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The Cynic

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  • The Cynic

    "Sorry chaps in my opinion she's a dog I'm afraid ! You guys need to wipe the sh.. from your eyes and see what ya shovling ! Come on boys be sensible." Bricktop

    A fairly apt description Bricktop, of a ladyboy who might look reasonable in photos, who is, in my opinion just average, with an average performance, sexual athelete she is not, however, each to his own.

    Beefy, you obviously do not read the posts written at great lengths for your benefit, so this will be the last one in the excercise. Bam, Yo, Annie, Ae, Gorn, and all the rest of them in Chiangmai, have all been "warmed up" for your impending arrival, and are expecting you. Don't let me down, I gave you a rather good resume.

    Time to move on......The Cynic

  • #2
    Dear Cynic,

    Point made.

    All the best


    • #3
      Thank you Jeff1 Take it easy...C


      • #4
        Hey Cynic,

        Apologies for my absence.... Duty called.....

        All of the posts that you have written for my benefit sir have all been read and notes taken, i believe a test on my knowledge is due please do is indeed educational. A word that i could never see myself using in the past to describe a forum. But this one is.

        As for Bam, Yo, Annie, Ae, Gorn, and all the rest of them in Chiangmai how well did u warm them up?? I hope you havent damaged them in anyway cynic??? lol...yet again, most greatful especially as you gave me a good resume. You say u told them beefy is ive started my fitness programme here just to get more Pelvic Thrusts per hour. Lost of push ups, more fibre, iron and vitamin c in my diet. Ive also taken to the sauna wearing nothing but a industrial black bin liner to get used to the serious hit chiang mai will have to offer during song kran......

        What did u get up 2 up there??? No trip Reports.....cum on......


        Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


        • #5
          As for BoBo.....well we wont go

          Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


          • #6
            Dear Beefy
            I'm sorry that I have to report that they were all warmed up thoroughly.....the gas was turned up, and they were then reheated, and left severely damaged. The might recover by the time of your arrival, but I doubt it. I also forgot to mention....Gor, Lom, Khem, Belle, Nut, and several others that have slipped my mind. I did hear that half of them have gone MIA since I left, I think they need the rest!
            The Cynic
            p.s. Now it comes back to me....Mai, Joy, Eef, Nok and some...
            I'd post some photos, but I hate seeing grown men cry!


            • #7
              pardon me for saying so,  Mr.  Cynic,  but I think you are  out of your mind!   you also  Brick.......i have been with Bobo the last 2  days and she is one of the most sexy and unbelievable ladyboys i have ever met, and i know  about 300 of them.  Sure, there are more  'cute'  or 'sexy'  or  'petite'  or  any other  adjective   you may want to throw around,  but i will let you guys   keep the  19-year old  children and   prefer to spend my time with a  mature, experienced, intelligent and thoughtful  24-year old  ladyboy with a perfect body to match. and oh ya....she cums every time we have sex, which is a lot more than i can say for some ladyboys in BKK who are so jacked up on hormones they haven't cum in months.

               again, all personal preference. i respect what you guys say and i hope  you appreciate  my point of view on her; we all have different tastes.

               as for the  CM girls, i like  Bam the best.  she has an exotic  look and is sexy as hell.  i feel the same way  about  Jo, Kahk and  about   90% of the   CM girls  i meet.

                   heading back to fun with Bobo;  judging by the number of letters  i have gotten  for requests to meet her,  it's a  good thing i came  down here  quickly  because  she will be fairly busy in the near future.   trust me when i say that   i am not the  only  one that finds her appealing..



              • #8
                ".......i have been with Bobo the last 2 days .... "

                Jesus, Jon, do you realize what you saying???
                "I'm with Bobo here, with Aon there, I'm coming Ji!" The most of us are just poor old wankers sitting in the bloody assfreezing cold of Europe, the US east coast, or wherever on this crazy planet, alone in their homes in front of their PC's and you tell us things like that. Be more sensitive, please!
                ...and you other guys, Bricky et al, I'm sure you'd give at least 1 year of your wasted lifes if you'd have a girl like Bobo around you NOW!



                • #9
                  I feel your pain, MK....I have to live in the crappy ol' west for 6 months per year also, remember? it's guys like stogie and snick and the others that live here 12 months per year that we should be jealous of, not me! but yes, i am a fairly lucky guy because i at least get to stay in paradise for a few months per year and that makes life more bearable.

                  i was in the boston area around the holidays and it sucked! it's about 85 degrees warmer here now and i am not complaining.........

                  and yes, i still have Ji to cross off the list; Aon and Bobo are already



                  • #10
                    Good luck with Ji, man! I'm very curious what you'll tell us. She's one of OUR types....
                    By the way I wonder that you like Bam the best. I thought it would be the cute little Jang (or are you just referring to "Chiang Mai" girls and not to the preview girls on the Clubhouse?).


