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LB Non-Pro's and Farangs?

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  • LB Non-Pro's and Farangs?

    This is my first post ever, I've been a member since April. Love that this forum exists, it's great to climb out of the shadows and announce myself.

    Look forward to coming to Thailand next year.

    As background, I had an Asian LB GF in NYC in the mid-90's. Her name was Lil, we were great for six months, until I met and fell in love with a GG.  I went for the 'safe' way out, didn't want the social challenges, and settled down to raise a family.

    It's all good, but I've never stopped wondering if I'd missed the real thing. And now I'm single again, Lil's long disappeared, and I live in another city. My desire for another LB relationship drove me to this site.

    I've never been to Thailand, but as I read these posts about love or money ladyboys, I keep hearing LB's reduced to choosing between a young thai boyfriend and an old hairy-backed farang.

    But is it really that reductive?

    If the sample being evaluated is 100% pro, and if there are lots of Ladyboys in Thailand that are non-pro, aren't broad generalizations around the social attitudes of non-pros a bit, um, presumptious?  

    I believe that there may be an entirely different conversation to be had about non-pros. Call me romantic, but I'd like to believe that there might be any number of non-pro LB's that would be open to a farang LTR. I hope so, anyway.

    Any past discussions about farangs and non-pros I've missed?

    A better way to ask this: do you guys know of successful LTR's between farangs and non-pros? Or is this just a pipe dream.....

    Thanks, and happy to join the fray!

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum first of all.

    Dont worry to much by what you read here - most of what is covered is 99% focused on the pay 4 play environment so it tends to look like that's all there is. However, the P4P arena while large is not totally reflective of the LB environment in Thailand and probably accounts for less than 20% of the LB population.



    • #3
      Put yourself in a pretty girl's shoes for a moment...or better yet, let me ask you this - who would you rather be with given the choice?

      (a) A cute, young girl that is in good shape, takes care of herself and her appearances, understands you and your culture, can communicate 100% fluently in your language, and is likely to share many common interests with you.

      (b) An older and quite possibly less attractive woman (e.g. overweight, balding, pick your poison, etc.) that doesn't quite take care of herself, has very little clue about you or your culture, can barely communicate with you, and probably gives a shit about you and your interests.

      Not sure, maybe we should make another poll?
      I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


      • #4
        Thanks for the response, both of you!!

        I guess I try to believe that it's not entirely about cultural similarities and appearances, that the rules of attraction can go deeper. And don't get me wrong, I take care of myself, am easy on the eyes so they say, but...

        I've married outside of my culture twice. And I've always been attracted to that which is different culturally, physically, etc. I find these differences really a turn-on, and I'm not unusual, you can walk the streets of any city in the US to see lots of intercultural matches....

        And since I'm still young enough to turn heads; guess I'd love to find and settle down with a non-pro Femboy, give it a go. But the tone and tenor of the board generally leads me to believe that the only reason LB's and Femboys develop in this direction is to earn a living.

        Is this true? I'm hopeful it's not, but I don't know the culture well enough from reading about it to figure out whether there's a thriving non-pro katoey/femboy population.

        So coming to Thailand and staying out of Nana might be a good place to start. But I'd be lying like a dog if I didn't say that these girls are insanely hot, and I've got some steam to blow off.  So maybe I'll have a bit of fun first.  

        I'm just hoping to hear anecdotal evidence of Farang's getting beyond the sex for $$$ surface into relationship, LTR and otherwise.  

        Anyway, thanks!


        • #5
          Maybe the Philippines might be a better hunting ground for non PFP ladyboys. A lot of people here regard it as a shithole, but I had a good time there and enjoyed the company of many GG's and a couple of ladyboys. The bonus is that English is the common language and a large percentage of the LB's are looking for relationships or the GF experience. Check out the site and search the Philippines and you will get a good indication of what is there. They might be harder to find, but there are plenty around.


          • #6
            (alyptica @ Jun. 19 2007,21:34) I've married outside of my culture twice. .
   why not married now....were the failures do to cultural differences?
  ,  you're really a guy?..............  


            • #7
              There are a few stale sour minds that troll this place making out all ladyboys to be the spawn of satan. I'm one of them. Ignore them (and me!)

              I suspect that your yearning has more to do with a need to release that sexual tension rather than persue a new relationship with a ladyboy.

