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Smoking cigarettes in Thailand bars?

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  • #31
    (Stewart @ Nov. 08 2007,10:56) What I don't understand is......why do you do this to yourselves, never mind others?
    That's the problem. Most smokers don't give a damn about themselves, how could you expect them to care about others.


    • #32
      I quit smoking 10 years ago..........I still love the smell when someone lights up a smoke though and sure do not go out of my way to avoid the smell, however I can not handle a smokey bar anymore since I quit smoking. As long as I smoked a smoke filled bar did not bother me... now it does... I just hate seeing a young person with a cigarette as they are doomed to lose the game if they do not hang up the habit.
      That sounds remarkably like my own story and views...

      There are two camps. Smokers who would prefer that they be allowed to smoke where non smokers go and non smokers who prefer that smokers go someplace that non smokers don't want to go.

      Are there smokers who believe that what they are doing doesn't have a social and healthwise affect on others? I can't believe that there is anyone reading here that would think that but the statistics of this mini-poll are surprising to me.

      Given that a high proportion of the people who responded to this survey (40%) actually do smoke and that 20 of the 70 (27%) can't see the harm in people being allowed to smoke in bars, I'm more than surprised. Maybe it's the older, more conservative and stubborn demographic.

      Is there any smoker here that would smoke in a room with a baby?

      'Ex smokers are the worst' so they say... but it's not a good enough argument to simply say "Well - there are a lot worse things than smoking!" There are... murder and rape is worse. Drunk drivers are as much a short term hazard as 'in yer face' smokers are a long term peril. Asbestos proved to be a danger so it was banned. Not too many people circled the wagons back then and put up a fight to keep their favourite wall insulated tiles!

      Smoking is just as much of a social nuisance as it is a healthwise one. I wouldn't feel comfortable about sitting with a person who stunk of powerful aftershave or wanted to spit into a bucket every ten minutes.

      Anyway - in ten years it will all be a moot arguement... as smoking ciggies will be akin to having AIDS!


      • #33
        (Dieter @ Nov. 08 2007,03:23) Will I go into  Guess Bar when smoking not allowed......???

        Definitely ......No!!!!!

        I dont think that is likely to happen in total - however with the move to the new bar, the area directly around the bar MAY become a non smoking area - other areas would have no such ban, such as by the pool table, sofas etc.

        However lets keep it in perspective - how many LB bars have you been in that use air purifiers? I can think of only one (and guess which one LOL). Another point to consider is the volume of people and what general ventilation is in place - a bar packed full of people will be a lot more smokey than a bar with say 8-12 people in it which is more often the not the scenario Guess bar is in and for that matter almost all other dedicated LB bars - None spring to mind as being particularly 'smokey'.



        • #34
          I agree - I'm pretty sensitive to the odor of cigs and I haven't really been affected much by the LB bars. It's more the restaurants like Billy's Pub etc, that I like but take a 10 minute acclimatization period before I can pretend the smokey stink isn't there.

          If there is one area for non-smokers in The (new) Guess Bar I think that will be a nice improvement and encourage many people to come more often and stay longer...

          ...but I may be wrong. Just look at the latest poll rsults...

          Wow! Is anyone else as amazed as I am of how many people checked the first option?
          Attached Files


          • #35
            Are there smokers who believe that what they are doing doesn't have a social and healthwise affect on others? I can't believe that there is anyone reading here that would think that but the statistics of this mini-poll are surprising to me.

            Given that a high proportion of the people who responded to this survey (40%) actually do smoke and that 20 of the 70 (27%) can't see the harm in people being allowed to smoke in bars, I'm more than surprised. Maybe it's the older, more conservative and stubborn demographic.
            Wow! Is anyone else as amazed as I am of how many people checked the first option?
            Not at all. You simply asked smokers if they should be allowed to smoke in bars.

            You did not ask them if they cared about non-smokers in the same bar. You assumed they care....that is why you are amazed.
            Mister Arse


            • #36
              Anyway - in ten years it will all be a moot arguement... as smoking ciggies will be akin to having AIDS!
              Bad analogy. I think it will be perceived as far worse.

              Having AIDS has become more and more "accepted" compared to the early reactions of "oh my god I might catch AIDS if I am in the same room as that person". AIDS carriers are doing me no harm.

              Being in the same room as someone smoking IS detrimentally affecting my health, and I have no choice other than to leave the room...which I sometimes do.
              Mister Arse


              • #37
                (69billy @ Nov. 08 2007,03:31) Any one who complains about smoking shoudun't be fucking driving..I like to know how many of you so called nonsmokers drive ,use bus or fly...
                Aren't you  poisoning little kids with your exaust fumes and asbestos from your F U lot..
                You don't like smoking bars F OFF to non smoking bars..  
                Ok agreed - I promise not to drive my car inside the bars if everyone agrees not to smoke inside the bars.

                My original post does not apply to Nicky - 18  & if she is a smoker then I apologise.......but she is the only person allowed to smoke inside bars.



                • #38
                  (stogie bear @ Nov. 07 2007,09:49) Bar workers in the clubs in Bangkok may have a case but most bars in Pattaya are at least partially outdoors.
                  Yes we have the rare opportunity in Pattaya to get both smoke and diesel particulates at the same time.

                  I smoked for many years but quit many years ago. So I know what it feels like to be the discriminated against smoker and someone who now wishes smoke would go away. I voted for "I don't smoke and don't like seeing it in bars" but still have that slight twinge of sympathy.


                  • #39
                    Well I voted 4 - I never have smoked and to be honest I should think that now being into my second half century theres a lot more going to get me before passive smoking.

                    I take the view if I don't like it I'll go elsewhere and if everyone takes that view about what I do we'll get along fine
                    You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.

                    You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992


                    • #40
                      Ive never smoked and I hate it , the smoking ban in public back home is the best thing that could have happened
                      If people want to smoke no problem but smokers believe their "rights" is to inflict their smoke on others who choose not to smoke , as someone has already pointed out if you dont care about your own health you are certainly not gonna care for those around you .
                      Get them outdoors I say !
                      Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                      • #41
                        "Here..have some cancer...I insist" the smokers are really saying to the nonsmokers. There are more of us nonsmokers so we should be controlling the rules in the bars not the smokers.


                        • #42
                          What I have never understood is, you can be prosecuted for manslaughter if you kill someone while driving a why aren't people prosecuted for attempted manslaughter for smoking in public places. Maybe that will come a few years down the line
                          Mister Arse


                          • #43
                            poll was worthwhile ....58 percent don't smoke,38 percent do smoke....a few percent non commital. should send a clear message to bars,pubs and clubs. the smokers who won't go to non smoking venues?? to my ears.


                            • #44
                              I don't agree, bigkev. I found this poll to be a bit discouraging.

                              More people smoke than I would have guessed and worse - most of those that do, appear to think that smoking in bars is OK.


                              • #45
                                Because smokers are inherently selfish. Smoking on someone is like spitting on them. Until this is worked out I'm staying outside. Some smokers are considerate of non smokers, but that is a minority. Especially in BKK the air is bad enough as it is without cigarette smoke making the immediate surroundings in a bar even more foggy.

