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Ken Bigley preferred Thai

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  • Ken Bigley preferred Thai

    May Zarqawi get 72 leper hogs in hell...

    Thai widow mourns husband Zarqawi killed
    Bangkok Post

    One Thai was especially relieved at the death of Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq.

    Sombat Bigley, the wife of the former British murder victim Ken Bigley, beheaded by Zarqawi told British reporters:

    "He's dead, he's dead, it's good. I'm happy."

    Mrs Sombat had to live through a month-long nightmare after her husband left their Northeast farm to work in Iraq, in order to make some money for the home. Bigley was finally beheaded, an act shown in a video that Zarqawi and supporters showed on the Internet.

    "I am still very angry and cannot forgive those who killed my husband," Mrs Sombat told the UK media. "I feel very hurt for Ken losing his life. I hope my husband saw him die, I hope my husband is happy that the man who killed him is dead."

    Mrs Sombat said Zarqawi's death would not help her come to terms with the murder of her husband. "I miss him so much," she said. "I want to get Ken's body back so that I can put this behind me."

    Though the lawyer of a suspected al-Qaida militant claimed earlier this year that the body was buried in a ditch at the entrance to Fallujah, it has apparently not been found.

    Zarqawi was personally involved in Mr Bigley's beheading, two weeks after he was taken hostage along with his American colleagues Jack Hensley, 48, and Eugene Armstrong, 52, in September, 2004. The images of Mr Bigley being held in a tiny cage before his death remain a source of torment to his family.

    His brother, Stan, said he believed the body would never be found.

    "I'm glad [Zarqawi] is off the face of the earth," he said, "not just for my brother but for all the people he has killed."

    The British media quoted Stan Bigley as saying:

    "Ken was just one of a multitude of innocent people killed by that man. He was a monster. Personally, I would rather have seen him captured and made to stand in the dock and face justice for what he's done. If that had happened, I would like to have seen him locked up for life rather than given the death penalty. The death penalty is too quick for someone like him. He should have been made to live out his life behind bars. I won't lose any sleep over him being dead. I'm not worried that he's gone." (Compiled by

  • #2
    the worls is a better place . you live by the sword so you die by the sword
    good riddens. trouble is there are 1000"s of gullible idiots all over the world willing to take his place on the route to heaven and the virgins. fucking idiots
    just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


    • #3
      Live by the sword, die by two 500 pound bombs I think is what you mean.

      You don't hear this on the mainstream media, but if you have channels to get the word on the street from the military, the apparent truth is that Al Quaeda is not in fact having such an easy time keeping their organization together.

      Although they claim to have 100 recruits to replace fallen members, in reality, their numbers are dwindling. They are also finding their money drying up as many of their sources and go-between points are being taken.

      It is not easy to get rid of cockroaches, but it is very satisfying to hear them crunch beneath your boot.


      • #4
        I am sitting here watching the morning news as I read this thread. The Spokesman for the Coalition Forces was being interviewed and he said that Zarqawi was alive and consious when coalition forces reached the safehouse. Reporter Chris Wallace made the comment that he was glad that Zarqawi lived long enough to realize what had happened to him. According to the coalition spokesman, Zarqawi was consious enough to recognize the American soldiers and rolled off of a streacher that he and been placed on and attempted to get away. I agree with Mr. Wallace's sentiments.


        • #5
          If only they could have a suicide bomber's convention - we could just blow them all up at once.

          Setting up a recruiting station would be great.
          Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

          Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


          • #6
            Do i think the world is a safer place today than yesterday? Probably not, but hopefully there will be a few less following that path now and in the future.
            seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!

