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Views on another site

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  • Views on another site

    someone sent me the letter below but I may have well written this myself because it's exactly how I feel; if I ever see any of the models on that site with the ugly dude with the dead animal on his head she is automatically crossed off my list of anyone I would ever sleep with; the thought of screwing one of these pathetic creatures just turns my stomach and i am sure I could never even get a hard-on with them. I don't mind mentioning this site because they are not really competition for us; anyone who would actually join that piece of trash deserves what they get..... this is an actual letter recieved today........

    Subj: Who are these assholes
    Date: 10/26/2003 3:15:56 AM Eastern Standard Time
    From: [email protected]
    To: AsianTSgirls


    I was a member of your site for a long time and you guys put me in touch with some wonderful girls in LOS. I love the beauty in which you portray the LB's on your site but I have one question...who are these assholes who run sites like Some ugly hairy ape and his bald ass friend who have degraded and shit upon almost every TS in LOS. Sure they pay good but, when they scrawl "fuck slut" and "dirty whore" in lipstick accross a LB's stomach while they are shagging them -- it revolts me and has turned me off to a lot of the models I have seen. Some of the very same models that are on your web site. You guys are like the Playboy of the TS world, while they are more like some shit - fetish newspaper that you would pick up in a porn shop.
    I just got into a HUGE fight with a TS that I was in love with and met through your site -- when I saw her on the other site being degraded by these monkeys I got grossed out beyond words.
    Anyway...i am just glad you guys are here and have models like BKK May will never pose for these jerks. you may want to spread the word to these girls that by appearing on their site they are losing a lot of potential customers.



  • #2
    I dont know if I am gonna piss off some of you guys or even my friend Jon but here goes: In a simple nutshell these guys at this site might be degrading nitwits and borderline sociopaths but guess what?? Their baht is just as green, red and purple (500B notes) as anyones elses. While lots of these girls are sweethearts hey what do you thin they are in this for anyways? especially after they are in the game after a while I think it hardens their pretty, little hearts. My 2 bahts worth.


    • #3
      Hey Blue Balls,

      The point wasn't if the retards at this other site have money -- we all do. It's that we all have the choice as to how we treat ladyboys as people and not some piece of shit. The idiots at this other site are not even human. Any piece of shit sexual predator that wanders the earth sticking his cock into anything that moves and treating the person like a piece of shit in the process should be locked up. If these deviants were stateside, they would most likely be rapists or worse. I am not trying to moralize, pontificate, or be sanctimonious, but these girls have hard enough of a life as it is. At least Jon and his site portray the girls in the way they love to view beautiful girls who are worth something. Don't you believe in Karma???



      • #4
        Well, i am not certain that we are both on the same frequency. Yes, I really believe in Karma-so what? The point you make about these other nitwits are fair enough I wasnt really trying to defend them. I do not want to defend them they act reprehesibly. having said that, many girls willingly work for them and take their money, dont they? what does that say about them? If the girls really have a high view of themselves, would they work for this particular site? perhaps they dont really know how they are portayed. Thats possible. but my main point was that they get paid for what they do, they choose to do the things for which they get paid. Its basically as simple as that I believe. Am I terribly wrong?


        • #5
          well the guy who sent the letter has just learned a big lesson> the girl your in love with only loves money mate. thats the name of the game. money is money and everything else is bull shit. The sight jon is talking of a bit of a drag but alot of girls from here are on the sight. I chat to a girl who is on there sight. she tol;d me she never been with weson guy before. then i see her on the sight with cum all over her and whore writen on her ass, guess what they only pay the girls 2000 bhat for a photo shoot. thats from the girl who told me.
          mind you most thais have difficulty translating back to englis


          • #6

   each their own I guess. I'm still in my early 30's, so I guess I've got a while before I become totally jaded and cold to the world.
            You are correct about the girls being in it for the money -- for the most part. We could debate forever if "love" is even possible with a girl from LOS -- and it's probably not.
            I guess If I wanted to pay someone to degrade them and they were willing because they are desparate for money and have a low self opinion -- then it's OK??
            The saying in LOS goes: "you are only limited here by your immagination and your wallet"
            I am just offended that a couple of ugly pukes decided to exploit people that I care about -- just because they can.
            Call me a bleedin' heart....


