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Miriam (aka Victoria) Attacked

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  • #16
    also the paint in the toes look like a photoshop job
    Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. -- Oscar Wilde


    • #17
      If this is a fake, it is pretty over the top. Some other inconsistencies, the birthday on the ID band is 1981, while her bio in Wikpedia says 1982, also the sex on the ID band says "F", which is not usually done for preop ts, since their legal documents are not typically changed unless they have SRS. However, whoever is in those photos did suffer traumatic injury recently and hopefully can recover soon.

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      • #18
        Wiki has her birthdate listed as 1981. As for her documentation...I don't know what the legaleze is regarding that. Perhaps, in NY the laws aren't as strict. Or perhaps when she was admitted they thought she was female and the band was made up before it could be changed. Either way, I'm gonna keep my eye on this story and see what more becomes of it.
        It's been a rough day. I got up this morning ... put a shirt on and a button fell off. I picked up my briefcase, and the handle came off. I'm afraid to go to the bathroom.


        • #19
          More discrepancies going on. Miriam's biography on Wikipedia was edited to match the birthdate on the ID band. I have been able to access the cached page of her biography from Wikipedia and captured the screen, plus give the link here. This is the page I saw yesterday - the question is who is editing the information and why?

          More questions than answers still.

          Mariam's previous unedited Wikipedia bio (cached)
          Attached Files

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          • #20
            IF this alledged attack was fabricated to raise funds for her "dear friend" who is making such a "sacrifice" to care for poor miriam, i can only hope karma proves true for the "friend", but it would be worth it to learn that such an awful thing did *not* happen to such a beautiful creature.

            IF miriam *was* so despicably attacked, the photos are real and the the "friend" truly is the exceptional person her posts indicate her to be, then we can only hope karma is equally applicable in the good it brings her way and the solace it might provide the stricken miriam.


            • #21
              (tigerxxx @ Mar. 10 2007,02:46) Wiki has her birthdate listed as 1981. As for her documentation...I don't know what the legaleze is regarding that. Perhaps, in NY the laws aren't as strict.
              We know that she is from Mexico and living in the United States. She may have legal status in the United States or she may not; we don't know.

              New York has no immigration laws of its own. There are only Federal immigration laws, and the Federal laws are not uniformly enforced if you have "dry feet" and are from south of the border.

              (tigerxxx @ Mar. 10 2007,02:46) Or perhaps when she was admitted they thought she was female and the band was made up before it could be changed. Either way, I'm gonna keep my eye on this story and see what more becomes of it.
              Speaking very generally here, a Mexican can damn near say anything he or she wants to say regarding birthdates because many people from Mexico are practically born in the bushes and there is not necessarily a government birth certificate, perhaps only an entry in the books of the corrupt local government office or Catholic Church. When a Mexican national applies for a Mexican National ID card (this application is made at a Mexican government office, and is often done to obtain identification so that application for public services in the USA can then be made), the idea is not to make it hard for the poor people who need to get a card but might not have all the required documents!

              By the way, I am on the side of the poor but good people from Mexico who want to come to the United States to work and live. Mexico is a corrupt shithole and I don't blame them one bit for wanting to leave! I think the United States should just let prospective immigrants in more easily. The US government generally does a pathetic job enforcing borders anyhow.


              • #22
                Fact or fiction, why would we give a bigger shit for this LB than any other victim of mindless violence? She's beautiful, but no more deserving of my sympathy than an ugly old man

                Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                • #23
                  stogie bear wrote:
                  The person in the pictures is NOT who you think she is. In fact I find it surprising that so many of you have fallen for this rather bizarre 'joke.'

                  I also find it somewhat disturbing that when someone previously did you the favour of pointing it out, he was jumped on by a pack of melodramatic drama 'queens' (excuse the pun.)

                  A quick check of her ID tag would see that her birthday is WRONG! The hospital has her down as 'F' for female also, which is NOT the way hospitals do things for specific legal reasons.

                  The head wound is NOT a recent wound. Any medical practitioner or nurse can see this.

                  As for the toe nail polish... I suspect that's a pretty shabby Photo shop job if you ask me! And even the shapes and color of the calves in these pics don't correspond even closely to ANY pics of Miriam that I have seen before.

