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Clubhouse girl Bam

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  • Clubhouse girl Bam

    Hate to do this, but I have to say that Bam is a heinous wench who, with the help of another model on this site, ripped me off for a couple hundred $ worth of stuff.

    Stay FAR away from this skanky ho.

  • #2
    Thanks for the heads up, ChuckWow...

    Wanna give us a few more juicy details?

    This warning post will last a lot longer on the board if you can tell us what happened!




    • #3
      wow....this is very terrible.....seems as though The Cynic knows this girl pretty well and has been with her recently because he knows about her post-op status, which was news to me. have you got any similar stories about this one, Cynic?

      the full set of Bam runs on Feb far as i know, and that was only for 2 hours worth of photos, she seemed to be a nice girl. stories like this really suck.



      • #4
        Unfortunately like a lot of freelancers, not just in Chiangmai, but all over, they resort to thieving as a way of living. Some get caught, and spend a month or two in the local lock up, others get away with it and live to brag to their ladyboy friends. I listen sometimes, to them talking, and it's really quite amazing the stories that I hear of exactly what they have ripped off from "customers"

        Reminds me of a very funny story from years ago. A ladyboy friend had gone out one night with an American, and he reckoned he was pretty smart in convincing her to accept a cheque drawn on The Wells Fargo bank for $20.00 (would have to be a first) She asked me if I could help her cash it. I told her that a personal cheque could take months to clear, and if it did the cost would outweigh the value of the cheque.
        This of course bought an instant frown to her face. No problem she replied, I can fix it. Well fix it she did! I saw her a few weeks later, and she was all smiles. She asked me if I had a few minutes to spare; sure I replied. OK she said I'll be back in five minutes. (she lived close by) She returned shortly after with a largish box, and said this is for you, and thanks for the help, although I wasn't a great deal of help to her, she insisted I take the box. Now I bet you're all wondering what was in the box? No, it's not one of theose silly "Shaggy dog" stories. This is just one of the many funny experiences that I have encountered over the years.
        I opened the box, and inside was a brand new pair of hand tooled cowboy boots, and you're not going to believe the size! Pure chance, just my size. I still have these boots today, and always smile when I think of the story behind them.
        She'd gone back for seconds with this American, and accepted another cheque,and aggreed to spend the night with him. Naturally while he was asleep she cleaned him out of anything that was of value.
        Do I feel guilty when I wear them.....Certainly not.

        However, getting back to Bam, the subject of the post. I never call a ladyboy "light fingered" unless she has stolen from me personally, and Bam has never lifted anything other than a glass of Coke from the fridge.
        Unfortunately, even after only a couple of months past her surgery, she can be seen in the street lifting her skirt to passing tourists, and saying "Look at my pussy" She's so proud of it, she wants all to see. Also she has, "tipped" a little in my estimation.
        Sorry no further info on her "lifting" habits, but I will say one thing.....Her new SRS is one of the best I've ever seen, and believe me, I seen hundreds! The Cynic

        p.s. If a Mr. K. Rodabaugh is reading this (name on the cheque) Thanks for the boots, and I still have your cheque here if you want to clear it!


        • #5
          No Long Time Ladies for me then......

          Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


          • #6
            Not a real problem Beefy, just bolt everything down! Including your boots!!
            ...The Cynic


            • #7
              Nice tale about the boots Cynic!!!


              • #8
                A good yarn, and true, which makes it all the more amusing. Many more like that, some very sad, and quite a few, hilarious in the extreme, will post them as the situation evokes them. Glad it amused you. Always good to be light hearted once in a while..... The Cynic

