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Goldfingers for Sale!

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  • #16
    Come on guys...get in on the deal. Remember after only two years we get free Ladyboy barfines for life!!


    • #17
      These calculations include the dispensations that we afford the cops right?


      • #18
        The cops can come in and get a free wank from the designated wanker gal that particular night. That seals the deal with the brownshirts!


        • #19
          Decisions, decisions......I am seriously really tempted by this, but I can't decide whether to go for it, or meet this nice gentleman from Nigeria at Waterloo Station next week to get the receipt for the US$100k investment I was thinking of sending him.  

          Both surefire winners, no doubt about it
          Mister Arse


          • #20
            Rent, Booze, Woman, Cops...............
            What Kind of Profit Margin We Lookin at?
            You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


            • #21
              (SamplerDoc @ Nov. 14 2007,20:08) Rent, Booze, Woman, Cops...............
              What Kind of Profit Margin We Lookin at?
              I will give you a starts with - and is usually written in red ink on the P&L
              Mister Arse


              • #22
                (Stewart @ Nov. 14 2007,06:12)
                (SamplerDoc @ Nov. 14 2007,20:08) Rent, Booze, Woman, Cops...............
                What Kind of Profit Margin We Lookin at?
                I will give you a starts with - and is usually written in red ink on the P&L
                i would never expect to make back a single penny of the original investment/purchase. i would only hope to break even after that - income from girls minus fees for brownshirts and utilities.
                i figure being an owner of a cool bar in pattaya for years to come (assuming we can indeed 'break even' - and admittedly i don't even know if that can be done) would be worth $6200usd. if it goes for ten years, that's less than i will have paid for my cable tv hook-up over the same period.
                interesting calculations aperry on the free barfines for life theory. of course, that could be problematic for the profit-sharing owners who aren't around to take advantage of the freebies and would just see their income reduced until the bar went belly up...
                then again, fuck 'em. might want to limit the 'free drinks' though

                ah, details, details.
                the nigerian guy at waterloo kept things much simpler. just give him the cash and he'll be back "soon" with his virgin sister and a guaranteed lottery winner. the pattaya bar thing, not so simple.
                and whatever you do, don't tell bob we're gathering a consortium to purchase his place or he'll never reduce the price again.

                you don't think any "friends of bob" read here do you?

                i don't really think we'll pull this off (kinda like the "ats chalet" that never happened), but anybody with a serious interest and investment cash he's ready to play with, pm me or snick or KL -- and we'll see what comes of it... stranger things have happened.


                • #23
                  You have got to be kidding me?!

                  You would seriously consider this lunacy?

                  I believe Snick is taking the piss with his supportive comments
                  Mister Arse


                  • #24
                    May as a partner before from me...he sold 250% of a dive school...ok ok to day he have worms... 2meter under...

                    Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                    • #25
                      I'm in for $6200 USD. That is about my budget for 2 trips to Asia.

                      I would put up the full $62000, but then I would have to forget the condo I would get here in Also, since I have about 12 more years to retirement that would mean I wouldn't be around to take advantage of the freebies with Thaibound and Snick until the bar went belly up.

                      Oh well...back to


                      • #26
                        (Stewart @ Nov. 14 2007,13:35) You have got to be kidding me?!

                        You would seriously consider this lunacy?

                        I believe Snick is taking the piss with his supportive comments

                        one thing about you stewart when you have an opinion it broaches no debate.
                        lunacy is paying $90,000 usd for a Hummer to drive on paved roads between home and office.
                        lunacy is falling in love with a ladyboy and buying a home in her name.
                        lunacy is confusing 'support the troops' with 'make cheney rich'.
                        $6200 usd on a bar in pattaya because it would be FUN is hardly lunacy. unless it's your last $6200. so maybe for you it would be lunacy. in which case, go back to cutting coupons.
                        i really don't think this deal will happen, but not because it's lunacy, more likely because pattaya doesn't really need another 'cool bar' stocked with ladyboys. i myself am quite content hanging out at lita's and blue ice with occasional visits to 131 and xxx and all the rest. but...if i'm going to put $6200 into PTSC stock because a friend told me he heard from a friend that...blah blah blah...then why not put $6200 into a bar? it'd sure as hell be more fun. maybe only for a few months, but maybe for 20 years. and if it ever actually made money - became a cult bar - maybe we should call it 'lunacy' - sort of an esoteric tangent of guess bar, purposely misplaced in the shitpits of pattaya, well then, win-win baby.
                        but maybe you skipped the part where i said i never expected to make back a penny of the $6200. i've worked hard for a lot of years to get the opportunity to piss away $6200 and if i choose to do it on a bar in pattaya -- instead of a boat in santa monica bay (especially since $6200 wouldn't buy me much of a boat anyway!), then who the fuck are you to decry it as "lunacy"?
                        maybe you're just bitter that you didn't think of it first. or maybe you cut your finger clipping coupons this morning.
                        i don't really care. but when i want advice from an opinionated tight-ass, i'll be sure to ask.
                        meantime, in case anyone else is as easily confused as stewart - this is NOT a money-making plan. this is a "let's have fun and if it makes money that's a bonus" plan. it's also an extremely unlikely plan.
                        sort of like that long list of ladyboys i took with me my first time to bangkok. i only nailed one of the thirty. the other twenty i had never heard of before. the thread on goldfingers just got me thinking. something you might try instead of pre-judging. but, that's up to you. as for me, i'd rather have a bar in samui anyway... probably only need 5grand each to do a little bar down there.
                        anyone interested? (except snick).


                        • #27
                          i think its just a laugh, no-one gets hurt and maybe we have some fun.

                          I have a business that makes money, and i can have a bar to spend it on, its our decisions.

                          Yes it maybe stupid, probably is stupid, but I spend more than £2k on each trip to los. (and there have been 4 this year)
                          seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                          • #28
                            I need a new job , so anyone buying this , i would make a great manager , no joke


                            • #29
                              (monkeyman @ Nov. 14 2007,23:15) I need a new job , so anyone buying this , i would make a great manager , no joke
                              me too

                              I wanna be the 'mystery shopper' for all the LB bars in Thailand, what a job....

                              I've made kathylc  


                              • #30
                                Just looked at the currency exhange rates and this is looking better for anyone from the euro zone.  (10% is now closer to 4,500 euro.)

                                I am definitely on for 10% - to paraphase Thaibound "what the hell   ".

                                I'll be in in Pattaya in late Dec/early Jan if the deal is still on.  Any other takers?


                                PS Tried PM'ing Thaibound and katoeylover but did not work

                                PPS I really like the idea of Monkeyman as manager - imagine the quality of the monthly updates!!
                                Fergus: Do they know?
                                Dil: Know what, honey?
                                Fergus: Know what I didn't know? And don't call me that.
                                Dil: Can't help it! A girl has her feelings.

