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Does anyone have anything nice to say?

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  • Does anyone have anything nice to say?

    I have been reading alot of " stuff " lately about the negitive
    things about Thailand and the ladies that most of us know and enjoy . The question is .. is there anything good about Thailand and the girls now days ? I see now that Jon is starting to say more positive things about his recent travel's
    And I think that is a good thing . However there are alot of people that agree with him, and that should be taken into account as well . So the question is .. Is there still a reason to to to Thailand anymore ?
    The second question is .. who gives the best head out of all the " ladies" on this site ?
    Who has the deepest ass ?
    Who take's it like a pro and beg's you for more ?
    I think by now you all get the idea , Is it really that bad ?
    I havent been there for 10 months and will return soon, Have things changed that mut ? Am I still a hansum man ? Or do I have to go to some other backasswards fuckin country to get my jolly's ? 5000 for the trainstopper is starting to sound good
    shortime. Aon IMHO is drop dead fucking beautiful, no matter what people say about her performance , and I for one would love to have that pleasure. So what do you say , Is it over
    or what ?

  • #2
    don't take everything that i say for face value, Jeff; sometimes i go through phases where that country can be so frustrating and it bothers me, but all in all I still love Thailand and will probably always make it my 2nd home. It's just that, having lived there off and on for 3 years now, i have seen more than my fair share of mercenary ladyboys, greedy people, post-ops, hustle in bars, etc, etc, and it just begins to tire me. I have realized that thailand's ladyboys are all about one thing, to quote from a really bad Tom Cruise movie; 'Show me the money!' that doesn't take away from the beauty of the country or its people, it just means that if you want to spend time with its kathoeys you better have some green. Phi Phi is probably the best place I have ever seen; Phuket is awesome; even Bangkok, despite all its frustrations, is a great place. Pattaya is also fun and despite how much i bitch about greedy ladyboys, I will always be reaming them LOL.

    great place, but as you know as well as anyone, can be very frustrating sometimes. now I am outside the country and realize that there are other places just as good, but we all know there will never be a place better for meeting and screwing ladyboys.

    the trainstopper......she would be first on my list also.....she is a beauty for sure but only meets for 3000B and up.....that's out of my range unless she can suck a tennis ball through a garden hose. but i still may call her when i return; what a dish.

    don't worry jeff....your beloved Thailand is still the same, and will always be a great place. but if you try living there for a while you may get as frustrated as i do sometimes. and what about this midnight closing bullshit? isn't that outrageous?

    keep on coming over; it's still a great place despite my bitching



    • #3
      Jon ,
      I do understand the frustration, Belive me I go through it every other day!
      They just are not like us . A good relationship means , what can you do for me. Love, shmove... show me the money. BUT I would not trade it for anything. The up's are , way to up, yes the downs are very down on the other hand. But you ( we ) as BB often say's " we are still the king " And as much as that sounded ..not right to me at the first time .. it really is true. One pisses you off , get a new one , EASY ! I really dont think that the side of BKK ( Thailand ) That we all love is going to just dry up and go away, That is NOT Thailand . They do not do that because they want to , they do this because they have to . Time to take the bull by the horns and say " you get this much for this " if not you can find another.
      Please remember, you are lying with dogs, just because they might at times give you the girlfriend feeling they are NOT your girlfriend. you are for money, they are for fuck


      • #4
        Hey Jeff,
        Same same mate,,Haven't been to LOS for over 18 months, but I'm booked and will be there end of month,,and giving bkk a wide birth until I return from Pattaya, to spend what money I have left on my last few nights with an amazon from casanovas..
        Some members may have had hassles with one or two in the past, but that leaves about another 10,000 that will be glad to have your company.
        its not all doom and gloom,,just walk away from the shitheads...
        Anyhow no cunt is going to stop me from having a good time



        • #5
 answer your questions about who has the deepest ass and who gives the best head, etc, i would say you should give Jeje a call when you come on over. although she is not really my type and i have never been with her, she gets the best reports by far from all the guys that go over. apparantly she is insatiable and loves sex and can cum multiple times.

          not cheap but since you are willing to pay 5000 for Anna you may want to call jeje instead; she will not let you 'down'; Anna just might.



