says I am keeping 60 dollars for the shower!!!! I said like fuck you I want my money back and she starts screaming and I raise my voice and say I want my money back!! she starts flipping out saying get out get out...I was in so much shock I didn't know what to do but to leave(mostly cause I was in shock but also out of respect for the biz) I left feeling like I just got mugged and was pissed and upset all at the same time.Never have I experienced this..."JENNIFER IS SUCH A DISCRACE to this community and I hope we stand together on this and don't help support her con artist ways!!!!.... she is not a blonde sexy latina!! she is a dirty looking thief!! and I hope by posting this Jennifer reads this and appauligizes to everyone in the profession,a profession that has worked hard at being respectable and doesn't need a worm like this to discourage other clients for visiting any other service providers...Let just say one thing here...ladies if you want our respect you need to give as well!! it is a two way street and takes effort on both sides...don't get me wrong I know some ladies are fantastic but lets get ride of the bad apples..............Disappointed!!!!! and robbed for 100.00 dollars!!!!!

  • #2
    Count the number of times he uses the word "I" That's how you can judge a person!

    Sounds like a real loser who deserved what he got. There's two sides to every story and by printing her address and phone number he shows himself for what he is - a sad pathetic cunt.  

    Also - check out how many times he hammers home the point that these girls are not whores but "Service providers!" I'll bet he's a Christian on Sundays!


    • #3
      yeah some of the guys on that forum are making jokes about it..

      06-02-2006, 02:15 AM

      Join Date: Oct 2002
      Posts: 470 I hate to tell you but he stole your paragraph breaks, some spaces, capital letters, and a couple of punctuation marks too.


      • #4

        Some of the comments are a bit harsh.

        If that was me I would I would have done the same thing.

        Let's face some lady boys are just fucked up prima donnas mental misfits.

        If I pay 100 dollars, suck my dick bitch and cut the attitude.

        After all I am paying for the privledge.

        If you show me respect, I show you respect but the minute a lady they go loopy it is an even playing field.


        • #5
          It would be interesting to hear the other side to this story.

          he sounds like a complete arsehole.
          seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


          • #6
            He should have showered at home,   The big putz!
            You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


            • #7
              I actually do not get what you are all carrying on about. I think this guy has done the right thing by letting others know about this. It is not just the service was bad but is sounds like there was none.

              If it happened to me that I paid someone and got nothing in return the I would shout it from the rooftops.

              If you walked into a shop and asked for a hamburger and fries. Paid your money then was told to get out without your food what would you do? How is this any different?


              • #8
                (Bam @ Jun. 02 2006,17:13) telephone number 416 850-3015 address is 33 isabella(just off yonge st) buzzer code 124 and apartment number 211.......
                Maybe she needs a few pepperoni pizzas.


                • #9
                  I'm with ozzie, I seem to remember members of this site and forum posting pics
                  and comments about certain Thai ladyboys who have stolen, cheated etc,
                  Why is Canada any different????


                  • #10
                    What the fuck is a 100 dollars in the western world. Ill tell you ... fuck all.  If you reported that you got mugged for a 100 dollars in London to the Police  they would just laugh.

                    How long it took him to write that letter i dont know but he sure has got time on his hands. He probably typed it in a busy office where he works and wasted 300 dollars of his Companies time.

                    Flirting with working girls we all know isnt risk free and it never will be. would appear that this chump has lead a very cloisterd life and has suddenly jumped in at the deep end. Printing the phone number is about as low as you can go..... what an imbecile....


                    • #11
                      Well, I for one would like to here about the good ones and bad ones, its good for the group.  Also, having played in Toronto I am glad to see the post.

                      Hey, there good ones and bad ones out there from both customer and provider points of views and it helps to be informed.
                      You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                      • #12
                        If she had sliced his right ear off then i might have had a sliver of sympathy.



                        • #13
                          This is one tough crowd.

                          I don't see that the naive guy did anything wrong, except for being a newbie, of which, there are many on this forum.

                          I seem to remember also, several guys on this forum printing crap about this girl and that and everyone going "ya, ya, she's a bitch", and a few of us (like Donna for example), saying wait a second, she ain't that bad. I don't remember if we printed phone numbers, but we did pretty much the same pointing out her name and the 100 photos we have of her.

                          Now it's someone we don't know and he's an ass for doing the exact same thing?


                          • #14
                            (Tomcat @ Jun. 04 2006,00:54) If she had sliced his right ear off then i might have had a sliver of sympathy.
                            My first 'laugh out loud' moment of the day! Ta!


                            • #15
                              Hell, she's screwed him, and you know she's gonna screw all the others who come her way. So, I see no problem whatsoever in the guy's post. In fact, I applaud it. Better to share the info than to ignore such scoundrels.

                              I mean, if you're going to pay for the privilege of taking it up the ass, well, by golly, you better shafted for real.
                              Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                              Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.

