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how do you like you ladyboys

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  • how do you like you ladyboys

    hey guys some pole to play do you like when the ladyboy wears make-up
    white and over powdered face and foundation
    red and dark lipstick to make it fuller lips
    smoky or eyelined eyes to make them look sulty and vampy
    combination of 3(dark lips smoky eyes, pale face) to make them gothic
    bronzing powder or glittered or shinny face to make them exotic asian
    light make up...lip gloss and slightly powdered face
    just natural no make ups cause natural is beauty
    sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana

  • #2

    Natural is best, I always ask them to take it off when they shower. You can also get a hint if they are really going LT vs ST by the reaction. Snejana I do like your "pole vs poll"



    • #3
      i like


      • #4
        i remember the times when i was just a femboy i was in the club and there was a an american guy who approach me and he said he like me so much that he wants to meet me in his hotel.......and wanted me to go there wearing make-up......he wants it outrageous and he get turn on with red lips...and heavy eyeshadow....i sooner realize that most westeners like thier girls wear make-up...or just being fetish
        sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


        • #5
          for me Raquela I prefer just a little bit....I chose the 2nd from the bottom

          too much and the girl looks like a clown....or a ladyboy

          you 'all want to look like ladies, right? Most real ladies don't have on too much make-up and tits that are too big for their body.......too many of the Thai ladyboys I know look like caracitures of real women.


          • #6
            (snejana_demientrovska @ Jun. 10 2006,01:44) i remember the times when i was just a femboy i was in the club and there was a an american guy who approach me and he said he like me so much that he wants to meet me in his hotel.......and wanted me to go there wearing make-up......he wants it outrageous and he get turn on with red lips...and heavy eyeshadow....i sooner realize that most westeners like thier girls wear make-up...or just being fetish
            Not all western males are alike... heavy make up, eye liner and red lips do nothing for me, no matter if its a lady, ladyboy or femboy. I tend to lean towards the light make up, lip gloss or natural look myself...

            True beauty wins out every time over something hidden under a mask...


            • #7
              The one that I absolutely love about all ladyboys is the blush on their cheeks. Of course it seems that ladyboys always overdo it, but its so incredibly cute. Sigh...thinking of LBs again...
              I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


              • #8
                (JaiDee @ Jun. 10 2006,03:32) for me Raquela I prefer just a little bit....I chose the 2nd from the bottom
                I'm with Jai Dee on this one.

                I don't completely undertand the distinction between all the options but I like girls to look good but also to be subtle about it.  Makeup without me even realizing that they're wearing makeup.


                • #9
                  I voted the fifth choice (bronzing....etc..) but it depends upon the face of the person and what the clothes are.
                  Make up can do incredible things as well as disastrous things and the skill to apply it it's not an easy one to master, which is why in Asia I seldom see very good make up on ladies..unfortunately!
                  Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                  • #10
                    (snejana_demientrovska @ Jun. 10 2006,00:55) hey guys some pole to play with......
                    I only play with my own pole.

                    I want my women to be pole-less...


                    • #11
                      there are some types and colors of make-ups that can suites in every womans face and skin it also depends upon what occasion are you attending but aside from that i know in what way should you like your LB to wear make-up and what do you think is sexy for them when they wear it the red and fuller lips like the mouline rouge or the classical red lips look..... dark and sultry eyes if you ever seen bridget bardot.....sun kissed exotic asian well something got to do with the look of bronze and luminous skin that J-lo( even if she is not asian)or beyonce look ......or natural no make-up.....less make up just powder and lip gloss or gothic girls looks that can achieve marilyn manson.....
                      sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


                      • #12
                        Im not a big fan of the over powdered face, doesntg really do it for me... Most of the LB's are very pretty so why they feel the need i dont know, well i do but most guys dont want an LB to take on a Western look, we like them cos there Asian LB's
                        Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                        • #13
                          I am comfortable with whatever they are happy with, of course I have a preference, I am not keen on the white face so many seek & I like them to be tanned. But generally if they are nice to me the make up thing isn't really an issue. When all the make up comes off they are still the same person underneath.

                          You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                          • #14
                            When all the make up comes off they are still the same person underneath.
                            what a guy
                            Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                            • #15
                              I like light make-up, such as mascara, lip gloss etc.
                              not into the garish, cabaret style favoured by some.
                              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!

