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Talisha/Theresa gone

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  • Talisha/Theresa gone

    I met with Jessica yesterday from Casanova bar and she told me that Talisha/Theresa has gone to work in Switzerland for the next 3 months. She left yesterday. Apparently somebody there has promised her some work and possibly permanent residency status.

    Good luck to her, landing in Switzerland during the winter is colder than any hotel room with the aircon on!

  • #2
    (Masahiko @ Dec. 20 2006,20:11) Good luck to her, landing in Switzerland during the winter is colder than any hotel room with the aircon on!

    why couldn't she get her visa in June when it's nice there??

    good luck to a classy lady
    Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
    -Dennis Miller


    • #3

      Apparently this is so easy for Europeans or Canadians?
      I never heard anybody moved to US of A .... and look at the fucked up procedures of just getting on a plane? When would this administration understand the best protection is to NOT fucking with other countries. Closing doors just make matters worse.


      • #4
        And a damn good thing it's difficult to get them into USA...otherwise I'd be up to my neck in
        Thai Ladyboys...
        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


        • #5
          (kahuna @ Dec. 21 2006,10:46) And a damn good thing it's difficuly to get them into USA...otherwise I'd be up to my neck in
          Thai Ladyboys...
          Just up to your neck, eh?  
          You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


          • #6
            She's gone to stay with another ladyboy friend who is living there
            Back in the scene after a couple of years away. And no that does not mean I was residing at her majesty's pleasure. God it is good to be back among the girls with that bit extra!


            • #7
              I just cannot hold this back any longer.  
              I am SOOO angry with our stubid adminitration's foreign policies.
              You look at these endless lines in the airport everybody stripping to nearly naked. The voice in the air keep reminding every foreigner to register that they are leaving (I lietrally overheard some Japanese guys burst out cursing when their tourguide translated this.) My friend in HK is getting married and I suggest him coming here for honeymoon, answer? "fuck that, I am not going to your country to spend money so your government can treat me like a suspect."
              I know a guy, his immigration status require him to wait until citizenship before he can take a trip out. His mother meanwhile,in the last leg of her life is trying year after year unsuccessfully in China to get a travel visa to see his son for maybe the very last time in life. What kind of government create tragerdy like this? I thought only the north korean did! And we would never had chance to enjoy a cool 3 months with a live-in LB. Noooop, even those GG wives are still waiting (for years) in line to come to their husbands ...
              The VERY simple way to provide security for us, is to stay out of other country's fucking business. Stop fucking with others on our behalf.
              How diffcult is this to understand? I wonder how much these bonheads who vote for W are willing to sacrifice to carry a world police badge. Maybe until one day we are not allowed to go to toilet on airplanes would they finally wake up.
              Sorry to side track ... I am done


              • #8
                (lostinlos @ Dec. 21 2006,13:00) I just cannot hold this back any longer.  
                I am SOOO angry with our stubid adminitration's foreign policies.
                You look at these endless lines in the airport everybody stripping to nearly naked. The voice in the air keep reminding every foreigner to register that they are leaving (I lietrally overheard some Japanese guys burst out cursing when their tourguide translated this.) My friend in HK is getting married and I suggest him coming here for honeymoon, answer? "fuck that, I am not going to your country to spend money so your government can treat me like a suspect."
                I know a guy, his immigration status require him to wait until citizenship before he can take a trip out. His mother meanwhile,in the last leg of her life is trying year after year unsuccessfully in China to get a travel visa to see his son for maybe the very last time in life. What kind of government create tragerdy like this? I thought only the north korean did! And we would never had chance to enjoy a cool 3 months with a live-in LB. Noooop, even those GG wives are still waiting (for years) in line to come to their husbands ...
                The VERY simple way to provide security for us, is to stay out of other country's fucking business. Stop fucking with others on our behalf.  
                How diffcult is this to understand? I wonder how much these bonheads who vote for W are willing to sacrifice to carry a world police badge. Maybe until one day we are not allowed to go to toilet on airplanes would they finally wake up.
                Sorry to side track ... I am done
                Dont know what airport you go to but i never have long lines or problems going back & forth to LOS! & no one in US caused these problems!Maybe if a bunch of assholes from OTHER countries hadn't flown big airplanes into tall buildings you wouldn't be so inconvenienced!!!Stay home if you don't like it!Was because of lax immigration policies that allowed these murderous bastards to do what they did!& fuck your friend in HK & every other foreigner who doesn't like our policies!By the way,about time for other countries to stop fucking w/us!!! End of rant!


                • #9

                  Other countries never START to fuck with us. Other countries never had millitary base on our soil. 911 was a tragerdy, but that don't give us a right to shoot around the world. You have to be lying to say we (domestically or internationally) do not have a much worse security check process. Why? because these "murderous bastards" want to fuck with us?  Do you bark at a dog when it bark at you? This is how our government is doing now. And now these dogs are biting.
                  This does not represent us. You can be as agry as you want, and it would not stop them from selling #1 terroist T-shirt featuring W's picture in Patpong, and it won't stop the nicest people on this planet from shaking their head on what we did.
                  And the recent election has just proved my point. The final sober moment of W proved my point. If our country ever have a chance to regain her glory among the international community, the red necks would be the only ones needing to rant.


