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  • #31
    I hope you guys are all taking the piss on all of us and Rick just started a thread to see peoples reactions. I have a feeling Stogie is especially taking the piss because I just cant see him being that stupid nor does he likely make enough money living in Thailand to shell out 40,000baht a month.

    And I have supported GG's before in my newbie days as a novice monger but I have learned from it.

    As for Rick, being generous has nothing to do with supporting a bargirl/ladyboy. It's called accepted ignorance and idiocy rationalized by statements like, "It's my money so I can do what I want with" or "It makes me feel good"
    brock landers


    • #32
      (daveduke007 @ Aug. 16 2007,08:32)
      (daveduke007 @ Aug. 16 2007,00:05)
      (kahuna @ Aug. 15 2007,23:35) It's not only's stupid...

      Sorry kahuna I'm "hooked" and my resistance is "zero"

      73 Day's and counting  
      I thought your girl was Jenny, dave.


      • #33
        (kahuna @ Aug. 16 2007,00:49)
        (daveduke007 @ Aug. 16 2007,08:32) Sorry kahuna I'm "hooked" and my resistance is "zero"

        73 Day's and counting  
        I don't blame you dave and,although it sounds like it,  I'm really not even judging each his own...

        I fall in love with them too...And I'll confess, when I'm in Thailand, I am very generous with the girls...

        But I draw the line at sending money...My avatar asked for money...she sent me an sms with her real name and banking information...and I do like being with her a great deal...but I will not send her any money...and I replied with that message...

        She's a bar matter how much money I would send to her, she is not going to leave the bar and her friends...

        So I'll see her when I return on Sept 5th and I'll take very good care of her then...For a few days at a time...

        And her reply to my refusal to send money..."I love you very mush.  i wiat you." Translation:  Well, I tried.  I'll see how much I can squeeze out of you when you return...
        I never thought you were "judging" me kahuna as I know your very "generous" with your girls mate.
        I like the "respect" you have them

        As I have "stated" in post 17 my girl does not work the bar at the moment and should she return the "funds" will stop.
        She knows this so its "up to her" in the end if its not enough

        And while I'm at it I'm just gonna IGNORE post 31
        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


        • #34
          (brocklanders @ Aug. 16 2007,08:52) I hope you guys are all taking the piss on all of us and Rick just started a thread to see peoples reactions.  I have a feeling Stogie is especially taking the piss because I just cant see him being that stupid nor does he likely make enough money living in Thailand to shell out 40,000baht a month.  

          And I have supported GG's before in my newbie days as a novice monger but I have learned from it.

          As for Rick, being generous has nothing to do with supporting a bargirl/ladyboy.  It's called accepted ignorance and idiocy rationalized by statements like, "It's my money so I can do what I want with" or "It makes me feel good"
          Ignorance?? Are you for real? You hate cock and call guys homos here yet you hang around a board dedicated to boys in skirts. That´s so much stupidity, ignorance, idiocy and denial you don´t know if you ´re coming or going.


          • #35
            (rick @ Aug. 16 2007,01:01) I thought your girl was Jenny, dave.
            Jenny is a girl I have a "lot of time" for rick

            I have had a few "liason's" with Jenny and there are "NO" complications (i.e Emotion's)

            I like Jenny "a lot" but feel no "love" for her, she has no feelings for me but gives me great "service" and I "tip" her accordingly
            We are "both" happy at the end of the day

            On a couple of occasion's I have arranged to meet Jenny at the Guess Bar I have had to "let her down", the last time being because I was with my new girl but I have on both occasions made sure that I  turned up to see her at the arranged time to pay her in "full" and bought her "several" drinks on top and even a 1000baht "tip" when we passed in the corrider.

            I have "respect" for and I "Trust"  Jenny and wish everything could be as UNcomplicated as it with her and for sure I would have far less "headaches"
            Your got yer Mother in a whirl
            Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


            • #36
              There are so many ways we can get ripped off in Thailand or where we live. I send money to my gg in Thailand but I figure it is better used than the money my ex will get next yeat when I retire. Talk about money wasted on someone who didn't appreciate a thing when married and will not appreciate it now.

              Everyone who spends any length of time in Thailand will eventually be faced with the decision to sponsor or not, each will make the decision that is best for them at the time.

              I have a ex friend who owes me 900 dollars, I have wrote her off and the money. No not Thai but a US woman I have known for years.


              • #37
                Ok, I'll confess...not that I have sent money to a girl (although I have sent money to a girl twice to buy airline tickets to come to BKK)...because I haven't sent money as a sponsor...but I have fallen for a couple girls in a big way...The first, a PI girl who I met in BKK and subsequently brought back to Thai twice...I finally broke the ties with her earlier this year...she still calls me and sends sms messages regularily...I don't reply for fear that it will bring the feelings back that are better off just memories...

                The second girl is a Thai girl, who I still have strong feelings for, but who I don't see any longer for just that reason...I met her in the bar, but she left shortly after that first meeting...we subsequently spent a great deal of time together...she is back in the bar now because I wouldn't sponsor her...sponsorhsip was her plan...we even talked about it...and I came close, but in the end my better judgement prevailed...A couple days ago she sent me a long sms...I read it and almost replied...and then decided to delete...

