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NOT slleeples in Seatle

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  • NOT slleeples in Seatle

    Hi guys

    Happy new year to all.

    Being located in Sydney, it is difficult to get away to BKK very often (even if it is only a 9 hour flight from Sydney to BKK).  Life is complicated with business, gf, etc, etc.

    There is a big Thai population in Sydney and I keep thinking there must be some decent LBs here.  But where ..... ?

    In some of the local newspapers there are 'Adult Services' ads that do list so called 'Asian Transexual'.  When one phones up one is generally greeted with a voice that sounds like Luciano Pavarotti.  When one gets to the appointed place one finds that the so called lb is a Thai bloke, pushing 30 plus age-wise, who has simply thrown on a dress, some badly applied makeup and a cheap wig!!!!  Help!!!! (Images of Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now - "the horror, the horror")

    There were 2 brothels in Sydney that specialised in lbs (not necessarily Asian but they had a few decent Thais, Malays and Singaporians on their books) but they both have closed.  Tragic.

    Is there any Forum member who lives in Sydney, or knows Sydney, who can point me towards a lb that is of a standard such that we find among the AsianTs models?  

    I will be forever in your debt if you can help me out.

    best wishes to all


  • #2
    Guess how I must feel and I'm in Brisbane. The black hole of the earth.

    Regards Richard from AUS


    • #3
      Hi Richard50

      Thanks for the reply. It is nice to know that I am not suffering in silence. Is there anything going on in Brisbane?[I]

      I wonder why 2 thriving (I am pretty sure) lb brothels in Sydney closed down? Especially in a state where brothels are legal.


      Best wishes to all



      • #4

        LOSE THE "WISE" mate !



        • #5
          abos are more frreee than white's brick top you wanker.
          wise traveller try the taxi club on flinders street aroun 11pm-12pm on fri and sat. also pick up a copy od the wentworthville courrier, and look at the prostitutes in the back usually a few in there from thailand. id point yopu to a couple ive fucked but these girls never hang around for long as they usually are here illegally.
          just ring a few up and ask em


          • #6
            Donnnny - thanks for the tip.


            • #7
              Stop talking shit donny and learn to write understandable English you aussie twat. What were you before the kind aus government gave you citizenship ?

              They are only free since you expelled them from the cities you muppet !



              • #8
                Originally posted by
                When one phones up one is generally greeted with a voice that sounds like Luciano Pavarotti.
                Well, what does one expect?

                Still... at least one can get a song and a dance, if not a decent shag!

                You think the land down under sucks? Try Thailand. Prostitution is illegal here too...


                • #9
                  bricktop wanker watches to many movies with russians in them brick top is a tough guy bricktop most abos live in cities and off the back of the government because the wowsers let them drink bricktop i wont reply anymore of your crap
                  \bye bricktop you ill informed ill equiped ill english like you


                  • #10

                    WiseTraveller, i am from melbourne. There is a Ts parlour here and spent 1 session with with Pam who is on this site. Fantastic girl and very smart. Is actually a student here. She worked at Transformations and told me it closed down due to a rental disagreement. She told me was going to go back to Sydney and work as an independent with a freind of hers i.e escort. I dont know if she will do incalls. She might. She also mentioned she was returning to Thailand soon to get a boob job. (i told her not to get them to big ) I can give you her number if you like as I said i may be in Sydney in Jan/Feb. However if she does not answer or disconneted please dont blame me. Let me know. I think she will charge around $200.00 per hour.

                    Pity about transformation as i had planned on going there. Loved their website.



                    • #11
                      Hey Donny

                      Firstly thanks for all your travel tales. Really enjoyed them. Can you tell me more about the taxi club? is it the real deal or just another Sydney fag club?

                      Also mate I know what you are saying about the bludgers in general in Aust, while we poor bastards work our balls off. However although all the great freedoms we have in the BEST country in the world the A word is illegal. Just like the N word is in USA. Im sure John and stoogie wouldnt take to kindly if the N word was used as the site might be technically in breach of the law. Just wondering thats all.

                      Again thanks for your posts. Have picked up some good tips.



                      • #12
                        Hi Brickie

                        Listen old mate. I can assure you that it is not at all like this for the aborignals. However they could do a lot to help themselves and make real progress.

                        Sorry about your time in Australia. However that is the exception rather than the rule.

                        Also about that 600bt you owe me. Remember? I will let you pay it back in lieu that I can buy you a beer in Bkk. Now that is something i would look forward too.



                        • #13
                          As usual Dopey Donny is up to his usual form on spelling, well said "Bricktop" One up for the gentry.
                          If you have the misfortune to live in Sydney, and plague Thailand on your "off days" you should be more well informed as to where all the Thai layboys hang out in Sydney. If you should happen to walk down William Street from the "Cross" you will find a small all night cafe on your left that sports at least half a dozen Thai ladyboys. Two from Phuket, one form Chiengmai, and the remainder from Bangkok, To keep them company there are several Philippino (not double L they get offended) ladyboys, all of whom are very presentable. If you speak Thai, you will get "mates rates" which should suit you very well, as you never seem to have too much to spend on ladyboys, but with your severe lack of english, I doubt if you have ever attempted to learn the Thai language. Your loss our gain.

                          For those less fortunate amongst us that happen to reside in Melbourne, there are plenty of Thai ladyboys around. Also Singaporean and PI.
                          I would suggest a sojurn to Commercial Road South Yarra, and drop into any of the gay bars. Yes I know, not your scene, but if you want to find them, they're there. There are also a couple of freelancers that work Fitzroy Street in St. Kilda. If everything alse fails, I would reccomend a read of the "Leader" newspaper's personal section....Many ladyboys advertise in the column. If you are hell bent on Thai ladyboys, a quick trip out to Monash University on Wellington Road, and nip into the students common room, and place an ad on the notice board for Thai ladyboys with a phone number. They all moonlight, and it produces incredible results!

                          Now for the real unfortunates that reside in Brisbane.....Apart from that wonderful quote by Sir Joh Bjelkie Petterson......"Glorious one day, perfect the next" You don't have too much going for you, with the exception of many Thai ladyboys. Yes there's plenty of them there, in case you have never noticed. From the odd freelancer in the city, to the plethora of of the transgendered populace on the Gold Coast. Many of the Thai restaurants have ladyboys on the staff, and one particularly large Thai restaurant has a cabaret show with six Thai ladyboys working in it........All are working ladyboys, and looking for that little "extra" pocket money! So take a quick trip over that old Storey Bridge, unless of course you happen to live in Mt. Gravatt, in which case I'd pack a picnic lunch.
                          All in all, you Australians have a very good ladyboy scene, but it takes an outsider equiped with ladyboy radar to find them, obviously.
                          The Cynic is not just plain cynical, but also a mine of information if handled correctly. The Cynic


                          • #14
                            Wow! thanks guys for the mine of information.

                            Donny - would love Pam's number if you have it.




                            • #15
                              cynic what a baby you are . Ist im dislexic and do my best with spelling. if you cant handle it then i suggest you dont reply to my posts.I know william street and usually ist full of nasty drug addicts . you want em you get em i prefer to see shemales in there own apartments
                              the goping rate is betwen $100- 150 in sydney .
                              domy you must have me mixed up with someone else?? i am an aussie bludger
                              cynic you wining old prick hope the spelling is good enough for you

