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What do the Ladyboys think ATS

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  • What do the Ladyboys think ATS

    Just curious what do the Ladyboys think about us salivating idiots here on ATS. The are stars of a small deeply disturbed following. I am wondering if they are aware of their effect upon us.
    John Smith

  • #2
    Hummm ..i wonder what they think "Cash" "COLD HARD CASH"


    • #3
      I would guess they hope we will NEVER run out of saliva
      Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


      • #4
        (viking1960 @ Jul. 05 2007,11:52) Just curious what do the Ladyboys think about us salivating idiots here on ATS.  
         They Think of Us as Walking ATM's  
        You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


        • #5
          they think its a reason to print money


          • #6
            Maybe they have their own website , all about us , with trip reports like ......

            the fat fucker only gave me 500 baht
            his tits were bigger than mine
            why did he get so drunk on our date when he knew I wanted to go shopping ?
            Free your mind and your ass will follow .


            • #7
              I do regular (i.e. whenever I need cash for my drug habit) video shoots for them

              nothing special - just simple masturbation scenes

              when they pick me in the bar, I ask them "you see me internet?"

              They love it!
              No honey, no money!!


              • #8
                As Herself would not let me out on my own in ladyboy bars these days (probably with good reason   ) I'm a little out of touch on this score.

                However I know there were certainly two who regularly looked in on the forum to see what was being written and they used to talk to their friends.

                I would be very very surprised if this is not still happening.

                Don't kid yourselves  -  life may have handed these girls the s#*tty end of the stick... but they ain't stupid!

                Believe me they don't need a website  -  the ladyboy network works faster than any internet could possibly do  

                Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                • #9
                  (Road Runner @ Jul. 06 2007,05:26)
                  Believe me they don't need a website  -  the ladyboy network works faster than any internet could possibly do  

                     Thats So True  
                  You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                  • #10
                    Justwondered are there many ladyboys in Bkk who use this forum,wonder are there any bkk lb members,is it ever offered to them as part payment for services like photo shoots and videos,wouldnt it be nice to have an imput into the forum from some of our LB friends.


                    • #11
                      There is only one thing they would take as payment and that's cold hard baht, anyway the forums free. I used to think that it would be nice to have some LB contribute to the forum but I'm not so sure now. The forums a place for guys to post their experiences good and bad which I think be affected if there were LB members.
                      I don't get it, is this a magic show?


                      • #12
                        who cares what they, or anybody else thinks.Places like Guess would not exist if it wasn't for the spreading of the word by members of ATS.They are in the p4p business and should be happy that we are dedicated customers to extract the baht from.


                        • #13
                          I used to really enjoy this forum (in contrast to some of the other straight boards) because the members/posters did not appear to despise the other person in the Pay for Play equation. Lately there seems to be a lot more negativity in general.

                          I'm not exactly happy about it but I sure I'd be less of a "handsome man" if there were less poverty in Thailand. I try to be realistic about my interactions with the girls and not be suprised when a prostitue does not want to give it away for free. With that being said there in no reason that both parties can't have a pleasant time and create a win-win situation.


                          • #14
                            This is interesting to think about... Its funny to think of LBs coming on here and seeing what we have to say, our gripes and compliments, our problems and fetishes. I wonder if they would be jealous of the girls we praise or be happy when we mention them...


                            • #15
                              as one put it earlier in this thread... they dont care ATS...they only care ATM...

                              remember: +1000baht = HANSUME...
                              all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read

