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The guy with the most money wins!

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  • The guy with the most money wins!

    I am sure you are all aware of the old saying, 'he who dies with the most toys wins'. it is basically a saying for middle-aged farangs going through a mid-life crises and who feel the need to buy up as many cool things as possible to fulfill their life; a nice car, a boat, jet-ski, motorcycle, etc.... great if you can do it and i wish i had more cash to blow on such toys; my 14-year old American car and my camera equipment, as well as a lot of memories and some good times, are about all i can lay claim to.

    Now, in Thailand, there is another saying which is common to all bar girls and ladyboys; "he who has the most money wins!" In other words, as much as a girl may say that she loves you, likes you, likes to spend time with you, etc, as soon as some guy comes along who is willing to spend more money on her, you are history. this is not a joke and is not open for discussion; even if you are 30, look like tom cruise and can fuck like a porn star, if you are only giving your teelac 20,000 per month and she meets some other dude who is willing to buy her expensive gifts and pay her 50,000 per month, you will be forgotten quicker than yesterdays news, even if he is 50 and looks like a troll.

    there is no love in thailand, not for farangs; there is only the love of the almighty baht, and as long as you are prepared to hand it over, your sweetheart will hang around. if the supply stops or she meets some other clown who is willing to pay more, you will be put out with the trash.

    don't be the 'other clown'; find another girl who will accept less and when the cycle happens all over again, which it will, just find another. there are hundreds of ladyboys and you can have your pick; just don't expect her to hang around long; they never do.


  • #2
    Have to agree 150% with you Jon, when I was in Pattaya at New Year I barfined one of my steady girls (not ladyboy) from a gogo. I've been seeing her on and off for a coupla years and always had a good time together , I couldn't take her from the bar as they had a curfew because of New Years Eve. I arranged to go back at 1am and pick her up, when I got back she eventually turned up gave me my barfine back and said someone else turned up and she liked him better as he paid more !


    • #3
      CONGRATULATIONS JON i have been sayinmg this for years, and getting my head bitten of by irate members.Ive allways said try not to get attached to these girls as they will burn you as soon as look at you. money is money and everything else is bullshit. Bhat rule, call it what you like, but your relationships in thailand are based on money and nothing else( always an acception to the rule)JOn i take it from your recent posts that some babe you really like has ditched you for another punter? with big bucks???
      as they say plenty more fish in the sea butter flys rule


      • #4
        hey tonio least you got your barfine back sounds like an honest merc,,
        she coulda took you home got ill:rock: then run off to mr. big bucks
        pocketing all


        • #5
          And this is news? Well, it may be news to Newbies and other assorted suckers (like the blokes who send these girls money-LOL-fucking suckers) but it aint news to guys who have 10% of their brains functioning. I know we talked about this and even if I won $5 Million on the Lotto tomorrow I doubt I would be sending money to hookers in Thailand when I know damned well they are schtucking other guys! Buy a girl a Gucci shirt-why so some other schmuck can take it off-Nein Danke!


          • #6
            Donkeyyy is spot on - go there enjoy the time, leave and forget it all until your next visit. They forget you as soon as they are out of your bedroom door. Jon your last posts have all been a bit on the depressing side - you had a good run, enjoyed your time with her, could never achieve what Stogie had so leave it at theat, move on and forget it - practise what you preach, sure she is nice and sure you were close but you set your parameters and she wanted something else endex..... get over it.


            • #7
              I am not sure if  my recent posts  have been   depressing  or  just realistic?   and i don't understand how donkeyyy's words could be 'spot on' while mine are depressing; didn't we basically say the same thing? as the moderator of this group, i have  glossed  over  my true  feelings  about   Thailand and the greedy nature of ladyboys  for  over a year now to present a rosy picture for ladyboy-lovers going to thailand,  but what good is that?  I have always known what  donkeyy said is true; i am not an idiot,  but i never wanted   to  bring down the  group here  so i have always  just reported on the 'nice'  side of things.   the last month  opened my eyes a lot and   i am telling the truth up here  from now on;  no holding back as i may have before just to make the lads happy and optimistic.  i know  for sure that makes stogie happy, who has always said that  this forum is too 'feel-good' and   back-slapping.

                 I hope it will still be  like that.....i would hate for my posts to be  construed as 'depressing' like you said, that is not my goal and I am sorry if they come across like that.   but truthful rather than just always saying nice things is the way to go from now on, in my opinion.    6  months ago i never would have dreamed of making a post like this [the original one] lest i bring down the group, even though i have  ALWAYS  known  every word of it was true; now  i am just speaking what i feel and i think it's better.  if the guys would prefer i can just go back to saying that everything is perfect and the girls are all top-shelf and don't care at all about our dough. and remember.....'punters' like you and donkeyyy only come over a few times a year; i live in thailand 6 months a year and see and experience more than you one-off visitors, so i may be a little more jaded; it's only natural and you would be too, i believe.

              by the your  choice of an avatar.......when i get back to   Thailand  i just may be calling the 'trafficstopper'  Anna....she is   just my type.



              • #8
                This is a good site - certainly at times there is a warm and fuzzy but that is to be expected when guys are there for short visits only but it is good when "Bangkockers" inject the reality of living there into the dialogue. Reality is around the corner for all of us, sometimes we just want to shut it out for awhile and here is as good a place as any to hang out. Perhaps it is just seeing so many forums posted of late that makes me think you deserve a break so go enjoy Cebu, a city I know well since I lived there for a couple of years. You will enjoy it and Salma seems a great gal.


                • #9
                  thanks for understanding Bob...please read my other post about "Thailand still a great place" and you will understand my thought process even more; travelling there is great and all, but living in that place is sometimes very frustrating. i just have to learn to relax more sometimes and enjoy the greatest country in the world, which it probably is. but venting and bitching to you guys about it is probably not the best thing; i will leave out negative comments about LOS unless they involve theft, or deception and trickery from certain ladyboys.

                  on the other hand.....cebu.....and salma.....and PI are right, this trip could be very soul-cleansing for me and may open my eyes to an entirely different type and style of ladyboy, which will be refreshing. thanks for the positive words on cebu.....can't wait to get there now.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by
                    ...I would hate for my posts to be construed as 'depressing'!
                    Yeah... spot on, mate. Depressing, my ass! Some people just read stuff in a negative light, the bastards!


                    • #11
                      Fuck it. Don't mean nuthin'.
                      Mr. Lonely

