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Post-op models

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  • Post-op models

    Got a PM from someone [who will remain Anon] who was asking me about this so I wanted to make it a poll. Please do tell us what you all feel, it may decide how many more we add in the future.
    No, don't add any more to this website please
    1 or 2 per month like now is OK with me
    I want more, maybe 5 per month
    Make this website post-op only

  • #2
    I think the current pre/post balance works for most. Why Change a winning formula?
    seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


    • #3
      Well, actually my vote actually is between 2 and 5. I understand that I am in the minority - so for business reasons it is unrealistic for this site to feature too many postop models. So I voted for 1-2 but wish for a bit more.

      I know there are some really lovely postop models coming soon - Jeab, and Mod are real beauties. If you keep it at 2 per month with beauties like these I will be happy!

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      • #4
        Of course we should continue to feature posat operative tAsian transsexuals.

        There is a sizeable portion of members who enjoy these additions and if we are turning out 25 shoots a month then 2 or 3 should always be post-ops (if we can find them of course!)

        The spectrum of Asian ladyboys (which is what this site is all about) should not start excluding types that don't appeal to most people or cause more inflammable rhetoric than other types.

        Thank heavens we are being choosier about who we put up on the site these days. Most - if not all - of the models are at least reasonably attractive.

        Some post ops are quite stunning and it would be a crime not to feature them.

        You wouldn't have a website about cars and exclude Voltzwagons because most people liked Fords!

        Keep 'em coming, although personally I'll be skipping them! I like the 'meat and two veg' variety, myself!


        • #5
          (stogie bear @ Jun. 11 2006,02:45) Some post ops are quite stunning and it would be a crime not to feature them.
          that's why I voted for number 2...... there are too many beautiful 'faces' out there and to NOT to take advantage of that beauty would be crazy. So I think one or 2 per month who are really cute would be fine. But the letter I got gave me pause for thought; he said that by showing posties we are endorsing them doing that. It also, frankly and from my words and not his, makes ME look hypocritical because I am against this procedure as you know.

          "Keep 'em coming, although personally I'll be skipping them! I like the 'meat and two veg' variety, myself! "

          Hmmmm.......last I checked your main squeeze has what you would so eloquently describe as a "fishbox"... so which one is it that you really prefer, the fishbox or the meat and 2 veggies?


          • #6
            Hmmmm.......last I checked your main squeeze has what you would so eloquently describe as a "fishbox"... so which one is it that you really prefer, the fishbox or the meat and 2 veggies?
            Gif is an exceptional exception to that rule! Her 'pussy' is perfect, she has a voracious appetite for 'lurve' and she CAN come!

            She's also 100% passable and 100% easy on the eyes!

            But there are times when I yearn for the old days!


            • #7
              (stogie bear @ Jun. 11 2006,03:45) Gif is an exceptional exception to that rule! Her 'pussy' is perfect, she has a voracious appetite for 'lurve' and she CAN come!
              Hmmmm....check other she can't

              But it's not just her, no postie can...... and as long as she's cool and you like hanging with her that's OK, but don't you long for the days of having a handle down there that you can grab on to and see fire off some missile loads??

              Ooops, can you really ban me?? If so you go back to 50/50!!


              • #8
                To me it is like morally saying "We don't support child porn here, but a lot of our members like it, so we'll just show maybe 1 out of 10 under age models. After all, they are so beautiful, it would be a shame not to show them".

                I think it is mutilation. It would be no different than showing 3 girls a month who had their hand cut off and were using their amputated hand to rub their genitals.

                I think the mind set of those who need to supoprt a man going through mutilation to reproduce what can already be easily obtained because nature makes it- is nothing short of sick.

                I'm even surprised to find myself in this position. Generally I thought I was hardly offended by anything, and nothing was too sexually perverted for me.

                I think there are a few rare individuals who do not feel complete or right with THEMSELVES without complete SRS. Creating a financial economy of porn and sex trade based on mutilation because it is desired by OTHERS is just downright sick.

                Reading the sad story of JaiDee's aquaintance really hit it for me.