                  Hasn't ANYONE seen fit to question the absense of a face shot and why the shot of this persons forehead is so closely cropped?

                  Hasn't anyone wondered why this hasn't been featured in any other website or newspaper site? Even the British tabloids that made this girl famous haven't said a dickie bird!

                  I'm sorry that you've all been duped and I fully suspect that as this is my first post here I will get well and truly flamed!

                  Please don't waste your breathe and time calling me names. Just analyse the information for yourselves and draw your own conclusions.

                  Stogie Bear
                  I goot booted off Hung Angels for writing this! Just shows you what a limited grip on reality these bearded queens have!


                  • #24
                    Wow, and people here think the mods are tough, lol! Seriously though, whoever was in those photos definitely suffered serious injury and hopefully will recover fully.

                    I have been following the posts on HA Forum and it is odd, that most of the photos are now removed and the benefactor has a catalogue of items to request for the victim, and has also asked for gift certificates to be sent to a post office box.

                    Also find it strange that this friend says Miriam has no bank account.

                    Hopefully if this is a fraud, it will be uncovered soon enough. If this is real, there should be some support coming soon from outside sources.

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                    • #25
                      SkyTwo wrote:
                      Uhhh, not to sound too callous or anything, but this sounds maybe, possibly, just a tiny bit... dubious.

                      You reckon? Sending money to a person with 27 posts to a bank account? I agree!

                      How about this...

                      We can all send her stuff directly if yopu tell us which hospital she is at and which ward she is being treated in.

                      So it was you that persuaded the hospital authorities to deliberately and incorrectly change the sex on her tag to read 'F' and to re-write her name? Hmmm...

                      Is'nt anyone at all just a bit sceptical about this?
                      Re-registered and added this...


                      • #26
                        i gotta agree stogie.
                        something smells fishy in denmark.
                        more fishy with every request for 'help'.
                        maybe the dear "friend" will next ask for checks made out to "Citizens Against Sexual Harassment", but then suggest we feel free to abbreviate it down to


                        • #27
                          But think of how much cash she will get, many thousands definitely.

                          There is nothing on any of the newswires about this... indeed very fishy.
                          seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                          • #28
                            (stogie bear @ Mar. 10 2007,15:12) So it was you that persuaded the hospital authorities to deliberately and incorrectly change the sex on her tag to read 'F' and to re-write her name? Hmmm...

                            Is'nt anyone at all just a bit sceptical about this?
                            Here is an interesting post by the person organizing the effort at HA:

                            ok --i just got back from seeing miriam , she is doing good i spent 3 hours with her today --she started feeding herself with her left hand --she had a surgery yesterday for 8 hours on her leg --now there is a cast- i told the nurses to start her on HORMONES since miriam hasnt taken any in a while --soo thats taken care of --NOW today i go to the post office in my town to open up a post office box for miriam---and i couldnt open one up for her , because of NO ID for her--

                            Anybody here think it is dubious that a person immobilized in bed, with major orthopedic trauma, and who just had 8 more hours of orthopedic surgery, is going to have NURSES start hormone therapy?

                            This is not credible. Can anyone say DVT!

                            Again, regarding the ID issue, if she is a Mexican citizen she can get a Mexican National ID card from the Mexican government consulate and most banks and local government authorities in the US will recognize this as valid ID. It seems like a reasonable thing to do IF she is in need of an ID card and IF this is a legitimate effort.


                            • #29
                              iPods, money for dear old mum, gift cards, and on and on. Where does it end?

                              And what about, say, the costs of all this medical treatment? Not exactly chump change, and I suspect the victim didn't have insurance. That whole "won't become a public burden" thing when you get a visa should make one think carefully about skipping out on paying the hospital bills - it may make it quite difficult to get a visa later.

                              Stogie: invite them to come over and play in this forum, so that they can see the level of interest. Then, if they can convince *you* that this is real, they don't need to prove it to anybody else here. After that, perhaps support will flow more readily. I think they can trust a guy who's half a world away and can't conceivably have any personal connections to the evildoers.

                              No sinister intentions toward the "friend", but if this is real, then the victim needs assistance from people who are a bit more savvy than the poster.

                              If it's not real, imagine what the Nigerians must be thinking!

                              Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                              Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                              • #30
                                What are the odds that the original poster is Nigerian?

