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BM code of conduct

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  • #61
    (stogie bear @ Dec. 21 2007,02:05) I think you misunderstood the post, mate. Re-read it.
    I'm pretty sure I understood your post but my reply was not clear at all.  

    As I understand your post you're saying that you can somewhat understand (although don't wholeheartedly agree) avoiding certain hookers if you have reason to believe it might impact your relationship with certain mates.  

    What I *meant* to say is that's my reasoning for avoiding certain hookers who have a special relationship with a friend.   But my reply was confusing especially cause you said "I do" (I do avoid taking certain ladyboys) and I said "I don't" (I don't take certain ladyboys).

    I think I'll just have a good wank and go to sleep.


    • #62
      well,as one of the guys with a "steady girl"... i have no problems at all....FFS..i know whats shes doing,i know what she works with,and i would rather prefer her to go with my friends when iam not there,opposite to a stranger or one that i maybe dont like...

      and i think she would kill me if i claimed that she was MY girl on the forums,and by that spoiled some of her possible businesses...

      as others have said its matter how much we like the girl... OR think she belongs to "us"..

      we all know she belongs to the king.....well at least him pictured on the 1000bath note...
      all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read


      • #63
        i think the bottem line is bm cant be strusted with temptation and lb just cant be trusted at all ( well most of them would shag your farther if he piad up )


        • #64
          (coxy277 @ Dec. 22 2007,17:59) well most of them would shag your farther if he piad up
          Business is business and that's all it is (GG or LB)
          I've made kathylc  


          • #65
            (harley quinn @ Dec. 20 2007,18:02) There is an outside chance that you will meet the reincarnation of a goddess who owns a bar but in that case your name is Mardhi and you already know that you are the exception to the rule you lucky lucky ...
            Its not luck mate - its planning - to be honest I expected that the business would either go tits up within the first 3 months, or we (Jay and I) would go tits up. Neither has happened, but as I often say to guys - she gets nothing from me in a financial arrangement, everything she has, she has earnt from the bar - but I am staggered at how much respect she gets from people these days - I suspect that that alone counts for more than anything else - being Wai'd by police officers, owners of hotels, business people etc is something she has probably never experienced before and its an incredible boost to her ego.

            It also helps that she is totally financially independant - she knows the harder she works in her business, the more profit she makes. It may appear a wierd arrangement - but for sure she is profiting from staying inside the p4p business, albeit on the edges. Has she deviated ? I dont know and probably would have been informed by someone if she had. Ironically, for Jay at least, she has a feeling of having made something for herself and the respect that goes with it - probably one of the reasons why Jane and her keep fighting - historically Jane was the smarter of the 2 from an academic perspective and Jane was the lead twin if you get my meaning. Where Jay is learning to be smarter is to think of her future and what it holds - she is determined to get her own property and probably would already have been able to do it had she not had to move bars and pay for everything that involved.

            It also helps that I have always taken a back seat - its her business and I am happy to offer advice when she asks me, but I make a point of not getting involved and voicing in public that I dont agree with something she has done. I will do it in private, but I learnt long ago in Thailand, you never lose your cool, its far better to keep smiling and if need be walk to the toilet and smack your head against the wall.

            Its not easy, but equally its not as difficult as I thought it might be, but a lot of that is down to Jay - she is a totally dependable person which is extremely unique in the p4p game. She probably sees a similar quality in me - heaps of better looking, wealthier guys have hit on her since we have been together, but she seems to look on me who is reliable and 'safe' - not exciting, not tempermental, just boring but dependable I would guess. Oh and of course she thinks my fashion sense sucks, so that gives her something to work on



            • #66
               good post by harley quinn, and great reply from Mardhi  .....  Jay is certainly a gem.  

              Many of us share your pleasure at her success ..... unfortunately do not share her bed  (not that I would  ... given our friendship Mardhi - and a rather more significant reason ...   haha )


