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mustach or no mustach

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  • mustach or no mustach

    I am initiating this post as I was wondering that all LB should not be exempted from their genetic characteristic of a man...which is growing of mustach. How they removed those mustach every morning when they wake up? did they shave it or just simply pulling out one by one strands?

    Does anyone of you have the experiences when you are kissing each other and you have found out some tiny strands just right on their chin. It did happened to me once and really turn me off.


  • #2
    In the case of the Thais  -  like most Asians they do not have much body hair anyway.
    Taking regular doses of female hormones greatly reduces the rate of growth and causes any hair that does grow to be very soft.

    My experience is that Thai ladyboys generally have less of a moustache than western women!
    Generally any growth (what there is of it) can be dealt with by one of the treatments sold in a pharmacy for use by women  -  and that usually very infrequently.

    On the other hand you will get the ocassional girl who does have problems.
    There is one girl I know who has a couple of growths on her face  -  moles maybe  -  that do grow noticeable hairs.
    But equally I have met western women with the same problem.

    Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

    "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


    • #3
      The taking of female hormone therapy inhibits the growth of facial hair,generally all body hair.
      See ya,Skeeterboy's out of here.

