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After Holiday Depression

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  • After Holiday Depression

    Well after my second trip to los I find myself sitting at home depressed and not wanting to do anything but go back to los, im sure im not alone with this feeling how do you guys cope, Do you guys have GFs at home to comfort you or do you just dream of your next trip to los ?

    BTW DP is eye really crazy, i saw her on my last trip and thought she looked gorgous, kinda bigger n taller than i imagined but gorgous still, thought i might check her out on my next trip

  • #2
    We all get the LOS blues, I have been back in the UK for 2 weeks and feel like shit, the withdrrawal symtoms are killing me, and I feel the best remedy is to book your flight back as soon as poss so you have something to look forward too.
    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


    • #3

      Ditto Calling the airlines right now!


      • #4
        Check out this thread...


        • #5
          It€™s an interesting phenomenon how most report on the 2nd week of returning home that the known LOS Blues set it. I€™m normally a very stable person and never get depressed, am not bi-polar or take any medications of any kind but I can report suffering from the LOS blues the 2nd week of returning home and it lasts about 5 days.

          What I€™ve found that helps is watching Thai TV.  I have a satellite system and can pick up many Thai TV channels. I would leave the TV on in my bedroom with girls chatting in Thai and fall asleep listening to them. I would have dreams I€™m in Thailand! This really helps your state of mind. If you don€™t have a satellite system try to buy some Thai DVD€™s before you leave LOS. Other things I did was to eat Thai food€¦ and if you're really depressed call up an Asian hooker!


          • #6
            What I€™ve found that helps is watching Thai TV...
            This works for me too. After just five minutes of Thai TV I forget every other pain and ailment I'm a victim of!


            • #7
              Your not alone, i cant wait until i get back to LOS.I just cut my 4 weeks per year in half that way i only have to wait 6 months at a time.
              Early May 8 weeks in Thailand.


              • #8
                The LOS blues is a self inflicted ailment easily cured by living here.

                And don't anyone give me that hogwash about "I've got too much to lose!"

                I lost a family, house, ranch two businesses and everyone I knew to move here and my life has NEVER BEEN BETTER!

                Your life is a few short breaths of air. It's up to you where you do it.

                Most people will end up their lives rueing the missed opportunities and chances they didn't take when they were young.

                The truly happy will be in Nana Plaza watching the ladyboys flounce into work!

                I understand your pain, brothers - but I don't share it and I don't even feel a little bit bad for you.

                $500 a month here is worth more to me than $5,000 a month wherever you live!


                • #9
                  get a life in farangland!!!! there are other things in life than fucking 3rd world hookers...thailand is the best place ive been outside norway, but ive come to realize its just crap sit and wait for the next trip. so many lovely girls here too and the beer is expensive etc etc, but at least i have my social network here, friends, my job and my family.
                  if i want i can move to thailand anytime, but i would really miss my mates and someone to have real conversation with. life in funland is so much like a soap-opera if you stay for longer periods. the thais are wonderful people, but they seem to get hung up in so many intrigues.
                  but then again i am a restless soul, i might change my mind again when i am back from my upcoming trip.


                  • #10
                    Just back today and booking ticket for august tonight. Its the only way - make sure you know for certain when you are going back; it gives you something to aim for instead of looking back.
                    seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                    • #11
                      (olekunde @ May 21 2006,10:07) get a life in farangland!!!! there are other things in life than fucking 3rd world hookers...thailand is the best place ive been outside norway
                      THAILAND is NOT all about fucking hookers

                      ENGLAND is Shite and ive no great urge to visit NORWAY

                      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                      • #12
                        THAILAND is NOT all about fucking hookers

                        ENGLAND is Shite and ive no great urge to visit NORWAY

                        Hear hear...

                        I've been here years and I can count the times I have been with hookers on a couple or three hands. I can't be arsed to explain myself to someone who would write such an inane comment.


                        • #13
                          (olekunde @ May 21 2006,19:07) get a life in farangland!!!! there are other things in life than fucking 3rd world hookers...thailand is the best place ive been outside norway, but ive come to realize its just crap sit and wait for the next trip. so many lovely girls here too and the beer is expensive etc etc, but at least i have my social network here, friends, my job and my family.
                          if i want i can move to thailand anytime, but i would really miss my mates and someone to have real conversation with. life in funland is so much like a soap-opera if you stay for longer periods. the thais are wonderful people, but they seem to get hung up in so many intrigues.
                          but then again i am a restless soul, i might change my mind again when i am back from my upcoming trip.
                          I have a life in farangland that is the only reason I do not move to Thailand right now is because I have young kids.

                          You might go to Thailand just to ask you so eloquently stated "Fuck 3rd world hookers". I personally go for the whole package which of course includes the lovely ladyboys but also includes the great food, the friendly people the beautiful beaches, the awseome scenery and many other aspects of Thailand.

                          If you only go for the ladyboys you would get pretty bored very quickly.


                          • #14
                            For anyone living in the UK, which I do, not my country of choice, more by birth, job base, family etc. ( Not my own, I haven't fallen for the western women scam! )

                            Coming back to the UK after 3-4weeks in the LOS is a massive downer. Not just because you can get sex on draft 24/7 without having to beg, grovel, be humiliated, & ultimately pay for it anyway. Its nice to be amoungst the Thais, hotels restaurants, service industrys that can actually spell SERVICE & provide it, not treat you like dirt & try to provide the minimum possible, the word may as well be deleted from the dictionary in UK!

                            Its actually safer to walk around the LOS than it is to walk around my home town, its the whole niceness package that the LOS has to offer. I have yet to loose my temper since i arrived in the LOS on this trip, in UK I have lost it just getting out of bed & driving to work!

                            The LOS is most definitely NOT just about sex!


                            You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                            • #15
                              i agree that thailand is not only about the bars, the hookers etc. the whole buzz makes thailand what it is. but its all glued together by the sex-business. i mean noone can say that is the main reason we go there. so take away the avaliabilty of sex and what is left. my guess is that the scenery or the hospitality isnt so much of great importance anymore.

                              about uk, i find brits better to be around in uk than in thailand. frankly they are more well-mannered than norwegians, but maybe thats because im norwegian and see things differently when i am in uk, as i find thais more pleasant in thailand than in norway.

                              as for going to norway, i wouldnt recommend it, unless your in it only for the scenery and not the sex-business