                I like some of the other girls I've been with...My avatar for example is a very sweet girl and I like her very much...I hope she dosen't become number 3...

                But I have never had feelings for any other girls like I did for those two....and I hope I never do again...
                "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                • #38
                  My first time in Los was in dec 1983 and after many stories...I prefer to sponsor....Chang,Mekhong and of course Johnnie Walker black or blue Label...

                  or I put my money in the ofen so I hear it spit....before I sponsor again...

                  Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                  • #39
                    I'm somewhat ammused by some of the board members who are up in arms that someone would sponsor or sent some type of support to a girl in Thailand.

                    No one is suggesting that you do it. Why would you care in someone else did? Some of us are lucky enough to have a little bit of extra disposable income and if your smart enough not to confuse true love with sponsorship then why not (if you want to and can afford to) make someone else happy.

                    As I said above it amazes me that anyone becomes upset because someone in the third world life is made a little easier.


                    • #40
                      I miss Jon
                      So do I, but he's long since been dead and buried unfortunately.

                      Yes Brocklanders I was yanking someones chain. I don't have the disposable income to send Cindy any money. I treat her well when I see her, though! If part of my relationship with a girl involves handing out cash when I'm not there I'd go broke pretty quickly.  

                      Even if I could I still wouldn't. These girls don't respect or love you because of it.

                      Would you send a nice non working girl who lived with her parents money each month if she didn't need or ask for it? All you are doing when you send money is enabling them to buy things they don't need and that's all...

                      Hooker, ex-hooker, 'new to the game' (yeah, right) hooker, nice hooker, 'hooker in need' hooker, 'hooker who isn't hooking till you force her into it by not sending her money' hooker... come on folks...


                      • #41
                        (tampanugget_2001 @ Aug. 16 2007,17:14) I'm somewhat ammused by some of the board members who are up in arms that someone would sponsor or sent some type of support to  a girl in Thailand.

                        No one is suggesting that you do it.  Why would you care in someone else did?  Some of us are lucky enough to have a little bit of  extra disposable income and if your smart enough not to confuse true love with sponsorship then why not (if you want to and can afford to) make someone else happy.

                        As I said above it amazes me that anyone becomes upset because someone in the third world life is made a little easier.
                        Of course he can sponsor who he likes but we are still allowed to think it is stupid aren't we?

                        I mean if you want to feel good about yourself why not sponsor a poor kid through one of the many charity programs? I am sure your money would be better spent as most of these hookers are making more than the average Thai wage already.

                        However I could care less what someone else does with his money but he posed the question so we just replied.

                        Hey if someone wants to sponsor someone really in need then send it to me so I can continue to do my analysis on all the ladyboy in Nana plaza. For the benefit of the forum members of course


                        • #42
                          ok rick you asked us to tell who is sponsoring . so who are you sponsoring???
                          personally ive been going to thailand as long as dieter 1984 , but i have never sposored a girl or ladyboy.Ive had all the soft soap stories and the bullshit that goes with it, but always s used my better judgement to stear clear of sending money. why you ask? because if i do the girl will deffinatly think im a wanker and an easy touch end of story.
                          farangs are popular because they are an easy touch, soft heared sweetys we are.
                          best bet is to be a BIG FUCKING BUTTERFLY and avoid all this crap :
                          ps confess who are you sponsoring??bum:
                          just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                          • #43
                            (rick @ Aug. 16 2007,04:56) Hi girls.
                            I´m now "sponsoring" a lb and wonder if you guys are too or if you want to keep it a secret?
                            No, i havent read Private Dancer and the water buffalo is not sick as far as i know.  I don´t care about that sruff, this makes me feel good.
                            But still, it would be interesting to know more. Maybe we support same lb eventhough we think we are the only one.,
                            got more sponsors than beckham


                            • #44
                              (rick @ Aug. 16 2007,02:56) Hi girls.
                              I´m now "sponsoring" a lb and wonder if you guys are too or if you want to keep it a secret?
                              No, i havent read Private Dancer and the water buffalo is not sick as far as i know. I don´t care about that sruff, this makes me feel good.
                              But still, it would be interesting to know more. Maybe we support same lb eventhough we think we are the only one.,
                              Rick are you asking this question to find out if someone else is "sponsoring" the same lb you are? If so, then should it matter if someone else is "as long as I feel good"?

                              You read a lot on the forums, so you certainly should fully understand what most pay for play lbs want and I am pretty sure you read TTChang's excellent trip report.

                              If not here is the link: TTChang's First Trip Report

                              Read it over carefully and think about what he wrote.

                              Now, really think over, do I really feel good sponsoring someone who likely has multiple sponsors? If so go ahead and be happy as a clam , and if not, then stop sponsoring her and only pay her when you are in the LOS!

                              Click on the links below and discover how the Forums work
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                              Old Members Must Reset Their Passwords


                              • #45
                                (pentire @ Aug. 15 2007,14:30) Oh, incidentally Rick....Did you see that recent picture of Beam
                                yup........she looks like a skinny, drugged out hooker that does a good job putting on her makeup...
                      ,  you're really a guy?..............  