                • #9
                  (grunyen @ Jun. 11 2006,03:55) Reading the sad story of JaiDee's aquaintance really hit it for me.
                  wow, some serious words from you here man, but I get where you are coming from, trust me. and this one girl isn't the only one....I have heard similar stories like this for years, and it always makes me said.

                  From my friend Gift, one of the first models we ever had here [with a dick at that time of course]

                  "Sometimes I will be dreaming late at night that I have my cock back.....I am so happy to know this, and then I reach down to touch it and all I can feel is a hole there..... then I am so sad and cry myself back to sleep".

                  Hmmmm..... Jai Dee jaded and dead-set against this procedure? Can't imagine why!!


                  • #10
                    Dear, oh dear. What a close minded couple of guys...

                    Why don't you ask a post op who has had the operation and who likes being a girl whether or not she thinks she is 'mutilated!'

                    The penis is folded back inside the body to help creat the 'vagina' so why can't she come? Same equipment - different place.

                    I can put my hand behind my back and still cross my fingers! It's just that my hand is behind my back - NOT where it normally is!

                    It's disconcerting that usually rational people are looking at people who choose SRS and describing them as 'mutants' and unable to enjoy sex or have an orgasm.

                    It's a prejudice that thankfully only a few members that post here share. I'd be more than a bit frustrated if most people took the line that ladyboys who had surgery were mutilating themselves and that non of them could have an orgasm!

                    My own personal experience tells me that these things are NOT so.

                    Now - whether or not a child of 18 should be able to march into a doctors office and get it done on short notice - well that's another subject!


                    • #11

                      Ok, let's get realistic. Featuring postop lbs is not the equivalent of child porn. If one takes the analogy further, then sites like this can be blamed for encouraging the developing of lbs who would not have otherwise done so - providing economic inducement for men to "change". Who can say this is the right thing to do then?

                      Also we only hear the story being told second hand. As Stogie commented how about hearing from someone who has had a good result and SRS for the right reasons?

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                      • #12
                        (stogie bear @ Jun. 11 2006,04:19) describing them as 'mutants'

                        I'd be more than a bit frustrated if most people took the line that ladyboys who had surgery were mutilating themselves and that non of them could have an orgasm!
                        I don't recall anyone saying they were mutants; mutilation was mentioned, not mutants.

                          as for your 2nd line here, you better be ready for some frustration, because all the people I have spoken to about this disturbing subject pretty much feel the way I do about it. Whether or not they express it here or even read here and support me I don't care, it's not changing my mind either way.


                        • #13
                          I'm not attracted sexually to postops, but I find that looking at a beautiful lady is not distasteful.  In fact, I find that some of their surgically constructed pussies to be amazing.

                          I can cetainly  understand why some girls have the surgery.  

                          Perhaps what troubles me though
                          is, if they are true transexuals, why
                          they all don't want to have the surgery.
                          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                          • #14
                            I don't know about the working girls... (who knows what goes on upstairs in their brains) but the rest of them who go ahead and have the operation don't really like to be considered as 'transsexuals' anymore.

                            They are now, (to all intents and purposes - except legaly here in Thailand), real girls! They date boys and wear makeup and have girly jobs!


                            • #15
                              (JaiDee @ Jun. 11 2006,05:45)   as for your 2nd line here, you better be ready for some frustration, because all the people I have spoken to about this disturbing subject pretty much feel the way I do about it. Whether or not they express it here or even read here and support me I don't care, it's not changing my mind either way.
                              There are far more successful cases of gender transition than unsuccessful ones in the western world.

                              I guess this is beacause of the major psychological tests they undertake and in the UK and US they have to all undergo the one year real life test.

                              JD, Take a look at Sam Winters Site ( and also Lynn Conway's site (
                              Both offer many examples of transgender success stories.

                              To the true transexual this "mutilation" as you call it corrects the body to meet the mind, thus ending years of torment.

                              I also agree that these standards do not occur as thoroughly as they should in Thailand, but my guess is that many of the post op transexuals are delighted with their new lives.
                              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!

