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World cup or ladyboys?

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  • World cup or ladyboys? of my ladyboy friends told me this week that they are all worried in Nana Plaza right now....just in case that place wasn't dead enough already with low season and rain every day and night, she says that now all the punters will be watching the World Cup rather than hanging around in the go-go bars!!

    I listened to her with great concern, but I am still unsure....

    what is a World Cup?

    Is this like some large bowl that the whole world shares that I haven't heard about yet? What, exactly, is in that cup? Sounds like something I should get in on if the whole WORLD wants it!!

    sorry for my ignorance, I am from

  • #2
    I think it has something to do with drinking, it is afer all a cup
    Funny hats may also be involved.
    "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


    • #3
      Oh, I see, it's a religous thing!

      Kinda like when the Pope lifts up that large gold cup and says some funny latin words and everyone in the crowd mumbles? I don't see how that would effect the girls in Nana Plaza, but they seem to be worried for some reason.


      • #4
        I thought it had something to do with guys who
        think that they have big know, a giant jock strap.....

        Big balls definitely have an impact on the ladies of Nana....
        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


        • #5
          I just thought is was the bra size worn by the Casanova ladyboys

          I suppose at least there are other coutries participating not like that thing they call the World Series, now whats up with that


          • #6
            Ask the Ozzies... It's their first time at the world cup for over 30 years. Maybe this time they can score a goal! Doubt it though!


            • #7
              (ozzie @ Jun. 09 2006,21:01) that thing they call the World Series, now whats up with that
              Its the United States and Canada, why ? did we miss someone ?
              "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


              • #8

                Oh, you are in BIG trouble for that one man!!

                The Japanese also wanted to get in on that deal..... but they didn't realize that they had to actually play against people of normal height and weight; once they realized they couldn't even beat a triple A farm team they went back to Yokohama.


                • #9
                  The Yanks wouldn't dare let a Cuban side in!


                  • #10
                    (Snick @ Jun. 09 2006,21:53)
                    (ozzie @ Jun. 09 2006,21:01) that thing they call the World Series, now whats up with that
                    Its the United States and Canada, why ? did we miss someone ?
                    Same old story, invent sports that none else plays and call yourselves World Champions!!

                    would love to see the US and Canadian Cricket and Rugby teams, let alone Soccer.

                    As for the original topic, the games will be played mostly at 8.00pm and 1.00am, so the answer is probably!

                    Guess you could hop over to cascades between games and get back for the late one with a nice LT girl!!
                    seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                    • #11
                      The World Cup is like the Stanley Cup: something nobody cares about. Except a bunch of cold Eskimos, and involves something called "curling" or something like that.

                      I heard that it involved football, but why the hell would we need another football championship - we already have the SuperBowl - the world's biggest sporting event.

                      And everytime one of these wankers scores a goal some spanish speaking guy shouts "Gooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaal" for 2 minutes. It's like he's trying to wake the dead. What the hell? Can you imagine if they did that during basketball? How silly would that be?

                      Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                      Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                      • #12
                        (post-op lover @ Jun. 09 2006,23:36) I heard that it involved football, but why the hell would we need another football championship - we already have the SuperBowl - the world's biggest sporting event.  
                        Not true, anymore, i am afraid. The World Cup and The Olympics both trump it.
                        seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                        • #13
                          (stogie bear @ Jun. 09 2006,22:37) The Yanks wouldn't dare let a Cuban side in!  
                          umm, because they wouldn't leave!


                          • #14
                            An even better idea - get to Nana before the matches kick off (and I am thinking of England playing on Thursday this week) bar fine her, get her back to your room and ask her to wear your england shirt after showering and once the first round is through cuddling up while watching the game - dont forget half time and the final whistle gives you two more opportunities to score your own goals. After the match, go and find another and make out for an action replay !!!!

                            Sounds like the perfect evening and even if your team loses in Germany, you have somebody to console you.



                            • #15
                              (Snick @ Jun. 09 2006,20:44) I think it has something to do with drinking, it is afer all a cup  
                              Funny hats may also be involved.
                              Do we have to name it "Bowl" first for you to understand?

                              Superbowl being the biggest sporting event? Now that was a real good one!

                              It's understandable, that guys from a country that has a team so bad, that it wouldn't survive the first round, wouldn't care much about Europes finest!

                              On the other hand, a country, that consists mainly of European immigrants and Mexicans (who also play better), a little more respect should be expected.

                              Maybe we should unite for some beers and I explain you the rules - maybe that helps.

