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Old LadyBoys

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  • Old LadyBoys

    OK, perhaps asked many times,but never read a good explenation ! Where do all the old ladyboys go ?
    1. Do they have their silicon taken out & go back to being Men ?
    2. Do they marry Thai guys & live as man & wife ?
    3. Have cocks cut off & live like real woman ?
    4. Do you guys ever see any old ones out & about ?

    I know a lot kill themselves,but they cant all die ,i hope some do live happly ever after !
    Be lucky,have fun & stay young !

  • #2
    Most go back to their home towns and live quiet, boring lives. Quite a lot of the new ones have a lot of ambition to save money and start some business...usually a salon. Pat of Cascades wants to start a LB spa. I met another girl who is starting a rubber plantation in the south! May, my girlfriend, says she wants to work at a company for a while, then start her own later, in multi-media. The tradition of supporting one's family, especially the mother, is very, very strong in Thailand, so a lot go back to help mum.

    I've seen 60 yr old LBs in Thailand, and many in their 40s. Ning-nong of C&D is one example. Several of the mamasans in Nana or 40yr old LBs.

    For implants, remember that the affordability of silicon implants and good results is still reasonably new. So the truth is that there aren't a lot of "Old" LBs that have silicon running throughout their body; and we are largely talking mainly about the P4P population here. Non-working LBs likely can't afford silicon.

    Implants do not last forever. I've seen numbers like 10 year averages (or less), so, I don't know, just guessing on this one, but I'd guess if they do have to take them out for some reason, they might not get new ones just due to cost, and I think that is a very ugly looking chest afterwards (loose skin).

    As for "do they go back to being a boy", I'd say never, for the very, very large majority, although I have seen a couple of LBs who went back to being men, and in their case, it would seem it was due to being excessively ugly (or more appropriately, very masculine looking), and perhaps also because they wanted to get a job and being a male looking female was tricky.

    Would you become a girl when you get older? I think it's almost a similar question psychologically.


    • #3
      (ziggystardust @ Jun. 26 2007,05:50) I met another girl who is starting a rubber plantation in the south!

      ... seems like a great enterprise for LBs ...can't wait for the 'harvest party'

      ... do they have a tester? (me me me)


      • #4
        As I understand, LB's life span is quite shorther, this is probably the hormone they taken or other stuff. I have not seen much of the old LB, so itis ieither they die younger age or as you people say they retired to their home town. so poor to hear that!



        • #5
          I know for a fact that in Malaysia the older Muslim ladyboys go back to being men.
          And the reason? So I'm told, it's because if they die no one will want to bury them. In their tradition males bury a male and females bury a female.
          Even if they go for the chop, the identity cards of Muslim ladyboys cannot have their sex changed. Only recently non Muslim ladyboys could have their sex changed officially. It's a hard life for them there.


          • #6
            This topic   always makes me so sad. 18-24, 6 years, give or take, is what they have as far as us falangs are concerned. Imagine the silicon/botox/surgery, Tee-Tee come 35 years old...
            Can´t be easy. I heard some silicon can´t even be removed.  Really sad this.


            • #7
              You're thinking only P4P. 18-24 is the age of sex for GGs and LBs. It has nothing to do with non-working GGs or LBs 'age' of activity, life, or whatever you want to call it.


              • #8
                Thanx a million Ziggy,nice to know that some do indeed go into old age.Makes me feel a whole lot better,as I'm with rick on this one !
                On a lighter note,I wonder do any go bald,Now that would be funny !But even then I think I would feel sorry for them !
                Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                • #9
                  two expamples

                  1) ladyboy 35+ runs a flower shop in chang mai dont know if they worked in the p4p scene

                  2) a ladyboy i knew worked in obsession for about 5+ years finally called it quits last year and went back to issan to start a 7 11 type genral store in her village

                  but like most thais some have a plan and most just live day to day


                  • #10
                    Maybe I should move to LOS and open Grunyen's home for wayward LB's.

                    Having a gaggle of very grateful, slightly over-the-hill, LB ass couldn't be such a bad life.


                    • #11
                      The bald question is not so stupid.

                      The majority of info I found said estrogen has no impact on head hair. But I also found a few that said it does impact hair growth, and I note some of the hair growth formulas have some estrogen content.

                      Truth is there aren't so many bald Thai men, so genetically, they have a good start. I just don't know the truth on the estrogen impacts.

                      Over time, I found that LBs care more about their hair than anything else, i.e., if they had to get rid of their breast implants or cut their hair, they'd give up the implants. I guess the most immediate and visible feminine attribute is hair, followed by breasts, then many other things.

                      Anyhow, to make a long story short, I think going bald would really be a major stress for a LB.


                      • #12
                        Ziggy you could write a book LOL ! Is there anything you dont know about LB's. Top man,cheers !
                        Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                        • #13
                          I'm on page 200, but I need at least 2 years more studying the bizarre parts (like baldness, religion, hormones) !

