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Fucking Your Girlfriends...

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  • Fucking Your Girlfriends...

    Sorry about the inflamatory title, but it's true.

    This has been said before, but I'll say it again: If they say they are not working while you're away, they're lying. Don't be mad at them or expect it to change, that's just the way it is.

    Other horny pervs like me are up their asses while they're on the phone with you.

    Doesn't matter that you paid for their boob jobs or are sending them a check every month.

    Because it's not just about the money. Face it, you like them because they're beautifuly horny bitches in bed. (These are the ones that always have the boyfriends sending them money anyway.) So how can you expect them to not do what they love for 1000 baht a pop?

    Don't know exactly what you're buying with the money, but it definitely isn't loyalty.

  • #2
    i am just happy that "i" didn't make this post or i might be accused of trying to bring down the group by simply telling the truth! but you are absolutely 100% correct.

    the only way to have a 'girlfriend' is to live in thailand 12 months a year and have the girl in your sight at all times, or she will play the field. i have spoken to so many girls who tell me that so -and- so is sending them big cash from the UK or America or wherever so they will stay out of the bars and remain faithful; and guess where they are telling me this? in a bar!!! LOL

    guys that send money are suckers, plain and simple. and again, i never would have said that 6 months ago but I am not hiding the truth anymore, even if it hurts for some suckers who read this very board.

    save your cash and sponsor a poor child with it or something beneficial to society. sending it to a greedy ladyboy who will still fuck everything in sight is not the way to go. let the other idiots send the cash that these girls send home to Issan or go to the Emporium with; don't be one of the assholes, as I have said to some derision in other recent posts.

    thanks for speaking the truth, Chuck; join the club of cynics



    • #3
      "..Don't know exactly what you're buying with the money, but it definitely isn't loyalty"

      Very easy answer: With a hooker you neither buy loyalty, nor love - you just buy freedom!
      No long headche talks before, no hassles the next day, no phone calls, you kick them out and no one bothers you anymore. That's the good thing about it and that's why men go to prostitutes. If they do it for another reason they're plain idiots!



      • #4
        ok is there a big difference between us and them
        how many of us are faithfull to one girl either

        or maybe im just a slut


        • #5
          valid point, icecycle.....we all 'buttafly' around .....but no one is sending us cash NOT to do it! some of these girls recieve large sums of cash from guys in western countries so that they will wait at home every night and watch TV until their knight in shining armor returns to relieve them of their bordeom, but they are still working all the while.

          but i can see your point.....even if someone was paying me not to fuck [like that would ever happen LOL] I would have a hard time not doing it.



          • #6
            These girls average in age 18yrs- 25 yrs old, and not only rely on sex for money transactions, but in alot of cases enjoy their work.
            You guys that are sending these girls money , thinking you are keeping them out of the bars, are (assumption only) for the main part 35 yrs- 70yrs old. How could you possibly believe that they have given up the occupation to sit at home and wait for your twice yearly trips to relieve them of their boredom.
            These girls are young and have different interests than we will ever truely appreciate , stop letting your fragile egos do the thinking, that you are a handsome man and she will only ever love you, grow up , you are a fucking cow that needs milking, and these girls are happy to oblige.
            If you want to feel good about yourself , try sending money to a worthwhile charity, at least you may receive a genuine tax break.
            Have any of you guys that think your in love and send money to your "girlfriends" considered what they will look like in another 10 years, will you still be attracted to the physical appearance that has you so blind.
            Butterfly for life stay happy,if you really were a handsome man people would have been telling you this all your life, not just on your visits to Thailand.


            • #7
              My grandfather - bless his heart - married at 15, had 13 kids, got his pretty maid knocked up, then ran off with her.
              Hey, I take after him.
              I AM A WHORE.
              And a PROUD one!
              Like attracts like.
              I give them my money, tons of it, and they give me their asses.
              I'm happy and you won't hear me complaining about NO GODDAMNED THING.
              Moral of the story: fuck it all and fuck THEM all, don't mean nuthin'.
              And for Christ's sake don't worry, 'cause it ain't a-gonna be right, no-how.
              The worms will be eating our eyes out soon enough while our worthless children will be marrying people we hate.
              So, spend their fucking inheritance as quickly as you possibly can and don't be a chump!
              Am I cynical?
              Mr. Lonely


              • #8
                tropical makes a very valid point here; 'think about how these girls will look in 10 years and will we still want anything to do with them'. the answer is no, and we all know it.....we will be fucking the youngest, cutest, tightest ones available for as long as we travel in Asia and we all know it. so who can blame the girls for trying to make as much cake as they can while they are young? just remember what chuckwow said; your money does not buy loyalty [great line] so spend it on yourself or something worthwhile. let the other guys pay for these girls' retirement plans.



                • #9
                  Or send them some money if you really want and say: Enjoy yourself and be careful until I come back, when we will have a great time together. Just don't try to control them. It never works.

                  Oh well, time to go get milked. Anyone around NEP sunday night? I'm supposed to meet a guy around big dogs at 9pm.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by
                    the only way to have a 'girlfriend' is to live in thailand 12 months a year and have the girl in your sight at all times, or she will play the field.
                    Well, I agree with the first half of that comment! Are we talking about ladyboys or hookers?

