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Another pussy amongst us

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  • Another pussy amongst us

    it's kinda funny when i hear stories through the grapevine [and it's a very long and varied grapevine] over here in LOS about me. funny but also sad; i am a pretty good guy and have helped probably 200 guys meet the ladyboys they want, have offered information galore, and do my best to put up a pretty decent website. so when i talked to a ladyboy last night that i was pretty close with for a while and she says 'one of your customers from told me not to trust you and that you fuck chompoo and other ladyboys all the time'while i was trying to convince her otherwise, it kinda hurts, you know?

    I never know what to expect when i talk to ladyboys here. most that i have worked with in the past like me pretty much and we get along good and that is cool. but 3 or 4 times now some ladyboys have told me that one of the customers here was bad-mouthing me to them, and for what? it makes me lose face with the ladyboys and makes them wonder if they can trust me.

    I guess i am different than some of these assholes that have to go running off at the mouth about other people; i could never imagine why i would talk shit about someone i have never met. i think these pussies are trying to score points with the girls I like, by saying shit like "don't sleep with Jon, he is a butterfly; i am much nicer so hang with me instead". i can't think of one reason to talk trash; there are thousands of ladyboys here and if someone has his hands on one that i like at that particular moment, i will just find another. i wish everyone else would do that also and just shut the fuck up about me. people that know me will back up that i am a pretty harmless guy.

    man was i pissed last's over now but if it happens again i will just stop posting up here period.


  • #2
    Hi Jon,

    I was very sad to read your post and cannot understand why some stranger would do this ? Just plain jealousy I guess ? Think about it - you have a successful job, you run THE BEST website in the WORLD, you get to travel and lastly and MOST importantly you get to meet ALL the great looking girls out there that probably most of us will never meet because of our personal commitments,jobs etc.. You are a WINNER period !

    This low life is probably desperately envious and is a total loser and he knows IT !

    Jon I want you to either confront this scumbag or just plain forget about it as you would if you lost a nickle in the street. Lose all worry on idiots like that then they will soon lose interest.

    Low life like this are not worth bothering about BUT if it does affect your business you need to get BUSY and I for one will help you and STAND BY you 100%.

    I do not like reading about any member here that is being hassled like this and you can rely on old Bricktop to help you if you need me ?

    Please DO NOT STOP POSTING because of degenerate pond life who are jealous of you !!!

    Your friend and confidante ALWAYS,



    • #3
      Hi Jon

      Know how you feel and I haven€™t even been to LOS since last year. When I wrote my post titled "guilt trip" I got a not very happy email from the girl concerned. Apparently I mentioned something in that post that one person on this board was able to identify this particular girl from chatting to her in BKK chat. He distorted what I said to her saying that I said she wasn€™t a stunner and all this other bullshit and not to meet me and meet him instead. Could have been the same guy. He apparently is a resident of Bkk.

      Well mate who ever you are, it didn€™t work. I gave this girl the link the cynic posted and she read the forum and saw exactly what I wrote.

      I don€™t know what his problem is especially like what Jon says there is lots of nice lady boys to be met in LOS and not just bargirls.

      So mate who ever you are just remember you are in Bkk and I am in Australia and I get up earlier than you do, so think about that next time you try to pull one over me.

      Jon, we all know what type of guy you are. Especially if customer service is anything to go by. And that€™s from first hand experience. So any decent person will see that despite what this cunt says.



      • #4
        I have met Jon in person and he is a very nice gentleman.

        If any of you have the opportunity to meet Him, you will understand why this site runs so smoothly.

        You no care me DIE !!!


        • #5
          Why people do it i dont know, probably some boring fuka who has sex for £££ not out of choice like the rest of us but due to not being able to get laid for free. He see's that as Bricktop said your one lucky fella JON and this person wants to do something to put a little dent in your kingdom. Waterfalls start with a trickle but yet again sad bastard your trickle has been stopped. So lets see what he does next.

          Im yet to meet Jon but hope to do so on my trip in April but from the help that hes given me i have nothing but praise for him, i for 1 certainly wouldnt wana see you stop posting as weather at work or at home i get a giggle and some knowledge from this forum, would be a pitty to see it minus your posts.

          Hopefully this will all blow over....till there bored again.


          Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


          • #6

            Like the other have saide before me.....Sorry to hear that someone was putting your name through the trash. Why someone would do that is beyond me, I guess he thinks by putting you down somehow builds him up. Pretty shallow.

            Anyways, I always look forward to your post and insight. For some of us that can't be there as offten, you keep us updated on the girls, the local action, different places to go, etc. It's a great addition to the site...and hope you continue to contribute to the site for a long, long time.

            Have fun, and safe travels....



            • #7
              Jon we love ya even if your're a little bit irish ! and we'll support you always because you are a "Good Fella " !!! You have done so much for us so pay back is assured to you my friend.

              Hang tight dude and don't sweat it !

              I'm sure your having fun right now you lucky bastard and have already forgotten all about this cockroach !!!

              Take it easy brother,



              • #8
                Originally posted by
                'one of your customers from told me not to trust you and that you fuck chompoo and other ladyboys all the time'
                ...and she kept coming back for more too

                Like...this is a State Secret, Jon ?

                I wouldn't lose sleep over this loser


                • #9
                  Hi Everyone,especially to dommy6

                  Well,firstly,I would like to say that you are the first guy I met and chat on internet and I like you very much always.Nothing gonna change my feeling I have with you.But,when you wrote something about me behinds my back.I felt very disappointed.And I know it from somebody else,which is not you.I was mad that moment.I thought that I would not meet you when you come here.

                  It's hard to explain.Our relationship is not discrete now,right?Many people here know about us. *sigh*


                  • #10
                    What kind of an ASSHOLE would say ANYTHING bad about Jon?
                    There is no point or points to be made.
                    I say we hunt him down and kill him !....It's only fair


                    • #11
                      Hi again,

                      Any young white guys (17-40) wanna meet me when you come to BKK , or we can meet around here...,I prefer to meet in Asia.....of if you have a house in Europe..I can visit you. Okay? ...I already add this page to my favorite link.I will come again and check....I wanna have new friends,okay?

                      A bit about me,I am well educated pre-op ladyboy. 174 cms,58 kg. I am good in shape, slim & fit,nice breasts(from hormone injection & pills ),pretty long legs, nice butt.Thai-chinese,light smooth skin.


                      • #12
                        Lets see a picture - you sound heavenly !



                        • #13

                          Haha,I posted it just for fun

                          Take care guys,

                          I miss dommy6


                          • #14
                            Some guys will do anything for a fuck and to come across as a nice guys, fack is they cut there own necks by doing it.


                            • #15

