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What do Thai ladyboys want?

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  • #46
    A Caucasian walking ATM.


    • #47
      (buttafly @ Jun. 22 2007,19:15) wow, the 'other' side who seems to think differently is at 12 we really have that many ladyboys reading/lying here?
      Or 12 wishful thinkers...or 12 guys who have never been to LOS...
      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


      • #48
        I think what they would really like is a rich, handsome, good hearted, hip, 28 year old farang or Thai that would love her and support her and her family and live happily ever after.


        • #49
          All these posts assume that the farang in question is old and out of shape -- what if he's in his mid 20's, in great shape, and he still has money?


          • #50
            well if he wants to stay that way, he needs to make clear to her that his assets are in an offshore trust fund that will NOT go to her if he is found dead after falling of a balcony



            • #51
              Shaftoez what size t-Shirt do you wear? I am going to send you two: one that says "ATM Open for Business" and the other one with a big "S" on the front.


              • #52
                (shaftoez @ Jun. 29 2007,04:13) All these posts assume that the farang in question is old and out of shape -- what if he's in his mid 20's, in great shape, and he still has money?  
                No worry...the girls will all go with you for free...
                "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                • #53
                  Sometimes if you really handsum man you just give them your bank ATM card and PIN # and they will deposit money in your account!!


                  • #54
                    (aperry @ Jun. 29 2007,16:41)  Sometimes if you really handsum man you just give them your bank ATM card and PIN # and they will deposit money in your account!!
                    really? Cool..


                    • #55
                      Hehe, you guys are great. I've lurked on these boards for a while because they're so much fun to read.

                      Yes I am the guy I'm describing -- I was a hard worker from an early age and have been fortunate enough to make some good money since my early twenties (and smart enough not to waste all of it).  As for the handsome part, that's based mainly on the claims of the girls who want to separate me from this money , but I am in great shape from being a practitioner of martial arts.

                      What I wonder when people post these questions that amount to, "Will a ladyboy ever really like me?" is this -- is the answer NO because they're a farang, or is it because they have nothing in common with a young girl who's in the P4P industry? Not that my own life bears a lot of resemblance to that of a ladyboy sex worker, but I'm only a few years away from these girls in terms of age--I don't have much trouble connecting with girls back in the States who are 18-25.

                      I've spent plenty of time in Asia and see through the act quickly when someone's only interested in associating with me because of my money. Frankly, I am not in the market for an LTR with anybody, Thai ladyboy or otherwise -- but is all this talk about these girls only liking farangs for their money true because of who the girls are, or who the farangs are, or both?


                      • #56
                        (aperry @ Jun. 29 2007,16:41) Sometimes if you really handsum man you just give them your bank ATM card and PIN # and they will deposit money in your account!!
                        There seems to be the notion that if you're a drunken Thai with huge gambling debts this will be the case...imagine that...
                        I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                        • #57
                          (shaftoez @ Jun. 30 2007,07:47) -- but is all this talk about these girls only liking farangs for their money true because of who the girls are, or who the farangs are, or both?
                          You got least in the P4P scene money is number 1...

                          And the more money you are willing to spend, the more they will lub you to mut...

                          And while they might indeed be more attracted to a young dude in great physical shape...if I have more money, I win...

                          Despite what they might sometimes no have to give me money...Money is always Number 1...
                          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                          • #58
                            (kahuna @ Jun. 29 2007,17:38) And while they might indeed be more attracted to a young dude in great physical shape...if I have more money, I win...

                            Despite what they might sometimes no have to give me money...Money is always Number 1...
                            .....try and try as you may to convince yourself that money is not number one..this is not the US or a western culture....this is Thailand and P4P.....if you move outside the P4P arena(but you said you do not want LTR) you MAY be able to find someone where money is not number 1......I just spent 7 days with a non-p4p girl, took her to Phuket, bought her scuba diving lessons, 3 movies at Siam Paragon(IMAX), bought her a shit load of cosmetic "stuff" she just had to have......and got an e-mail from her that said she was unhappy that I didn't buy her gas(petrol) for her car....which I had never been in.......Like it or not, face the facts, as a farang, we have deep pockets and provide a possible way for a girl to raise her economic status and in the case of the Philippines, escape a shitty environment and situation. There will be exceptions to this of course......but a low percentage I'm sure. With all that said, if you are happy and she is you really care if she is using you for a meal ticket and the high life?
                  ,  you're really a guy?..............  