              I've been with one non P4P rerlationship that lasted a lot longer than yours and I still remain chums with her. It was NO DIFFERENT to a normal relationship and I'd do it again.

              I've also had ongoing relationships with lbs from the bar circuit and these are far more wearisome.

              There are tens of thousands of nice ladyboys who have never fucked for cash and they are easy to find (IF you want to find them.) What's more - they are looking for love and security and a good life from nice guys like you.

              This message board is mostly about the hookers, so you won't learn too much here.


              • #8
                (stogie bear @ Jun. 20 2007,15:20) There are a few stale sour minds that troll this place making out all ladyboys to be the spawn of satan. I'm one of them.  Ignore them (and me!)

                I suspect that your yearning has more to do with a need to release that sexual tension rather than persue a new relationship with a ladyboy.

                I've been with one non P4P rerlationship that lasted a lot longer than yours and I still remain chums with her. It was NO DIFFERENT to a normal relationship and I'd do it again.

                I've also had ongoing relationships with lbs from the bar circuit and these are far more wearisome.

                There are tens of thousands of nice ladyboys who have never fucked for cash and they are easy to find (IF you want to find them.) What's more - they are looking for love and security and a good life from nice guys like you.

                This message board is mostly about the hookers, so you won't learn too much here.
                Thanks, stogie bear, really appreciate it, gives me a lot to think about.... and yeah, you may be right about the yearning, I'll let you know after I've done my research. ('')

                Also to say how much I appreciate these forums and this site, AsianTS really delivers!! Happy anniversary, and all that.


                • #9
                  (divertwo @ Jun. 20 2007,15:05)
                  (alyptica @ Jun. 19 2007,21:34) I've married outside of my culture twice. .
         why not married now....were the failures do to cultural differences?
                  nope. a ton of reasons. mostly that I used to be lousy at distinguishing between longterm and short term relationships. Might have learned that lesson, we'll see.


                  • #10
                    It sounds like you are thinking about things - certainly SB is right, a long term relationship with a P4P Thai lb is very unlikely. Not impossible, but 99.95% of the time it won't work, just as as if someone tried to have a relationship with a P4P gg.

                    If you are serious about a longterm relationship with a non P4P Thai lb, then you would likely have to spend enough time in Thailand to find one and then court her. Not easy unless you have sufficient funds to have long or frequent vacations. Meeting non-p4p lbs online is possible, but you have to watch out for p4ps on these sites as well. It helps a great deal to know Thai, both spoken and written if you try to use some of the Thai sites that SB has posted links for in the past.

                    It helps if you are easy on her eyes, but you need to overcome some of the barriers such as language and culture others have mentioned.

                    Continue your research and let us know how you get along!

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                    • #11
                      I lived with a non-P4P LB for a year in Philippines.
                      She was university-educated, had a professional occupation and was much the same as any GG (we met through mutual friend when both working in UK)

                      So, there are regular LBs out there that do want the same as most GGs and that do want a regular relationship. Probably easier in Pi because they speak english and there is a large cultural cross-over from American influence.

                      We broke up because I had to move on for work, Although I liked her a lot, not enough to move to Manila. And she couldn't get a visa to ireland, even though she had a very good job and was relatively well off (pity she didn't work as nurse!    )
                      No honey, no money!!


                      • #12
                        (bigmick22 @ Jun. 21 2007,02:01) I lived with a non-P4P LB for a year in Philippines.
                        She was university-educated, had a professional occupation and was much the same as any GG (we met through mutual friend when both working in UK)

                        So, there are regular LBs out there that do want the same as most GGs and that do want a regular relationship. Probably easier in Pi because they speak english and there is a large cultural cross-over from American influence.

                        We broke up because I had to move on for work, Although I liked her a lot, not enough to move to Manila. And she couldn't get a visa to ireland, even though she had a very good job and was relatively well off (pity she didn't work as nurse!    )
                        Thanks, that's encouraging, and I'm sure you're right about common language and culture making a difference...Any links you'd recommend (beyond the coverage on AsianTS) to find out more about the Pi ladyboy scene?

                        Many thanks!


                        • #13
                          try or or
                          all have lots of phillipinas some p4p some not.


                          • #14
                            Link as posted earlier in this thread. and search the Philippines


                            • #15
                              If you can speak (or read) Thai, try here...

                              Met a lot of nice girls here... but this requires patience.