          • #6
            Wooh, there Brother Jon ! Im not willing to pay 5000 for Anna !
            Maybe , 4500 It was a figure of speach. What I ment was where can you find such a beautiful lady that would fuck you for any price.
            THAILAND !!


            • #7
              Jon, when you get tired of this gig, write travel books...

              Here's a working title for you: I shagged 1,000 beautiful Asian ladyboys and my fucking life sucks!

              If you don't like that one, try this... The grass is always greener...

              ...and for the 'high brow' (more academic) book buyer... The positives of negativity!

              'Lonely Planet' may just pack their shit and leave us weary travelers alone!


              • #8
                You know, I was thinking about this negativity shit, briefly, today.  That was while I was laying in the sun on Patong beach, kissing my lb friend on her beautiful lips, having cold beer Changs brought to me whenever I desired, and smiling more than I have in months.

                Soon enough Thaksin will shut us all out of the country, terrorist bombs will go off everywhere, the sun will burn out and the earth will grow cold.

                In the meantime, this is BY FAR the best place in the world.  Everybody gets burned/burned out and gets negative now and again.  Take a break somewhere cold, western, corporate and miserable, then get back here and enjoy.


                • #9
                  Fuck the lot of you......

                  Its raining here in shitty london..... its friday and i feel drained...i have this Forum & my Playstation 2 to entertain me this evening. Tmw I will watch Man Utd pound Man City in the derby. in the evening ill probably meet some fat hag with a saggy ass who wants to Kiss & cuddle.......Sunday morning i have football, there is no doubt in my mind that it will be raining AGAIN. Well probably have the same ref, some twat who blows his whistle if u happen to come in contact with another player. This will be followed up by a trip to the pub to watch the Chelsea, Arsenal. Arsenal will probably win to further add insult to injury. I will then meet more peers for more fun & frolicks. Guess whats next. Monday 530am get start this shit all over

                  Now where would you rather be????

                  Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                  • #10

                    Just to contribute a different (and hopefully emollient) perspective, let me offer my own observation as a medium-old China hand.  I've watched people come and go from Asia for a decade, and witnessed a common pattern of 'stages' of involvement and attitude.  

                    The first stage (passion) is one of wonder, enthusiasm and passion for everything Asian (including ladyboys).  Asians seem to us to be industrious, subservient, cheerful ... and exotic.  This lasts for a year or two, along with serious attempts to master the local language.

                    The second stage (anger) results from an accumulation of misunderstandings, and disappointments, combined with typical Asian reticence regarding anything confrontational.  As they used to say about the British colonists in China 'one side doesn't say what they mean, and the other doesn't mean what they say'.  This is the point at which Westerners get fed up with 'Asian corruption.'   This lasts from the third to fifth year, and is when many people leave.

                    The third stage (resignation) happens after 5 to 7 years, as Westerners who've really established a life in Asia come to an understanding with themselves that they will take the good with the bad.  At this point, they presumably have more informed ideas about what works and doesn't work.

                    A fourth stage (engagement) occurs for some, where they actually get into the Asian style of business and graft.   Indeed, more forthright Westerners, if they can effectively shift between Western focus and Asian evasion can become exceptionally wealthy and powerful.  The overseas Chinese are successful in much of Asia for the very same reasons.

                    As I see it, Jon, you've moved into the second phase (anger); give it a couple of years, and you'll be resigned to Asian ways. It helps to remember that Asian culture is basically a shame culture (versus our 'guilt' culture with an externalized set of moral principles) and the governing unit for that 'shame' is the family and village.  Always expect anything resembling 'love' to be subservient to the family, and social status in the village