                  • #10
                    (mdavidsf @ Dec. 21 2006,17:12)
                    (lostinlos @ Dec. 21 2006,13:00) I just cannot hold this back any longer.  
                    I am SOOO angry with our stubid adminitration's foreign policies.
                    You look at these endless lines in the airport everybody stripping to nearly naked. The voice in the air keep reminding every foreigner to register that they are leaving (I lietrally overheard some Japanese guys burst out cursing when their tourguide translated this.) My friend in HK is getting married and I suggest him coming here for honeymoon, answer? "fuck that, I am not going to your country to spend money so your government can treat me like a suspect."
                    I know a guy, his immigration status require him to wait until citizenship before he can take a trip out. His mother meanwhile,in the last leg of her life is trying year after year unsuccessfully in China to get a travel visa to see his son for maybe the very last time in life. What kind of government create tragerdy like this? I thought only the north korean did! And we would never had chance to enjoy a cool 3 months with a live-in LB. Noooop, even those GG wives are still waiting (for years) in line to come to their husbands ...
                    The VERY simple way to provide security for us, is to stay out of other country's fucking business. Stop fucking with others on our behalf.  
                    How diffcult is this to understand? I wonder how much these bonheads who vote for W are willing to sacrifice to carry a world police badge. Maybe until one day we are not allowed to go to toilet on airplanes would they finally wake up.
                    Sorry to side track ... I am done
                    Dont know what airport you go to but i never have long lines or problems going back & forth to LOS! & no one in US caused these problems!Maybe if a bunch of assholes from OTHER countries hadn't flown big airplanes into tall buildings you wouldn't be so inconvenienced!!!Stay home if you don't like it!Was because of lax immigration policies that allowed these murderous bastards to do what they did!& fuck your friend in HK & every other foreigner who doesn't like our policies!By the way,about time for other countries to stop fucking w/us!!!     End of rant!          
                    Go ahead and fuck my friend in HK and many people's friends all around the world, and you wonder why you are a lonely man.


                    • #11
                      I suspect they will be back quick it is extremly hard for forginers to get a job in in switz.

                      I knew a girl from sgn she was studing in hotel school there and she was not allowed too work.

                      I also worked with a girl her boyfriend mother was french and his father swiss he could not hold a swiss passport as e was half swiss ps do not know which half swiss

                      From conversations i have had with both people it is very hard to get work.


                      • #12
                        ....well I'm guessing if they can get into the country, they can disappear and go work underground and stay below the radar if they don't mind violating the laws........that being said, if they can prove they can provide a service or type of work that a local Swiss person can not.....they might be able to work. Hmmmmm....Thai LB's in Switzerland....nobody can do that but these girls...........ALOHA
              ,  you're really a guy?..............  


                        • #13
                          (lostinlos @ Dec. 21 2006,07:00) I just cannot hold this back any longer.  
                          I am SOOO angry with our stubid adminitration's foreign policies.
                          You look at these endless lines in the airport everybody stripping to nearly naked. The voice in the air keep reminding every foreigner to register that they are leaving (I lietrally overheard some Japanese guys burst out cursing when their tourguide translated this.) My friend in HK is getting married and I suggest him coming here for honeymoon, answer? "fuck that, I am not going to your country to spend money so your government can treat me like a suspect."
                          I know a guy, his immigration status require him to wait until citizenship before he can take a trip out. His mother meanwhile,in the last leg of her life is trying year after year unsuccessfully in China to get a travel visa to see his son for maybe the very last time in life. What kind of government create tragerdy like this? I thought only the north korean did! And we would never had chance to enjoy a cool 3 months with a live-in LB. Noooop, even those GG wives are still waiting (for years) in line to come to their husbands ...
                          The VERY simple way to provide security for us, is to stay out of other country's fucking business. Stop fucking with others on our behalf.  
                          How diffcult is this to understand? I wonder how much these bonheads who vote for W are willing to sacrifice to carry a world police badge. Maybe until one day we are not allowed to go to toilet on airplanes would they finally wake up.
                          Sorry to side track ... I am done
                          I totaly agree with you.USA has become bush shit hole


                          • #14
                            (mdavidsf @ Dec. 21 2006,11:12)
                            (lostinlos @ Dec. 21 2006,13:00) I just cannot hold this back any longer.  
                            I am SOOO angry with our stubid adminitration's foreign policies.
                            You look at these endless lines in the airport everybody stripping to nearly naked. The voice in the air keep reminding every foreigner to register that they are leaving (I lietrally overheard some Japanese guys burst out cursing when their tourguide translated this.) My friend in HK is getting married and I suggest him coming here for honeymoon, answer? "fuck that, I am not going to your country to spend money so your government can treat me like a suspect."
                            I know a guy, his immigration status require him to wait until citizenship before he can take a trip out. His mother meanwhile,in the last leg of her life is trying year after year unsuccessfully in China to get a travel visa to see his son for maybe the very last time in life. What kind of government create tragerdy like this? I thought only the north korean did! And we would never had chance to enjoy a cool 3 months with a live-in LB. Noooop, even those GG wives are still waiting (for years) in line to come to their husbands ...
                            The VERY simple way to provide security for us, is to stay out of other country's fucking business. Stop fucking with others on our behalf.  
                            How diffcult is this to understand? I wonder how much these bonheads who vote for W are willing to sacrifice to carry a world police badge. Maybe until one day we are not allowed to go to toilet on airplanes would they finally wake up.
                            Sorry to side track ... I am done
                            Dont know what airport you go to but i never have long lines or problems going back & forth to LOS! & no one in US caused these problems!Maybe if a bunch of assholes from OTHER countries hadn't flown big airplanes into tall buildings you wouldn't be so inconvenienced!!!Stay home if you don't like it!Was because of lax immigration policies that allowed these murderous bastards to do what they did!& fuck your friend in HK & every other foreigner who doesn't like our policies!By the way,about time for other countries to stop fucking w/us!!!     End of rant!          
                            Wake up the airplanes crashed by CIA AND MOSAD


                            • #15
                              Who trained Bin Laden?And why 3500 islaeli didnt go to work at the towers that day?

