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Good to be  away from the city

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  • Good to be  away from the city

    damn.......2 or 3 years ago if you ever told me that i would be happy to be away from BKK for a few weeks I would have said you were crazy. I have always loved that place and still do, kind of, but it actually feels good to be away from there for a while. read some of the shite i have been posting over the last week and you will see what i mean. the new bar closing times is just one more thing to piss me off about that place,and as one other guy said up here [Tonio?], being in the departure lounge at Don Muang doesn't feel as lonely and depressing as it used to be.

    thailand is still a cool place and i like it there, but the attitudes of the girls and the shit i have seen lately, the 'social order' campaign, the aggressiveness of the ladyboys in the bars, the fact that 50% want to chop off their weiners, etc, etc, all make it not so hard to leave there these days. but yes, snick, there are still more good things than bad there; i just won't have to see any of the bad or the good there for about 3 weeks and i have absolutely no problems with that.

    who would have ever guessed i would have said that just a short 2 or 3 years ago? not me.....but that country has changed sooooo much since that time, believe me, and not for the better.


  • #2
    yea, I need a vacation too. Thinking about China in a few months, maybe even Tibet.
    This place sometimes sucks, its just that everyplace else sucks more.

    But I called a girl from the taxi on my way home after work and she'll be here in 15 minutes, so it can't be ALLA bad
    "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


    • #3
      Read these posts over the past few weeks Leads me to believe that my theory is correct. I say mine but im sure others have it too..& that is that the grass is always greener on the other side until you have to graze there.....

      Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


      • #4
        Sometimes the grass sucks everywhere.

        I just bitched to some friends in New York about the new closing time. They said New York City in now considering a 1am closing time. Whats the scene like in Dubai

        [night club owners] are mobilizing once again, this time to defeat a piece of legislation that does not formally exist. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg's administration has been working on a plan to replace the city's antiquated cabaret license with a general "nightlife license" for large, noisy clubs that stay open past 1 a.m. But the club owners claim that the real goal is to push the current 4 a.m. closing time to much earlier for most bars, turning New York after dark into Riyadh after noon
        "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


        • #5
          lol both u and i know zoo york will never fold

          "nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart"


          • #6
            I really hope that my recent posts about the reality of Thailand and its ladyboys are not construed as 'depressing' as Bob has said, but with everything that is going on there these days with the 'social order' campaign and with all the shit i see in this job [remember that i meet more ladyboys than any of you guys], it just feels good to be away from there for a while.

            Thailand is still the best place around, i know that. but i must admit that i liked it a lot more when i was just a visitor and not a half-year resident. I think if some of you 2 or 3-week a year guys stayed there as much as i did and met as many ladyboys as i do, you may feel the same way. could be wrong, who knows.

            bottom line....i like Thailand very much and always will but it feels good to be away from there for a few weeks.



            • #7
              well sometimes we all get tired of a certain place...I myself get tired of the city and go out of town to have 'fun' and to splash in cold waters! heeheh

              if you want a not go to these big Asian cities...go to the more obscure but very peaceful locations...
              My Facebook
              PHILIPPINES: +639153569810

