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It happens  here also

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  • It happens  here also

    took 3  girls and Salma  for some outdoor work today and then came back for  dinner at some fast-food  shithole [ATS  spares  no expense  when treating our lovely models for dinner LOL].  we all had  burgers and chicken, and then 2 of them left and Salma  went to get some  chinese take-out for her Mom  [such a  thoughtful girl].  the other one, name withheld for now,   got a  fone call and when  she answered she  put her finger over her mouth to  shhhhh me;  she was talking in english to some dude from oversea's and i was laughing, hearing shit like  "i miss you too, honey"  and "yes, i am in school right now' [lie....'i am in the parking lot of a mall with a pornographer' would have been the correct answer]. anyway,  when she  got off [get your minds out of the gutters; i mean off the fone!]  we were talking about it.  turns out  some Norweagian guy met her a while ago and fell in love  during his 2-week stay in Cebu.  they [read; he] hit it off, and  now is calling her constantly, and yes, sending her pesos every month.  what was that  thing that PT  Barnum said?

    anway.....this is even sadder than usual......he thinks she is a real chick!  they had slept together a few times, but as she explained to me, this is a very Catholic country and  the ladyboys  here can just tell the guys that they meet that they can't screw because they are  virgins and saving it for marriage!  he bought it, she sucked him off for a few weeks, and now he is in love, and she is getting dough. cool.

    many more stories  to come from this  awesome  country  once i return to LOS....i just couldn't wait for this one

     regards Jon

  • #2
    i thought you were trying to convince her to have dinner again BOSSS LOL
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    • #3
      She must give great head.......Imagine that a bit of Oral sex and hes sending her dough. Good luck to her, i have nothing to say about this guy apart from. Hello, Hi, Anybody at home.......What a twat......

      Where do they find them?? Is there conveyor belt of twats heading to asia in search of someone to exploit there adult naieve minds...
      Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


      • #4
        Here is my opinion: Western men are so fucking bullied by their mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives, etc., that they have no psychological defense against this sort of "ladyboy/genetic girl/bargirl behavior".
        Face it, how many guys do you know in the States who ask Wifey if they can buy something; go to Stateside go-go bars and pay money to get teased; spends money on drinks for sexy lounge lizards and then these guys go home alone; etc.?
        Can you dig what I am saying?
        Do you agree?
        Makes perfect sense?
        Tell me!
        Mr. Lonely


        • #5
          yes, that makes perfect sense, angelo. and may i also add that these guys are just a little bit, um lonely??? they need the e-mails that say 'you are the only one my dear' while they are freezing their asses off in some cold-weather shithole. Norway? hell, i would probably be sending money to someone also, if she would just be nice enough to help me get hard and jack off once in a while in that tundra.

          it takes all kinds, eh?

          again, use your heads out there, fella's



          • #6
            They all use there heads just not the right one....
            Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


            • #7
              I am reminded of that signature tune, " Everybody needs somebody to love them............"
              Cannot remember who crooned it but I have a sneeking suspicion that Angelo is right on the ball here. It is my experience that it is increasingly difficult to find a woman in Europe or the US that does not want to grow a pair of balls and aspire to become a fighter pilot !!!

              I do not think we need to chastise lonely people necessarily. Anybody could find the experience of meeting a feminine,kind, sensitive ladybody for the first time a lure. Now I know that does not mean you then give away all your worldly possessions and remortgage your house to send her money every month but I can see that a lonely guy from say Norway or anywere in Europe/US who has been totally dissillusioned by masculinarised women(?) can get hooked. I then suspect further that some of these guys are comfortable by most standards and therefore can afford to send these girls money every month without breaking the bank or it affecting them financially. I think it is a desperate attempt by these guys to try and grab even a small hope of happiness largely in a World that holds nothing else for them. It is a huge gamble if you wish, the odds are stacked against them heavily but even if there is a slim chance of winning this girl then the risk is worth it and don't forget they can afford the risk so that if it does go belly up - nothing lost but the girl.
              Asian ladyboys appeal to the very soul of our desires as human beings and in one way or another we are ALL SUCKERS.


