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Travelling girls...

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  • Travelling girls...

    Last I had a wonderful experience with Ohm. I took her for a long time stay but I was disturbed by my office so I had to break down the stay after only one hour.
    I€™m traveling in Asia a lot but not always to Thailand. Now I was wondering if it would be possible to ask Ohm to travel to an other country to spend some time together.
    I have no idea how to contact her or the bar. Is there someone who can help me?


  • #2
    I took her for a long time stay but I was disturbed by my office so I had to break down the stay after only one hour.

    What country do you want to take her to and for how long? Taking her to Europe is not possible but if you are prepared to pay for the passport and flights then she may well like to visit Hong Kong or Singapore with you for a few days.

    Before anyone can help you they would need a lot more information.


    • #3
      (ynnats @ Oct. 15 2007,00:27) I was wondering if it would be possible to ask Ohm to travel to an other country to spend some time together.
      From what I understand from a Filipina TS friend.....there is sort of a "reciprocity" among the ASEAN countries regarding travel between them and visa/documents needed. For western countries.....very unlikely you can get her the needed documents.....(try a search on this Forum to read about the difficulties members have had trying to get GF's to their country),  you're really a guy?..............  


      • #4
        Thanks for the fast replies.
        I was thinking to ask her to come to Chennai in India or to Jakarta in Indonesia. The duration of the stay would be around 4 to 5 days.
        I have to mention that I will be working during the day, so I would be only free in the evening. I would look of course for a nice hotel with a swimming pool and all accommodations so that she would have a nice time.
        It is clear that I will pay the extra expenses like visa, passports and flights.



        • #5
          They will refuse to go.

          Sorry, but I'll bet a pound to a penny that you can't get a ladyboy to travel to India or Indonesia on her own.

          First off they will be too lazy to get their passports and visas - secondly they have an intrenched prejudice against Indian countries and are scared to death of them.

          It is not about you... you may be white or black or a strange purply colour even! It's about a perceived notion and fear of Indian countries and the fact that when she comes back she will never live it down to her friends/family/co-workers at Guess.

          Sorry, my friend... You'll have to come here.

          I would look of course for a nice hotel with a swimming pool and all accommodations so that she would have a nice time.
          Very thoughtful of you, but not enough. They will be bored to tears by the second day and be begging to go home... or they will stay and make your life hell! This applies to any country, not just India.

          Fascinating idea though... I wonder what other people think on this situation...


          • #6
            PI Girls travel more than Thai girls, you might be able to arrange something for Jakarta.
            But India would probably be a lot more challenging
            "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


            • #7
              Fascinating idea though... I wonder what other people think on this situation...
              I think exactly the same as I think of other guys that take girls even to other parts of thailand....."they will have a good time".

              Utter bollocks - why is taking someone away from their friends, family and social life 'a good time'? Then throw in that their companion during that 'good time' will be a fat, ugly, baldy git (possibly with a Scottish accent   ).....poor bitch!  
              Mister Arse


              • #8
                [QUOTE]Then throw in that their companion during that 'good time' will be a fat, ugly, baldy git (possibly with a Scottish accent   ).....poor bitch!  

                Be careful! Don€™t describe yourself in such exact details!! Everyone will recognize you!!!!


                • #9
                  (ynnats @ Oct. 15 2007,23:42)
                  Then throw in that their companion during that 'good time' will be a fat, ugly, baldy git (possibly with a Scottish accent   ).....poor bitch!  

                  Be careful! Don€™t describe yourself in such exact details!! Everyone will recognize you!!!!
                  I was lying - I am slim, handsome and virile!
                  Mister Arse


                  • #10
                    I can confirm what divertwo and stogie bear say. There is indeed a reciprocity of travel arrangements between ASEAN countires. And yes, there is this negative attitude about India among the Thais. She might agree with Singapore because of the shopping and the fact that she could get familiar food but it'll cost you a pretty penny relative to India or Indonesia. It'll be easier for her to move around Singapore too - the place is so small!


                    • #11
             really ARE the best..... stating it like it is for sure, a western woman [yuuchh] may see the value and fun of sitting in a beach chair and doing nothing for the week [and getting paid to boot!], but for a Thai it's pretty much boredom magnified.  Hell, away from Huay Khwang? Away from friends and family? and with this  dork twice my age??  WHY???     at least they have their cell fones to keep 'em company and they would be on that 30 times a day in Thailand, but outside..... errr, could be rough.

                        On the other hand I know a certain ladyboy who goes to Sri Lanka 3 or 4 times per year with some wealthy ol' english dude.....says it's lovely there {??} and they stay at a 5 -star on a beach and she has no complaints, probably gets paid a ton though.  If  the original poster wants to take a ladyboy to India or some similar 3rd-world shithole be prepared to shell out.

                         Jakarta and Indo in general has ladyboys, behind Thai and the P.I. they are 3rd best in Asia and not all that bad, but I think the fact that ATS  only went there to get models one time in the winter of 2003 speaks volumes.
                      Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                      -Dennis Miller


                      • #12
                        (ynnats @ Oct. 15 2007,01:38) It is clear that I will pay the extra expenses like visa, passports and flights.
                        pay for "extra".expenses.... you'll pay for everything and then some. Don't take it personally, but some people seem to have more money than sense....I hope you're not one of those.

                        If you want a hooker for a few days, find one locally and do short times so you can "exchange" her if she's a drag to be around......a better time at less cost will be had.
              ,  you're really a guy?..............  


                        • #13
                          ynnats, seems like the general advice is don't do it - . It is hard to determine how well you may get along with someone if you have spent such a short time with her.

                          Also as others have pointed out, there is a good chance she would not like to visit India or Jakarta. If you are serious about it, talk it over with Ohm so you get an idea of how well it might work (or not).

                          There are some lbs (rare) who might want to travel, even to places such as India. However, just be aware if they are left to their own during the day while you are working, then it is indeed likely she will be come bored, etc, unless she has something to do during the day.

                          Think this over more carefully before you take the plunge!

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                          • #14
                            She might agree with Singapore because of the shopping and the fact that she could get familiar food
                            And because there are 100 other Thai lb's here at any one time, some of which she will know and be able to hang out with during the day.
                            Mister Arse


                            • #15
                     really ARE the best.
                              I hope you are not saying that because I said I was slim, handsome and virile!! ........I might have been stretching the truth a little there as well
                              Mister Arse