            • #7
              Well D-Dog, perhaps we are doing you a favor. I wish I had 10 bucks for every story about some schmuck sending a bar girl money every month and thinking she has left the bar! Happens all the time and I do not think there is much of a difference between LBs and GGs. I knew one guy on another board (GG bar in Patty) said basically that Thailand is an illusion. I agree completely. I know Thai both in the sex biz and outside the sex biz and they are both great sets of people. of course you get bad apples in every crate-you shouldnt look at all of them to be contaminated. if you are really looking for love for Gods sake dont look in a bar!! If you find a girl you are treading on dangerous ground and it will all probably ends in tears and heartache. If you find a girl in a bar you MIGHT have a fighting chance if she hasnt been in the game for more than a few months. I think the VAST majority of the girls get hardened hearts and there HAS to be a lot of emotional baggage form fucking a variety of guys some of whom you dont really like they are doing it for the ca$h. Am I condemning the girls, no of course not but just have a little more realistic view of whats going on. I must agree with you however that it certainly doesnt make it right to degrade the girls by smearing them with fake cum and printing whore and bitch all over them. But the fact is the girls arent too discerning about with whom they work. They just want the bank notes, dont they? AGAIN let me repeat that doesnt give these nitwits carte blanche to mistreat the girls. Thats just the way it is. I would agree wholeheartedly with Donnnnys post above. it doesnt make you a bleeding heart Dog just maybe a bit idealistic I would say. the real good girls are the ones that make you feel special ie the ones that give you the GF experience for however long you are together. Hey some of the girls I am sure are really into the sex as well. I have had both experiences when they are really into it (or so i think) or when they are going thru the motions. hey its all good and remember the Golden Rule-"he who has the gold, rules." I aint having a go at you Dog I think we just have different outlooks at things. As always, BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!!


              • #8

                Glad you brought that letter to our attention, seems everyone has some strong opinions about the site and the sleazes on it.

                I have to admit that I actually joined this site, the pages I saw had some incredible looking girls and they too advertised contact details, forums movies etc....there were a heckova lot of pics, but most are much the same.... as for the 2 sleazes on it, yes agree wholeheartedly with everyones comments, they are fucking ugly parasites eeking their way through life making money from someone elses misery....
                but howabout us?? im sure some people view us guys the same way? Maybe were no different???

                Well speaking for myself I befriend every bargirl I meet and when im with them they are my girlfriend and not wanting to get into money matters again I will treat them like my girlfriend and if that means spoiling them then what the fuck, If ive gone 6000 miles to enjoy myself then im sure as hell gonna whatever the cost..

                Looking through the pics on this other site, yes I was appalled and thats not strong enuff a word, they do degrade these girls but im with Blue Ballz, they take their money... I guess anything that promotes them around the world is ultimately good for their business and that means clothes on their back food in their stomachs and money for the family. its what its all about guys....

                I have now cancelled my membership to this other site and from what I could gather reading postings on it most people told them to stop scrawling on the girls, stop wearing wigs, stop using fake cum etc and in all they seemed pretty dissapointed.

                Remember guys that there are millions of sexualy orientated sites out there, each of them make money providing something to a customer base. This particular site in question sickens us because its degrading people we love but whatabout all the other sick sites?? It's all an industry providing money and work for those that may not be able to get it in other ways.

                This site to me is more OUR site, more a community of admirers and that will always set us apart.

                im in LOS in 2 days! just like to say if I dont get to hang out with any of you while im there have a great time and make sure you tell us all about it.



                • #9
                  congratulations blue balls, in saying 'If you realy looking for love for christ sake dont look in a bar'If you are really looking for love you must look outside the bar sceen. for a real girl in a job etc and there lies the crucks of the matter. Guys who fall in love with bar girls will always get a big headach and a huge drain on money blue balls mentioned sending monthly stay f( your no more special than the 5 other guys who send payments).i have met lots of very nice girls from bars and massage parlors in my time but really i would always leave the experiance in thailand where the illusion belongs.
                  bar girls will do what it takes for money how ever nice they may seem.
                  the other problem is we use our western values to assess the thai sceen. one thing which is allways overlooked when disscussing therse things is the thais see things in a different way from us, the whole cultural set up is different. so wake up guys and take the thai bar sceen to bed with you and leave it there when you go home. then you wont get upset by some guy with a wig on writing shit on your babe


                  • #10
                    well said donnnny
                    some of the girls are just so nice,you think to yourself,how could she be having me on,just turn of your money for a sec and watch them run
                    or say"me fan loaw"
                    i have g/f
                    works for me


                    • #11
                      Well said and completely agree Donnnny. thailand IS an illusion and its best to leave it there. Like I have always said I dont think I would like to live there fulltime and whore around that would get boring quickly. I know it might sound nuts saying that but think about it. There is someone I know who has soent a lot of time in LOS and said basically that the whole scene wore on him as he was spending most of his time on the fringes with these girls while many are very sweet and good hearted at tmes they scam and lie and try to get over. I dont think we see that much of this darker side of the scene but I dont doubt that its there. Ehjoy the experiecne for what it is.....


                      • #12
                        Ya blue and christo the scam s and lies are everyday events, its just the thai way and as christo said if you take the money away watch em run

