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New girl BOBO

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  • New girl BOBO

    Hi Guys,
    all the best for the new year,,just back from a stress free holiday in bali,only a matter of weeks and I'll be back there fulltime..and out of this shithole they call Australia.

    I dont know if any of you guys have taken notice, but I checked out the new girl Bobo,,and what a fucking delight she is, so natural,,am I mistaken,,has she been circumsized?
    she has a lovely nob
    clicking on to the larger shots of her cock makes my mouth water..


  • #2
    Good Eyes Ken Good Eyes....

    Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


    • #3
      g:day ken have a hot one in bali donnnny


      • #4
        you're gonna hate me for this one, b-ken, but i have been with her since sunday and loving every second of it. one of the best girls i have ever met even if it seems a few of the other lads disagree. if she was in bali when i was there last year i never would have left the room LOL.

        take it easy down under mate....have a banana shake on me



        • #5
          Ok Jon I dont want to know all the sordid details of your latest sex crazed relationship,,like Blueballz says,,how the hell could i go there now?
          Just tell me one thing please...
          has she been cut down below,,and while were at it. Is it lovely sucking on that nob of hers,,I cant wait to get my head between her legs..and give her the best rose leaf of her life..In the mean time the bali sheboys will have to do..



          • #6
            yes, she is definately cut if you mean circumcised; the doctor did a pretty good job all those years ago also.

            man....we had a great time those last 3 nights......she is absolute killer. i doubt i will be in pattaya again anytime soon so she is fair game now; and well worth it.



            • #7
              Jons in luuurrvvveeee!


              • #8
                Kenno-Yet another saucy wench spoiled, or should I say soil by that reprobate know as Jon-original.


                • #9
                  How long you gona stay in luuurrvvveeee for...............

                  Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!

